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Commentary on the Bible, by Adam Clarke, [1831], at sacred-texts.com

1 Chronicles Chapter 25

1 Chronicles

ch1 25:0

The number and offices of the singers and players on musical instruments; and their division by lot into twenty-four courses, vv. 1-31.

1 Chronicles 25:1

ch1 25:1

David and the captains of the host - The chiefs of those who formed the several orders: not military captains.

Should prophesy - Should accompany their musical instruments with prayer and singing.

1 Chronicles 25:2

ch1 25:2

Which prophesied - Sung hymns and prayed. But the Targum understands this of prophesying in the proper sense of the term; and therefore says, "Who prophesied by the Holy Spirit." Jarchi is of the same opinion and quotes the case of Elisha, Kg2 3:15; While the minstrel played, the hand of the Lord [i.e., the spirit of prophecy] was upon him.

1 Chronicles 25:3

ch1 25:3

The sons of Jeduthun - six - That is, six with their father, otherwise, there are but five. Hence it is said, they were under the hands of their father Jeduthun, who prophesied with a harp, etc.

1 Chronicles 25:5

ch1 25:5

To lift up the horn - "The horn of prophecy," says Jarchi; "to sound with the trumpet in the words of prophecy before the Lord." - T.

Three daughters - These also were employed among the singers.

1 Chronicles 25:7

ch1 25:7

Two hundred fourscore and eight - That it twelve classes of twenty-four Levites each; for two hundred and eighty-eight divided by twelve quotes twenty-four.

1 Chronicles 25:9

ch1 25:9

For Asaph to Joseph - His first-born.

The second to Gedaliah - The first-born of Jeduthun.

1 Chronicles 25:10

ch1 25:10

The third to Zaccur - The first-born of Asaph.

1 Chronicles 25:11

ch1 25:11

The fourth to Izri - The second son of Jeduthun.

1 Chronicles 25:12

ch1 25:12

The fifth to Nethaniah - The third son of Asaph. Thus we find the lot did not run in any particular kind of order.

1 Chronicles 25:14

ch1 25:14

Jesharelah - Supposed to be the same with Uzziel, son of Heman.

1 Chronicles 25:31

ch1 25:31

Romamti-ezer - Both these names belong to the same person. He is mentioned also Ch1 25:4.

With this immense parade of noise and show, (David's own invention), Christianity has nothing to do.

Next: 1 Chronicles Chapter 26