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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834], at sacred-texts.com

1 Chronicles Chapter 22

1 Chronicles

ch1 22:0

This chapter, which consists entirely of new matter, helps to fill up the gap which had been left by the earlier authors between 2 Sam. 24 and 1 Kings 1.

1 Chronicles 22:1

ch1 22:1

This is the house of the Lord God - The double miracle - that of the angelic appearance and that of the fire from heaven - had convinced David that here he had found the destined site of that "house" which it had been told him that his son should build Ch1 22:10. Hence, this public announcement.

1 Chronicles 22:2

ch1 22:2

The strangers - i. e., the aliens the non-Israelite population of the land. Compare Ch2 2:17.

1 Chronicles 22:3

ch1 22:3

For the joinings - i. e., the girders, or cramps - pieces of iron to be used in joining beams or stones together.

1 Chronicles 22:4

ch1 22:4

See the marginal references and notes; Ch1 14:1.

1 Chronicles 22:5

ch1 22:5

Young and tender - The exact age of Solomon at this time is uncertain; but it cannot have been more than 24 or 25. It may have been as little as 14 or 15. Compare the Kg1 2:2 note.

1 Chronicles 22:8

ch1 22:8

The word of the Lord came to me ... - Not by Nathan Ch1 17:4-15, but on some other occasion Ch1 28:3. On the bloody character of David's wars, see Sa2 8:2, Sa2 8:5; Sa2 10:18; Sa2 12:31; and Kg1 11:16.

1 Chronicles 22:9

ch1 22:9

For the names of Solomon, compare Sa2 12:24 note. The former name prevailed, probably on account of this prophecy, which attached to the name the promise of a blessing.

1 Chronicles 22:13

ch1 22:13

Be strong ... - David adopts the words of Moses to the Israelites (compare the marginal references) and to Joshua.

1 Chronicles 22:14

ch1 22:14

In my trouble - See the margin. David refers to the manifold troubles of his reign, which had prevented him from accumulating very much treasure.

An hundred thousand talents of gold ... - We do not know the value of the Hebrew talent at this period, and therefore these numbers may be sound. But in that case we must suppose an enormous difference between the pre-Babylonian and the post-Babylonian talents. According to the value of the post-Babylonian Hebrew talent, the gold here spoken of would be worth more than 1 billion of our British pounds sterling, while the silver would be worth ahove 400 million pounds. Accumulations to anything like this amount are inconceivable under the circumstances, and we must therefore either suppose the talents of David's time to have been little more than the 100th part of the later talents, or regard the numbers of this verse as augmentcd at least a hundredfold by corruption. Of the two the latter is certainly the more probable supposition.

Next: 1 Chronicles Chapter 23