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Commentary on the Bible, by Adam Clarke, [1831], at sacred-texts.com

Exodus Chapter 37


exo 37:0

Bezaleel and Aholiab make the ark, Exo 37:1-5. The mercy-seat, Exo 37:6. The two cherubim, Exo 37:7-9. The table of the shew-bread, and its vessels, Exo 37:10-16. The candlestick, Exo 37:17-24. The golden altar of incense, Exo 37:25-28. The holy anointing oil and perfume, Exo 37:29.

Exodus 37:1

exo 37:1

And Bezaleel made the ark, etc. - For a description of the ark, see Exo 25:10 (note), etc.

Exodus 37:6

exo 37:6

He made the mercy-seat - See this described Exo 25:17 (note).

Exodus 37:10

exo 37:10

He made the table - See Exo 25:23.

Exodus 37:16

exo 37:16

He made the vessels - See all these particularly described in the notes on Exo 25:29 (note).

Exodus 37:17

exo 37:17

He made the candlestick - See this described in the note on Exo 25:31 (note).

Exodus 37:25

exo 37:25

He made the incense altar - See this described Exo 30:1 (note).

Exodus 37:29

exo 37:29

He made the holy anointing oil - See this and the perfume, and the materials out of which they were made, described at large in the notes on Exo 30:23-25 and Exo 30:34-38. As this chapter also is a repetition of what has been mentioned in preceding chapters, the reader is desired to refer to them.

Next: Exodus Chapter 38