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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882] at sacred-texts.com

Ezekiel Chapter 17

Ezekiel 17:2

eze 17:2


riddle--a continued allegory, expressed enigmatically, requiring more than common acumen and serious thought. The Hebrew is derived from a root, "sharp," that is, calculated to stimulate attention and whet the intellect. Distinct from "fable," in that it teaches not fiction, but fact. Not like the ordinary riddle, designed to puzzle, but to instruct. The "riddle" is here identical with the "parable," only that the former refers to the obscurity, the latter to the likeness of the figure to the thing compared.

Ezekiel 17:3

eze 17:3

eagle--the king of birds. The literal Hebrew is, "the great eagle." The symbol of the Assyrian supreme god, Nisroch; so applied to "the great king" of Babylon, his vicegerent on earth (Jer 48:40; Jer 49:22). His "wings" are his great forces. Such symbols were familiar to the Jews, who saw them portrayed on the great buildings of Babylon; such as are now seen in the Assyrian remains.

long-winged--implying the wide extent of his empire.

full of feathers--when they have been renewed after moulting; and so in the full freshness of renovated youth (Psa 103:5; Isa 40:31). Answering to the many peoples which, as tributaries, constituted the strength of Babylon:

divers colours--the golden eagle, marked with star-like spots, supposed to be the largest of eagles [BOCHART]. Answering to the variety of languages, habits, and costumes of the peoples subject to Babylon.

came unto Lebanon--continuing the metaphor: as the eagle frequents mountains, not cities. The temple at Jerusalem was called "Lebanon" by the Jews [EUSEBIUS], because its woodwork was wholly of cedars of Lebanon. "The mountain of the Lord's house" (Isa 2:2). Jerusalem, however, is chiefly meant, the chief seat of civil honor, as Lebanon was of external elevation.

took the highest branch--King Jeconiah, then but eighteen years old, and many of the chiefs and people with him (Kg2 24:8, Kg2 24:12-16). The Hebrew for "highest branch" is, properly, the fleece-like tuft at the top of the tree. (So in Eze 31:3-14). The cedar, as a tall tree, is the symbol of kingly elevation (compare Dan 4:10-12).

Ezekiel 17:4

eze 17:4

land of traffic . . . merchants--Babylon (Kg2 24:15-16), famous for its transport traffic on the Tigris and Euphrates. Also, by its connection with the Persian Gulf, it carried on much commerce with India.

Ezekiel 17:5

eze 17:5

seed of the land--not a foreign production, but one native in the region; a son of the soil, not a foreigner: Zedekiah, uncle of Jehoiachin, of David's family.

in a fruitful field--literally, a "field of seed"; that is, fit for propagating and continuing the seed of the royal family.

as a willow--derived from a Hebrew root, "to overflow," from its fondness for water (Isa 44:4). Judea was "a land of brooks of water and fountains" (Deu 8:7-9; compare Joh 3:23).

Ezekiel 17:6

eze 17:6

vine of low stature--not now, as before, a stately "cedar"; the kingdom of Judah was to be prosperous, but not elevated.

branches turned toward him--expressing the fealty of Zedekiah as a vassal looking up to Nebuchadnezzar, to whom Judah owed its peace and very existence as a separate state. The "branches" mean his sons and the other princes and nobles.

The roots . . . under him--The stability of Judah depended on Babylon. The repetition "branches" and "springs" is in order to mark the ingratitude of Zedekiah, who, not content with moderate prosperity, revolted from him to whom he had sworn allegiance.

Ezekiel 17:7

eze 17:7

another . . . eagle--the king of Egypt (Eze 17:15). The "long-winged" of Eze 17:3 is omitted, as Egypt had not such a wide empire and large armies as Babylon.

vine . . . bend . . . roots towards him--literally, "thirsted after him with its roots"; expressing the longings after Egypt in the Jewish heart. Zedekiah sought the alliance of Egypt, as though by it he could throw off his dependence on Babylon (Kg2 24:7, Kg2 24:20; Ch2 36:13; Jer 37:5, Jer 37:7).

water it by . . . furrows of . . . plantation--that is, in the garden beds (Judea) wherein (the vine) it was planted. Rather, "by" or "out of the furrows." It refers to the waters of Egypt, the Nile being made to water the fields by means of small canals or "furrows"; these waters are the figure of the auxiliary forces wherewith Egypt tried to help Judah. See the same figure, Isa 8:7. But see on Eze 17:10, "furrows where it grew."

Ezekiel 17:8

eze 17:8

It was planted in a good soil--It was not want of the necessaries of life, nor oppression on the port of Nebuchadnezzar, which caused Zedekiah to revolt: it was gratuitous ambition, pride, and ingratitude.

Ezekiel 17:9

eze 17:9

Shall it prosper?--Could it be that gratuitous treason should prosper? God will not allow it. "It," that is, the vine.

he . . . pull up--that is, the first eagle, or Nebuchadnezzar.

in all . . . leaves of her spring--that is, all its springing (sprouting) leaves.

without great power or many--It shall not need all the forces of Babylon to destroy it; a small division of the army will suffice because God will deliver it into Nebuchadnezzar's hand (Jer 37:10).

