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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at sacred-texts.com

1 Peter Chapter 1

1 Peter 1:2

pe1 1:2


Election, Summary:

In both Testaments, the Hebrew and Greek words are rendered "elect," "election," "choose," "chosen." In all cases, they mean, simply, "chosen," or "to choose"; and are used of both human and divine choices.

(1) In the latter use, election is:

(a) corporate, as of the nation of Israel, or the church, (Isa 45:4); (Eph 1:4) and

(b) individual. (Pe1 1:2).

(2) Election is according to the foreknowledge of God (Pe1 1:2) and wholly of grace, apart from human merit. (Rom 9:11); (Rom 11:5); (Rom 11:6).

(3) Election proceeds from the divine volition. (Joh 15:16).

Election is, therefore:

(1) The sovereign act of God in grace whereby certain are chosen from among mankind for Himself. (Joh 15:19).

(2) The sovereign act of God whereby certain elect persons are chosen for distinctive service for Him. (Luk 6:13); (Act 9:15); (Co1 1:27); (Co1 1:28).

1 Peter 1:7

pe1 1:7


Suffering, in First Peter, is set in the light of:

(1) assured salvation. (Pe1 1:2-5).

(2) the greater glory at Christ's appearing. (Pe1 1:7);

(3) Christ's sufferings and coming glories. (Pe1 1:11).

(4) the believer's association with Him in both. (Pe1 2:20); (Pe1 2:21); (Pe1 3:17); (Pe1 3:18); (Pe1 3:4); (Pe1 3:12); (Pe1 3:13).

(5) the purifying effect of suffering. (Pe1 1:7); (Pe1 4:1); (Pe1 4:2); (Pe1 5:10).

(6) that Christ is now glorified in the believer's patient suffering, (Pe1 4:16).

(7) that suffering is disciplinary. (Pe1 4:17-19); (Co1 11:31); (Co1 11:32); (Heb 12:5-13).

1 Peter 1:9

pe1 1:9


(See Scofield) - (Rom 1:16).

1 Peter 1:10

pe1 1:10


(See Scofield) - (Rom 1:16).

1 Peter 1:13

pe1 1:13

for the grace

Grace (in salvation). (Pe1 5:12); (Rom 3:24).

(See Scofield) - (Joh 1:17).

1 Peter 1:18

pe1 1:18


(See Scofield) - (Rom 3:24).

1 Peter 1:20

pe1 1:20


The divine order is foreknowledge, election, predestination. That foreknowledge determines the election or choice is clear from (Pe1 1:2) and predestination is the bringing to pass of the election. "election looks back to foreknowledge; predestination forward to the destiny." But Scripture nowhere declares what it is in the divine foreknowledge which determines the divine election and predestination. The foreknown are elected, and the elect are predestinated, and this election is certain to every believer by the mere fact that he believes (Th1 1:4); (Th1 1:5).

See Predestination. (See Scofield) - (Eph 1:5).

Next: 1 Peter Chapter 2