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Commentary on the Bible, by Adam Clarke, [1831], at sacred-texts.com

2 Chronicles Chapter 25

2 Chronicles

ch2 25:0

Amaziah succeeds his father Joash, and begins his reign well, Ch2 25:1, Ch2 25:2. He slays his father's murderers but spares their children, Ch2 25:3, Ch2 25:4. He reviews and remodels the army, Ch2 25:5; and hires a hundred thousand soldiers out of Israel, whom, on the expostulation of a prophet, he sends home again, without bringing them into active service; at which they are greatly offended, Ch2 25:6-10. He attacks the Syrians, kills ten thousand, and takes ten thousand prisoners, whom he precipitates from the top of a rock, so that they are dashed to pieces, Ch2 25:11, Ch2 25:12. The Israelitish soldiers, sent back, ravage several of the cities of Judah, Ch2 25:13. Amaziah becomes an idolater, Ch2 25:14. Is reproved by a prophet, whom he threatens, and obliges to desist, Ch2 25:15, Ch2 25:16. He challenges Joash, king of Israel, Ch2 25:17; who reproves him by a parable, Ch2 25:18, Ch2 25:19. Not desisting, the armies meet, the Jews are overthrown, and Amaziah taken prisoner by Joash, who ravages the temple, and takes away all the treasures of the king, Ch2 25:20-24. The reign of Amaziah: a conspiracy is formed against him; he flees to Lachish, whither he is pursued and slain; is brought to Jerusalem, and buried with his fathers, Ch2 25:25-28.

2 Chronicles 25:2

ch2 25:2

He did that which was right - He began his reign well, but soon became an idolater, Ch2 25:14, Ch2 25:15.

2 Chronicles 25:5

ch2 25:5

Gathered Judah together - He purposed to avenge himself of the Syrians, but wished to know his military strength before he came to a rupture.

2 Chronicles 25:7

ch2 25:7

The Lord is not with Israel - "The Word of the Lord is not the helper of the Israelites, nor of the kingdom of the tribe of Ephraim." - Targum.

2 Chronicles 25:9

ch2 25:9

The Lord is able to give thee much more than this - Better lose the money than keep the men, for they will be a curse unto thee.

2 Chronicles 25:10

ch2 25:10

They returned home in great anger - They thought they were insulted, and began to meditate revenge. See the notes on 2 Kings 14:1-20 (note), where almost every circumstance in this chapter is examined and explained.

2 Chronicles 25:14

ch2 25:14

The gods of the children of Seir - "The idols of the children of Gebal." - Targum.

2 Chronicles 25:16

ch2 25:16

Art thou made of the king's counsel? - How darest thou give advice to, or reprove, a king?

2 Chronicles 25:18

ch2 25:18

The thistle that was in Lebanon - See the explanation of this Kg2 14:9 (note). After reciting this fable, the Targum adds, "Thus hast thou done in the time thou didst send unto me, and didst lead up from the house of Israel a hundred thousand strong warriors for a hundred talents of silver: and after they were sent, thou didst not permit them to go with thee to war, but didst send them back, greatly enraged, so that they spread themselves over the country; and having cut off three thousand, they brought back much spoil."

2 Chronicles 25:24

ch2 25:24

In the house of God with Obed-edom - From Ch1 26:15 we learn that to Obed-edom and his descendants was allotted the keeping of the house of Asuppim or collections for the Divine treasury.

And - the hostages - See on Kg2 14:14 (note).

2 Chronicles 25:26

ch2 25:26

The rest of the acts of Amaziah, first and last - Says the Targum; "The first, when he walked in the fear of the Lord, the last, when he departed from the right way before the Lord; are they not written," etc.

2 Chronicles 25:27

ch2 25:27

Made a conspiracy - He no doubt became very unpopular after having lost the battle with the Israelites; the consequence of which was the dismantling of Jerusalem, and the seizure of the royal treasures, with several other evils. It is likely that the last fifteen years of his reign were greatly embittered: so that, finding the royal city to be no place of safety, he endeavored to secure himself at Lachish; but all in vain, for thither his murderers pursued him; and he who forsook the Lord was forsaken by every friend, perished in his gainsaying, and came to an untimely end.

Next: 2 Chronicles Chapter 26