Armenia in comments -- Book: 2 Chronicles (t2Chron) Բ Մնացորդաց

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(Treasury) R. A. Torrey

t2Chron 8:18 Kg1 9:27, Kg1 9:28, Kg1 10:22, Hiram
Huram: Ch2 9:10, Ch2 9:13
Ophir: Conjectures respecting the situation of Ophir are endless. Grotius conjectures it to be a part of Arabia called Aphar by Arrian; while Bochart and others have placed it in the island of Ceylon. Calmet supposes it to have been situated in Armenia; but his late editor places it at the head of the Indus. Josephus says that Ophir is the Indies, called the Gold country; by which he is supposed to mean Chersonesus Aurea, now Malacca, opposite Sumatra; and Lev. Poivre observes that the inhabitants of these places call their gold mines ophirs.
took thence: Ecc 2:8 Next: 2 Chronicles Chapter 9