Revelation Index

The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at

Revelation Chapter 22

Revelation 22:8

rev 22:8


(See Scofield) - (Heb 1:4).

Revelation 22:11

rev 22:11

See definitions

Old Testament Righteousness. (Luk 2:25).

New Testament Righteousness. (See Scofield) - (Rom 3:21), (Rom 10:10)

Righteous living (Jo1 3:7)

Self-righteousness (Rom 10:3).


Sanctification, holiness, Summary:

(1) In both Testaments, the same Hebrew and Greek words are rendered by the English works "sanctify" and "holy," in their various grammatical forms. The one uniform meaning is, "to set apart for God."

(2) In both Testaments, the words are used of "things" and "persons".

(3) When used of things, no moral quality is implied; they are sanctified or made holy because set apart for God.

(4) Sanctification, when used of persons, has a threefold meaning.

(a) In position, believers are eternally set apart for God by redemption, "through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once" (Heb 10:9); (Heb 10:10). Positionally, therefore, believers are "saints" and "holy" from the moment of believing; (Phi 1:1); (Heb 3:1).

(b) In experience, the believer is being sanctified by the work of the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures (Joh 17:17); (Co2 3:18); (Eph 5:25); (Eph 5:26); (Th1 5:23); (Th1 5:24).

(c) In consummation, the believer's complete sanctification awaits the appearing of the Lord (Eph 5:27); (Jo1 3:2).

See "Salvation," (See Scofield) - (Rom 1:16).

Revelation 22:19

rev 22:19


Summary. The testimony of the Bible to itself.

(1) The writers affirm, where they speak of the subject at all, they speak by direct divine authority.

(2) They invariably testify that the words, and not the ideas merely, are inspired. The most important passage is (Co1 2:7-15) which see.

(3) The whole attitude of Jesus Christ toward the Old Testament, as disclosed in His words, both before His death and after His resurrection, confirms its truth and divine origin, and He explicitly ascribes the Pentateuch to Moses.

(4) In promising subsequent revelations after the predicted advent of the Spirit (Joh 16:12-15) our Lord prepared the way for the New Testament.

(5) The writers of the New Testament invariably treat the Old Testament as authoritative and inspired.

(See Scofield) - (Pe2 1:19).

(See Scofield) - (Co1 2:13).


Eternal life, Summary of the teaching:

(1) The life is called "eternal" because it was from the eternity which is past unto the eternity which is to come -- it is the life of God revealed in Jesus Christ, who is God. (Joh 1:4); (Joh 5:26); (Jo1 1:1); (Jo1 1:2).

(2) This life of God, which was revealed in Christ, is imparted in a new birth by the Holy Spirit, acting upon the word of God, to every believer on the Lord Jesus Christ. (Joh 3:3-15).

(3) The life thus imparted was from the beginning." But the recipient is a "new creation". (Co2 5:17); (Gal 6:15).

(4) The life of God which is the believer is an unsevered part of the life which eternally was, and eternally is, in Christ Jesus -- one life, in Him and in the believer -- Vine and branches; Head and members. (Co1 6:17); (Gal 2:20); (Col 1:27); (Col 3:3); (Col 3:4); (Jo1 5:11); (Jo1 5:12); (Joh 15:1-5); (Co1 12:12-14).