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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at

Genesis Chapter 25

Genesis 25:1

gen 25:1


As Sarah stands for "the mother of us all," that is, of those who, by grace, are one with the true Son of promise, of whom Isaac was the type (Joh 3:6-8); (Gal 4:26); (Gal 4:28); (Gal 4:29); (Heb 2:11-13) and joint heirs of His wealth; (Heb 1:2); (Rom 8:16); (Rom 8:17); so Keturah (wedded after the full blessing of Isaac) and her children by Abraham may well stand for the fertility of Israel the natural seed, Jehovah's wife (Hos 2:1-23) after the future national restoration under the Palestinian covenant.

(See Scofield) - (Deu 30:3).

Genesis 25:25

gen 25:25


Esau stands for the mere man of the earth. (Heb 12:16); (Heb 12:17). In many respects a nobler man, naturally, than Jacob, he was destitute of faith, and despised the birthright because it was a spiritual thing, of value only as there was faith to apprehend it.

Genesis 25:31

gen 25:31


The "birthright" had three elements:

(1) Until the establishment of the Aaronic priesthood the head of the family exercised priestly rights.

(2) The Abrahamic family held the Edenic promise of the Satan-Bruiser (Gen 3:15). -- Abel, Seth, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Esau.

(3) Esau, as the firstborn, was in the direct line of the Abrahamic promise of the Earth-Blesser (Gen 12:3).

For all that was revealed, in Esau might have fulfilled those two great Messianic promises. This birthright Esau sold for a momentary fleshly gratification. Jacob's conception of the birthright at that time was, doubtless, carnal and inadequate, but his desire for it evidenced true faith.

Next: Genesis Chapter 26