Armenia in comments -- Book: Ezekiel (tEzek) Եզեկիէլ

Searched terms: chald

(JFB) Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown

tEzek 45::12
The standard weights were lost when the Chald:eans destroyed the temple. The threefold enumeration of shekels (twenty, twenty-five, fifteen) probably refers to coins of different value, representing respectively so many shekels, the three collectively making up a maneh. By weighing these together against the maneh, a test was afforded whether they severally had their proper weight: sixty shekels in all, containing one coin a fourth of the whole (fifteen shekels), another a third (twenty shekels), another a third and a twelfth (twenty-five shekels) [MENOCHIUS]. The Septuagint reads, "fifty shekels shall be your maneh."
Ezekiel 45:13