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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at sacred-texts.com

Daniel Chapter 12

Daniel 12:1

dan 12:1

thy people

That is, Daniel's people, the Jews.

Compare (Dan 9:15); (Dan 9:16); (Dan 9:20); (Dan 9:24); (Dan 10:14).

Daniel 12:4

dan 12:4


The "time of the end" in Daniel. The expression, or its equivalent, "in the end," occurs, (Dan 8:17-19); (Dan 9:26); (Dan 11:35); (Dan 11:40); (Dan 11:45); (Dan 12:4); (Dan 12:6); (Dan 12:9).


(1) The time of the end in Daniel begins with the violation by "the prince that shall come" (that is, "little horn," "man of sin," "Beast") of his covenant with the Jews for the restoration of the temple and sacrifice (Dan 9:27) and his presentation of himself as God; (Dan 9:27); (Dan 11:36-38); (Mat 24:15); (Th2 2:4); (Rev 13:4-6) and ends with his destruction by the appearing of the Lord in glory. (Th2 2:8); (Rev 19:19); (Rev 19:20).

(2) The duration of the "time of the end" is three and one half years, coinciding with the last half of the seventieth week of Daniel. (Dan 7:25); (Dan 12:7); (Rev 13:5).

(3) This "time of the end" is the "time of Jacob's trouble." (Jer 30:7) "a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation" (Dan 12:1) "great tribulation such as was not from the beginning of the world. . . nor ever shall be" (Mat 24:21). The New Testament, especially the Book of the Revelation, adds many details.

Daniel 12:10

dan 12:10

many shall be

A prophecy describing the moral state of the world from Daniel's day to the time of the end.

Compare (Mat 13:24-30); (Mat 13:36-43); (Mat 13:47-49).

Daniel 12:11

dan 12:11


(See Scofield) - (Dan 9:27).

Daniel 12:12

dan 12:12

thousand three hundred and five and thirty days

Three periods of "days" date from the "abomination" (that is, The blasphemous assumption of deity by the Beast, (Dan 12:11); (Mat 24:15); (Th2 2:4).

(1) Twelve hundred and sixty days to the destruction of the Beast (Dan 7:25); (Dan 12:7); (Rev 13:5); (Rev 19:19); (Rev 19:20). This is also the duration of the great tribulation

(See Scofield) - (Dan 12:4).

(2) Dating from the same event is a period of 1290 days, and addition of thirty days (Dan 12:11).

(3) Again forty-five days are added, and with them the promise of (Dan 12:12). No account is directly given of that which occupies the interval of seventy-five days between the end of the tribulation and the full blessing of verse 12 (Dan 12:12). It is suggested that the explanation may be found in the prophetic descriptions of the events following the battle of Armageddon. (Rev 16:14); (Rev 19:21). The Beast is destroyed, and Gentile world-dominion ended, by the smiting of the "Stone cut out without hands" at the end of the 1260 days, but the scene is, so to speak, filled with the debris of the image which the "wind" must carry away before full blessing comes in (Dan 2:35).

Daniel 12:13

dan 12:13


That is, of the 1260, 1290, and 1335 days.

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