Armenia in comments -- Book: 3 Kings (1 Kings) (t3Kings) Թագաւորութիւններ Գ

Searched terms: hitti

Albert Barnes

t3Kings 20:1 Ben-hadad, the king of Syria - Probably the son of the Ben-hadad who assisted Asa against Baasha (Kg1 15:18 note).
Thirty and two kings with him - Not allies, but feudatories Kg1 20:24. Damascus had in the reign of this Ben-hadad become the center of an important monarchy, which may not improbably have extended from the Euphrates to the northern border of Israel. The Assyrian inscriptions show that this country was about the period in question parcelled out into a multitude of petty kingdoms, the chief tribes who possessed it being the Hittites, the Hamathites, and the Syrians of Damascus.
Horses and chariots - The Assyrian inscriptions show us how very important an arm of the service the chariot force was reckoned by the Syrians. A king, who has been identified with this Ben-hadad, brought into the field against Assyria nearly four thousand chariots. 3 Kings (1 Kings) 20:2