Armenia in comments -- Book: Deuteronomy (tDeut) Երկրորդ Օրէնք

Searched terms: amalek

(Treasury) R. A. Torrey

tDeut 11:29 put the blessing: Deu 27:12-26; Jos 8:30-35
Gerizim: Gerizim and Ebal, mountains west of Jordan, and in the tribe of Ephraim, are opposite, or parallel to each other, extending from east to west; mount Gerizim being on the south, and mount Ebal on the north. They are separated by the beautiful valley in which Shechem or Nablous is situated, which is only about 200 paces in width. Both mountains are much alike in length, height, and figure; being about a league in length, in the form of a semicircle, and so steep, on the side of Shechem, that there is scarcely any shelving. their altitude appeared to Mr. Buckingham nearly equal, not exceeding 700 or 800 feet from the level of the valley, which is itself elevated. But though they resemble each other in these particulars, yet in another they are very dissimilar; for, says Maundrell, "though neither of the mountains has much to boast of as to its pleasantness, yet, as one passes between them, Gerizim seems to discover a somewhat more verdant, fruitful aspect then Ebal. the reason of which may be, because fronting towards the north, it is sheltered from the heat of the sun by its own shade; whereas Ebal, looking southward, and receiving the sun that comes directly upon it, must by consequence be rendered more scorched and unfruitful."Famous Mountains Amalek in the tribe of Ephraim Jdg 12:15 Calvary near Jerusalem Luk 23:33 Carmel near the Mediterranean Jos 19:26 Ebal near to Gerizim Jos 8:30 En-gedi near the Dead Sea Jos 15:62 Gaash in the tribe of Ephraim Jos 24:30 Gilboa south of the valley of Israel Sa2 1:21 Gilead beyond Jordan Gen 31:21-25 Gerizim on which afterwards stood a temple of the Samaritans Jdg 9:7 Hermon beyond Jordan Jos 11:3 Hor in Idumea Num 20:22 Horeb in Arabia Petrea near Sinai Deu 1:2 Lebanon separates Syria from Palestine Deu 3:25 Moriah where the temple was built Ch2 3:1 Nebo part of the mountains of Abarim Num 32:3 Olives east of Jerusalem divided only by brook Kidron Kg1 11:17; Kg2 23:13; Act 1:12 Paran in Arabia Petrea Gen 14:6 Deu 1:1 Pisgah beyond Jordan Num 21:20 Deu 34:1 Seir in Idume Gen 14:6 Sinai in Arabia Petrea Exo 19:2 Deu 33:2 Sion near to mount Moriah Sa2 5:7 Tabor in the Lower Galilee Jdg 4:6 Deuteronomy 11:30