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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834], at

Jeremiah Chapter 39

Jeremiah 39:1

jer 39:1

"The Capture of Jerusalem" - The majority of the particulars given in Jer 39:1-14 occur again (marginal reference); and are by some regarded as an interpolation. The external evidence (that of the versions) is, however, in favor of their authenticity. Jer 39:14 is to be reconciled with Jer 40:1-4 by remembering that Gedaliah had left Jerusalem and gone to Mizpah Jer 40:6, a city in the immediate neighborhood; and as he was not at home to protect the prophet, nothing is more probable than that Jeremiah in company with the main body of captives was brought to Ramah in chains.

Jeremiah 39:3

jer 39:3

These princes were four:

(1) Nergal, Sharezer, i. e., Nirgal-sar-usur (May Nergal protect the king);

(2) Samgar-Nebo (Be gracious, O Nebo);

(3) Sarsechim. No explanation is given at present of this name. He was Rab-saris, i. e., chief of the eunuchs (Kg2 18:17 note).

(4) another Nergal-sharezer, who was Rab-mag, i. e., chief of the Magians. He is known in history as Neriglissar, the son-in-law of Nebuchadnezzar, and probably his vicegerent during his seven years of madness. Two years after his death Neriglissar murdered Evil-Merodach, Nebuchadnezzars son, and seized the crown, but after a reign of four years was slain in battle against Cyrus, when disputing with him the crown of Media. See Dan 5:1 note.

The middle gate - Probably that which separated the city of Zion from the lower town.

Jeremiah 39:4

jer 39:4

Compare the marginal reference. The differences between the two accounts are slight.

Jeremiah 39:13

jer 39:13

Nebuzar-adan is in the inscriptions Nabu-zir-iddina (Nebo has given offspring); and Nebushasban, Nabu-sizibanni (Nebo save me), whom some identify with Sarsechim Jer 39:3.

Jeremiah 39:14

jer 39:14

Jeremiah was to be taken out of the court of the watch, and placed in the palace close by.

He dwelt among the people - i. e., he was no longer in custody, but master of his own actions.

Jeremiah 39:15

jer 39:15

This prophecy probably came to Jeremiah after his interview with Zedekiah Jer 38:14, but is added here as a supplement in order not to break the sequence of events.

Jeremiah 39:17

jer 39:17

Of whom thou art afraid - The Chaldaeans. Ebed-melech apparently looked forward with much alarm to the b oodshed sure to take place at the storming of the city.

Jeremiah 39:18

jer 39:18

A prey unto thee - An unexpected and unlooked-for gain. He had given proof of faith in courageously delivering God's prophet.

Next: Jeremiah Chapter 40