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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at

Psalms Chapter 2

Psalms 2:6

psa 2:6


The second Psalm gives the order of the establishment of the kingdom. It is in six parts:

(1) The rage of the Gentiles, the vain imagination of "people" (Jews), and the antagonism of rulers against Jehovah's anointed (Psa 2:1-3). The inspired interpretation of this is in (Act 4:25-28) which asserts its fulfilment in the crucifixion of Christ.

(2) The derision of Jehovah (Psa 2:4) that men should suppose it possible to set aside His covenant (Sa2 7:8-17) and oath (Psa 89:34-37).

(3) The vexation (Psa 2:5) fulfilled, first in the destruction of Jerusalem, A.D. 70; and in the final dispersion of the Jews at that time; and to be fulfilled more completely in the tribulation (Mat 24:29) which immediately precedes the return of the King. (Mat 24:30).

(4) The establishment of the rejected King upon Zion (Psa 2:6).

(5) The subjection of the earth to the King's rule (Psa 2:7-9) and

(6) the present appeal to the world powers. (Psa 2:10-12). See Psalm 8, next in order of the Messianic Psalms. (Note. Psalms 2, 8, 16, 22, 23, 24, 40, 41, 45, 68, 69, 72, 89, 102, 110, and 118 are considered as Messianic. It is not questioned that many other Psalms also refer to Christ.

Psalms 2:11

psa 2:11


(See Scofield) - (Psa 19:9).

Psalms 2:12

psa 2:12


Trust is the characteristic Old Testament word for the New Testament "faith," "believe." It occurs 152 times in the Old Testament, and is the rendering of Hebrew, words signifying to take refuge (for example (Rut 2:12) "to lean on" (for example) (Psa 56:3) "to roll on" (for example) (Psa 22:8) "to stay upon" (for example) (Job 35:14).

Next: Psalms Chapter 4