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The Scofield Bible Commentary, by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield, [1917], at

Matthew Chapter 2

Matthew 2:1

mat 2:1

Herod the king

Called Herod the Great, son of Antipater, an Idumean (Gen 36:1).

(See Scofield) - (Gen 36:1)

and Cypros, an Arabian woman. Antipater was appointed procurator of Judea by Julius Caesar, B.C. 47. At the age of fifteen Herod was appointed to the government of Galilee. B.C. 40 the Roman senate made him king of Judea. An able, strong, and cruel man, he increased greatly the splendour of Jerusalem, erecting the temple which was the centre of Jewish worship in the time of our Lord.

Matthew 2:2

mat 2:2


"The King" is one of the divine titles (Psa 10:16) and so used in the worship of the Church (Ti1 1:17) but Christ is never called "King of the Church." He is "King of the Jews" (Mat 2:2) and Lord and "Head of the Church" (Eph 1:22-23).

(See Scofield) - (Mat 16:18). (See Scofield) - (Heb 12:23) " (Mat 16:18); (Heb 12:23).

Matthew 2:4

mat 2:4


(Greek, "grammateis", means "writer"). Hebrew, "spherim", means "to write," "set in order," "count." The scribes were so called because it was their office to make copies of the Scriptures; to classify and teach the precepts of oral law

(See Scofield) - (Mat 3:7)

and to keep careful count of every letter in the Old Testament writings. Such an office was necessary in a religion of law and precept, and was an Old Testament function (Sa2 8:17); (Sa2 20:25); (Kg1 4:3); (Jer 8:8); (Jer 36:10); (Jer 36:12); (Jer 36:26). To this legitimate work the scribes added a record of rabbinical decisions on questions of ritual (Halachoth); the new code resulting from those decisions (Mishna); the Hebrew sacred legends (Gemara, forming with the Mishna the Talmud); commentaries on the Old Testament (Midrashim); reasonings upon these (Hagada); and finally, mystical interpretations which found in Scripture meanings other than the grammatical, lexical, and obvious ones (the Kabbala); not unlike the allegorical method of Origen, or the modern Protestant "spiritualizing" interpretation. In our Lord's time, to receive this mass of writing superposed upon the Scriptures was to be orthodox; to return to the Scriptures themselves was heterodoxy -- our Lord's most serious offence.

Matthew 2:15

mat 2:15

Out of Egypt

The words quoted are in (Hos 11:1) and the passage illustrates the truth that prophetic utterances often have a latent and deeper meaning than at first appears. Israel, nationally, was a "Song of Songs" (Sol 1:1); (Exo 4:22), but Christ was the greater "Song of Songs" (Sol 1:1); (Rom 9:4-5); (Isa 41:8); (Isa 42:1-4); (Isa 52:13-14), where the servant-nation and the Servant-Son are both in view.

Matthew 2:19

mat 2:19


(See Scofield) - (Heb 1:4).

Matthew 2:22

mat 2:22


Son of Herod the Great, (Mat 2:1) and Malthace, a Samaritan woman. Deposed A.D. 6.

Matthew 2:23

mat 2:23

He shall be called

Probably referring to (Isa 11:1) where Christ is spoken of as "a 'netzer' (or, 'rod') out of the stem of Jesse."

Next: Matthew Chapter 3