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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at

John Chapter 16

John 16:8

joh 16:8


Greek, "kosmos", means "mankind".

(See Scofield) - (Mat 4:8).



(See Scofield) - (Rom 3:23).

John 16:11

joh 16:11


Greek, "kosmos", means "world-system". (Joh 17:14); (Joh 7:7).

(See Scofield) - (Rev 13:8).

John 16:12

joh 16:12

I have yet

Christ's pre-authentication of the New Testament:

(1) he expressly declared that He would leave "many things" unrevealed (Joh 16:12).

(2) He promised that this revelation should be completed ("all things") after the Spirit should come, and that such additional revelation should include new prophecies (Joh 16:12).

(3) He chose certain persons to receive such additional revelations, and to be His witnesses to them (Mat 28:19); (Joh 15:27); (Joh 16:13); (Act 1:8); (Act 9:15-17).

(4) he gave to their words when speaking for Him in the Spirit precisely the same authority as His own (Mat 10:14); (Mat 10:15); (Luk 10:16); (Joh 13:20); (Joh 17:20).

See, for example, (Co1 14:37) and

"Inspiration,"; (Exo 4:15); (Rev 22:19).

John 16:13

joh 16:13

of himself

from himself.

Compare next clause.

John 16:20

joh 16:20


Greek, "kosmos", means "mankind".

(See Scofield) - (Mat 4:8).

John 16:21

joh 16:21


Greek, "kosmos", means "mankind".

(See Scofield) - (Mat 4:8).

John 16:28

joh 16:28


Greek, "kosmos", means "mankind".

(See Scofield) - (Mat 4:8).

John 16:33

joh 16:33


Greek, "kosmos", means "world-system". (Joh 17:14); (Joh 17:16); (Joh 7:7).

(See Scofield) - (Rev 13:8).

Next: John Chapter 17