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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at sacred-texts.com

Ephesians Chapter 1

Ephesians 1:1

eph 1:1

in Christ

The believer's place as a member of the body of Christ, vitally united to Him by the baptism with the Holy Spirit. (Co1 12:12); (Co1 12:13).

Ephesians 1:3

eph 1:3

in heavenly places

Literally, the heavenlies. The same Greek word is used in (Joh 3:12) where "things" is added. In both places, the word signifies that which is heavenly in contradistinction to that which is earthy. In Ephesians, "places" is especially misleading. "The heavenlies" may be defined as the sphere of the believer's spiritual experience as identified with Christ in...

nature; (Pe2 1:4);

life; (Col 3:4); (Jo1 5:12);

relationships; (Joh 20:17); (Heb 2:11);

service; (Joh 17:18); (Mat 28:20);

suffering; (Phi 1:29); (Phi 3:10); (Col 1:24);

inheritance; (Rom 8:16); (Rom 8:17); and

future glory in the kingdom; (Rom 8:18-21); (Pe1 2:9); (Rev 1:6); (Rev 5:10).

The believer is a heavenly man, and a stranger and pilgrim on the earth. (Heb 3:1); (Pe1 2:11).

Ephesians 1:5

eph 1:5


Predestination is that effective exercise of the will of God by which things before determined by Him are brought to pass.

See Election,

(See Scofield) - (Pe1 1:2).


(See Scofield) - (Pe1 1:20).


Adoption (Greek, "huiothesia", "placing as a son") is not so much a word of relationship as of position. The believer's relation to God as a child results from the new birth (Joh 1:12); (Joh 1:13) whereas adoption is the act of God whereby one already a child is, through redemption from the law, placed in the position of an adult son. (Gal 4:1-5).

The indwelling Spirit gives the realization of this in the believer's present experience (Gal 4:6) but the full manifestation of the believer's sonship awaits the resurrection, change, and translation of saints, which is called "the redemption of the body"; (Rom 8:23); (Th1 4:14-17); (Eph 1:14); (Jo1 3:2).

Ephesians 1:7

eph 1:7



(See Scofield) - (Rom 3:23).


Grace (in salvation). (Rom 1:6); (Rom 1:7); (Rom 2:5); (Rom 2:7); (Rom 2:8); (Rom 3:24).

(See Scofield) - (Joh 1:17).

Ephesians 1:9

eph 1:9


See (Rom 16:25); (Rom 16:26); (Eph 3:3).

(See Scofield) - (Mat 13:11).

Ephesians 1:10

eph 1:10

dispensation of the fullness of times

The Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. This, the seventh and last of the ordered ages which condition human life on the earth, is identical with the kingdom covenanted to David. (Sa2 7:8-17); (Zac 12:8).


(Luk 1:31-33); (Co1 15:24); and gathers into itself under Christ all past "times":

(1) The time of oppression and misrule ends by Christ taking His kingdom. (Isa 11:3-4).

(2) The time of testimony and divine forbearance ends in judgment. (Mat 25:31-46); (Act 17:30-31); (Rev 20:7-15).

(3) The time of toil ends in rest and reward. (Th2 1:6-7).

(4) The time of suffering ends in glory. (Rom 8:17-18).

(5) The time of Israel's blindness and chastisement ends in restoration and conversion. (Rom 11:25-27); (Eze 39:25-29).

(6) The times of the Gentiles end in the smiting of the image and the setting up of the kingdom of the heavens. (Dan 2:34); (Dan 2:35); (Rev 19:15-21).

(7) The time of creation's thraldom ends in deliverance at the manifestation of the sons of God. (Gen 3:17); (Isa 11:6-8); (Rom 8:19-21).

Ephesians 1:13

eph 1:13


The Holy Spirit is Himself, the seal. In the symbolism of Scripture, a seal signifies:

(1) A finished transaction; (Jer 32:9); (Jer 32:10); (Joh 17:4); (Joh 19:30).

(2) Ownership; (Jer 32:11); (Jer 32:12); (Ti2 2:19).

(3) Security; (Est 8:8); (Dan 6:17); (Eph 4:30).

Next: Ephesians Chapter 2