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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at sacred-texts.com

Zechariah Chapter 8

holy mountain

Holiness, Sanctification, Summary:

In the Old Testament the words consecration, dedication, sanctification, and holiness are various renderings of one Hebrew word, are used of persons and of things, and have an identical meaning, that is, set apart for God. Only when used of God himself (for example (Lev 11:45), or of the holy angels (for example (Dan 4:13) is any inward; (Lev 11:45); (Dan 4:13) moral quality necessarily implied. Doubtless a priest or other person set apart to the service of God, whose whole will and desire went with his setting apart, experienced progressively an inner detachment from evil; but that aspect is distinctively of the New Testament, not of the Old Testament (Mat 4:5).

Zechariah 8:6

zac 8:6

these days

The "remnant" in (Zac 8:6); (Zac 8:11); (Zac 8:12) refers to the remnant of Judah which returned from Babylon, and among whom Zechariah was prophesying.

(See Scofield) - (Rom 11:5).


(See Scofield) - (Jer 15:21).

Zechariah 8:11

zac 8:11


Or, remnant.

Zechariah 8:14

zac 8:14


Repentance (Old Testament), Summary:

In the Old Testament, repentance is the English word used to translate the Hebrew, nacham, to be "eased" or "comforted." It is used of both God and man. Notwithstanding the literal meaning of nacham, it is evident, from a study of all the passages, that the sacred writers use it in the sense of metanoia in the New Testament -- a change of mind. (Mat 3:2).

(See Scofield) - (Act 17:30).

As in the New Testament, such change of mind is often accompanied by contrition and self-judgment. When applied to God the word is used phenomenally according to Old Testament custom. God seems to change His mind. The phenomena are such as, in the case of man, would indicate a change of mind.

Zechariah 8:19

zac 8:19

fourth month

That is, July.

fifth month

That is, August.

seventh month

That is, October.

tenth month

That is, January.

Zechariah 8:23

zac 8:23

those days

That is, in the days when Jerusalem has been made the centre of the earth's worship. (Zac 8:23) explains: the Jew

(see "Remnant," (Isa 1:9); (Rom 11:5)

will then be the missionary, and to the very "nations" now called "Christian"!

Next: Zechariah Chapter 9