2 Kings (2 Samuel) Index
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Commentary on the Bible, by Adam Clarke, [1831], at sacred-texts.com

2 Kings (2 Samuel) Introduction

2 Kings (2 Samuel)

sa2 0:0

Introduction to the Second Book of SamuelOtherwise Called the Second Book of the Kings

As this is a continuation of the preceding history, without any interruption, it can scarcely be called another book. Originally this and the preceding made but one book, and they have been separated without reason or necessity. For a general account of both, see the preface to the first book of Samuel.

It is generally allowed that this book comprehends a period of forty years, from about A.M. 2949 to 2989. See the prefixed chronological account.

It has been divided into three parts: in the first we have an account of the happy commencement of David's reign, 2 Samuel 1-10. In the second, David's unhappy fall, and its miserable consequences, 2 Samuel 11-18. In the third, his restoration to the Divine favor, the re-establishment of his kingdom, and the events which signalized the latter part of his reign, 2 Samuel 19-24.

Next: 2 Kings (2 Samuel) Chapter 1