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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834], at sacred-texts.com

Leviticus Chapter 6

Leviticus 6:1

lev 6:1

In the Hebrew Bible Lev 6:1-7 form part of Lev. 5. It is evident that they ought to do so.

Leviticus 6:5

lev 6:5

In the day of his trespass offering - The restitution was thus to be associated with the religious act by which the offender testified his penitence.

Leviticus 6:9

lev 6:9

Rather, "This, the burnt-offering, shall be upon the fire on the altar all night unto the morning." See Exo 29:38-46, with the notes.

Leviticus 6:10

lev 6:10

Ashes ... with the burnt-offering - Rather, the ashes to which the fire hath consumed the burnt-offering.

Leviticus 6:13

lev 6:13

The fire shall ever be burning - This was a symbol of the never-ceasing worship which Yahweh required of His people. It was essentially connected with their acts of sacrifice.

Leviticus 6:14

lev 6:14

See Lev 2:1-10; Exo 29:40-41.

Lev 6:16

With unleavened bread shall it be eaten - This should be, it (the remainder) shall be eaten unleavened.

Leviticus 6:20

lev 6:20

See Lev 4:3. Aaron's sons here spoken of (as in Lev 6:22) must be the succession of high priests who succeeded him. The day of this offering was probably the eighth day of the ceremony of consecration Lev 8:35; Lev 9:1, when the high priest appears to have entered upon the duties of his office.

A meat offering perpetual - Jewish tradition is in favor of these words implying that this מנחה mı̂nchāh was offered by the high priest as a daily rite from the time of his consecration.

Leviticus 6:21

lev 6:21

In a pan - See Lev 2:5 note.

Leviticus 6:22

lev 6:22

It shall be wholly burnt - literally, "it shall ascend in fire as a whole burnt-offering."

Leviticus 6:23

lev 6:23

Not be eaten - Compare Lev 6:30; Lev 4:12 note.

Leviticus 6:25

lev 6:25

The place where ... - See Lev 1:11.

It is most holy - See Lev 2:3. The key to the special sanctity of the flesh of the sin-offering, as set forth in Lev 6:26-30, must, it would seem, be found in the words of Moses to the priests Lev 10:17. The flesh of the victim, which represented the sinner for whom atonement was now made, was to be solemnly, and most exclusively, appropriated by those who were appointed to mediate between the sinner and the Lord. The far-reaching symbolism of the act met its perfect fulfillment in the One Mediator who took our nature upon Himself. Phi 2:7.

Leviticus 6:28

lev 6:28

The earthen vessel - Unglazed pottery would absorb some of the juices of the meat: and a vessel made holy could not be put to any other purpose.

Leviticus 6:30

lev 6:30

To reconcile withal generally rendered "to make atonement for."

The holy place - The outer apartment of the tabernacle. See the Lev 10:18 note.

Next: Leviticus Chapter 7