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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at

Genesis Chapter 11

Genesis 11:1

gen 11:1

one language

The history of Babel ("confusion") strikingly parallels that of the professing Church.

(1) Unity (Gen 11:1) -- the Apostolic Church (Act 4:32); (Act 4:33).

(2) Ambition (Gen 11:4) using worldly, not spiritual means (Gen 11:3) ending in a man-made unity -- the papacy;

(3) the confusion of tongues (Gen 11:7) -- Protestantism, with its innumerable sects.

(See Scofield) - (Isa 13:1).

Genesis 11:9

gen 11:9


That is, Confusion.

(See Scofield) - (Gen 11:1).

(See Scofield) - (Isa 13:1)_

Genesis 11:10

gen 11:10

generations of Shem

Genesis 11. and 12. mark an important turning point in the divine dealing. Heretofore the history has been that of the whole Adamic race. There has been neither Jew nor Gentile; all have been one in "the first man Adam." Henceforth, in the Scripture record, humanity must be thought of as a vast stream from which God, in the call of Abram and the creation of the nation of Israel, has but drawn off a slender rill, through which He may at last purify the great river itself. Israel was called to be a witness to the unity of God in the midst of universal idolatry (Deu 6:4); (Isa 43:10-12) to illustrate the blessedness of serving the true God (Deu 33:26-29) to receive and preserve the divine revelations; (Rom 3:1); (Rom 3:2); (Deu 4:5-8) and to produce the messiah; (Gen 3:15); (Gen 21:12); (Gen 28:10); (Gen 28:14); (Gen 49:10); (Sa2 7:16); (Sa2 7:17); (Isa 4:3); (Isa 4:4); (Mat 1:1).

The reader of scripture should hold firmly in mind:

(1) that from Gen 12. to (Mat 12:45) the Scriptures have primarily in view Israel, the little rill, not the great Gentile river; though again and again the universality of the ultimate divine intent breaks into view (for example; (Gen 12:3); (Isa 2:2); (Isa 2:4); (Isa 5:26); (Isa 9:1-2); (Isa 11:10-12); (Isa 42:1-6); (Isa 49:6); (Isa 49:12); (Isa 52:15); (Isa 54:3); (Isa 55:5); (Isa 60:3); (Isa 60:5); (Isa 60:11-16); (Isa 61:6); (Isa 61:9); (Isa 62:2); (Isa 66:12); (Isa 66:18); (Isa 66:19); (Jer 16:19); (Joe 3:9); (Joe 3:10); (Mal 1:11) Ro 9. 10. 11. (Gal 3:8-14).

(2) that the human race, henceforth called Gentile in distinction from Israel, goes on under the Adamic and Noahic covenants; and that for the race (outside Israel) the dispensations of Conscience and of Human government continue. The moral history of the great Gentile world is told in (Rom 1:21-32) and its moral accountability in (Rom 2:1-16). Conscience never acquits: it either "accuses" or "excuses." Where the law is known to the Gentiles it is to them, as to Israel, "a ministration of death," a "curse"; (Rom 3:19); (Rom 3:20); (Rom 7:9-10); (Co2 3:7); (Gal 3:10). A wholly new responsibility arises when either Jew or Gentile knows the Gospel; (Joh 3:18); (Joh 3:19); (Joh 3:36); (Joh 15:22-24); (Joh 16:9); (Jo1 5:9-12).

Genesis 11:31

gen 11:31


The name means delay.

Next: Genesis Chapter 12