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Synopsis of the Books of the Bible, by John Nelson Darby, [1857-62], at

Psalms Chapter 147

In Psalm 147 the saints take their place now in Jerusalem and Zion to say what He is. He is their God; He builds up Jerusalem and gathers together the outcasts of Israel, healing the broken in heart and binding up their wounds. In Verses 4-5 (Psa 147:4-5) His greatness is celebrated and His goodness and judgment; in Verses 7-9, (Psa 147:7-9), His goodness in blessing the earth; in Verse 1, (Psa 147:1), His pleasure, not in animal strength, but in them that fear Him. In Verse 12, (Psa 147:12), the song of praise returns to celebrate His ways towards Jerusalem again; in Verses 15-18, (Psa 147:15-18), His dealings with the seasons in power; in Verses 19-20, (Psa 147:19-20), His showing His word and judgments to Jacob as He had not done to any nation. They might have seen the creative and providential power of Jacob's God, but His mind and laws were His people's.

Next: Psalms Chapter 148