Isaiah Index
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Synopsis of the Books of the Bible, by John Nelson Darby, [1857-62], at

Isaiah Chapter 3

The following commentary covers Chapters 2, 3, and 4.

Thus re-established, Zion, the mountain of Jehovah, will be the centre of blessing and peace to all the nations (Isa 2:1-4). This puts the invitation to the people into the prophet's mouth to come and walk in the light of Jehovah. Why has He forsaken His people? Because they have learnt the ways of the heathen. Well, the day of Jehovah shall be upon all the glory of man, and upon all his idols. They may cease from man, for God's own people on the earth, the place of His rest, shall be judged and smitten by their God (chaps. 3, 4). But in that day shall the Branch of Jehovah be glorious, and the earth shall be blessed. He who smites binds up the wounds by introducing the Messiah, and by Him blessing the earth. The remnant will be holy when the cleansing of Jerusalem shall have been accomplished by the judgment and the fire of Jehovah. Jerusalem shall be protected and glorified by the manifestation of Jehovah's presence, like the tabernacle in the wilderness. Such is the form in which the introduction to this prophecy is presented with much force and clearness.

Next: Isaiah Chapter 4