Ezekiel 17:10

eze 17:10

being planted--that is, "though planted."

east wind--The east wind was noxious to vegetation in Palestine; a fit emblem of Babylon, which came from the northeast.

wither in . . . furrows where it grew--Zedekiah was taken at Jericho, on Jewish soil (Jer 52:8). "It shall wither, although it has furrows from which it expects continual waterings" [CALVIN], (Eze 19:12; Hos 13:15).

Ezekiel 17:12

eze 17:12

Know ye not--He upbraided them with moral, leading to intellectual, stupidity.

hath taken the king--Jeconiah or Jehoiachin (Kg2 24:11, Kg2 24:12-16).

Ezekiel 17:13

eze 17:13

the king's seed--Zedekiah, Jeconiah's uncle.

taken . . . oath of him--swearing fealty as a vassal to Nebuchadnezzar (Ch2 36:13).

also taken the mighty--as hostages for the fulfilment of the covenant; whom, therefore, Zedekiah exposed to death by his treason.

Ezekiel 17:14

eze 17:14

That the kingdom might be base--that is, low as to national elevation by being Nebuchadnezzar's dependent; but, at the same time, safe and prosperous, if faithful to the "oath." Nebuchadnezzar dealt sincerely and openly in proposing conditions, and these moderate ones; therefore Zedekiah's treachery was the baser and was a counterpart to their treachery towards God.

Ezekiel 17:15

eze 17:15

he rebelled--God permitted this because of His wrath against Jerusalem (Kg2 24:20).

horses--in which Egypt abounded and which were forbidden to Israel to seek from Egypt, or indeed to "multiply" at all (Deu 17:16; Isa 31:1, Isa 31:3; compare Isa 36:9). DIODORUS SICULUS [1.45] says that the whole region from Thebes to Memphis was filled with royal stalls, so that twenty thousand chariots with two horses in each could be furnished for war.

Shall he prosper?--The third time this question is asked, with an indignant denial understood (Eze 17:9-10). Even the heathen believed that breakers of an oath would not "escape" punishment.

Ezekiel 17:16

eze 17:16

in the place where the king dwelleth--righteous retribution. He brought on himself in the worst form the evil which, in a mild form, he had sought to deliver himself from by perjured treachery, namely, vassalage (Eze 12:13; Jer 32:5; Jer 34:3; Jer 52:11).

Ezekiel 17:17

eze 17:17

Pharaoh--Pharaoh-hophra (Jer 37:7; Jer 44:30), the successor of Necho (Kg2 23:29).

Neither . . . make for him--literally, "effect (anything) with him," that is, be of any avail to Zedekiah. Pharaoh did not act in concert with him, for he was himself compelled to retire to Egypt.

by casting up mounts, &c.--So far from Pharaoh doing so for Jerusalem, this was what Nebuchadnezzar did against it (Jer 52:4). CALVIN MAURER, &c., refer it to Nebuchadnezzar, "when Nebuchadnezzar shall cast up mounts."

Ezekiel 17:18

eze 17:18

given his hand--in ratification of the oath (Kg2 10:15; Ezr 10:19), and also in token of subjection to Nebuchadnezzar (Ch1 29:24, Margin; Ch2 30:8, Margin; Lam 5:6).

Ezekiel 17:19

eze 17:19

mine oath--The "covenant" being sworn in God's name was really His covenant; a new instance in relation to man of the treacherous spirit which had been so often betrayed in relation to God. God Himself must therefore avenge the violation of His covenant "on the head" of the perjurer (compare Psa 7:16).

Ezekiel 17:20

eze 17:20

my net-- (Eze 12:13; Eze 32:3). God entraps him as he had tried to entrap others (Psa 7:15). This was spoken at least upwards of three years before the fall of Jerusalem (compare Eze 8:1, with Eze 20:1).

Ezekiel 17:21

eze 17:21

all his fugitives--the soldiers that accompany him in his flight.

Ezekiel 17:22

eze 17:22

When the state of Israel shall seem past recovery, Messiah, Jehovah Himself, will unexpectedly appear on the scene as Redeemer of His people (Isa 63:5).

I . . . also--God opposes Himself to Nebuchadnezzar: "He took of the seed of the land and planted it (Eze 17:3, Eze 17:5), so will I, but with better success than he had. The branch he plucked (Zedekiah) and planted, flourished but for a time, to perish at last; I will plant a scion of the same tree, the house of David, to whom the kingdom belongs by an everlasting covenant, and it shall be the shelter of the whole world, and shall be for ever."

branch--the peculiar title of Messiah (Zac 3:8; Zac 6:12; Isa 11:1; Isa 4:2; Jer 23:5; Jer 33:15).

a tender one--Zerubbabel never reigned as a universal (Eze 17:23) king, nor could the great things mentioned here be said of him, except as a type of Messiah. Messiah alone can be meant: originally "a tender plant and root out of a dry ground" (Isa 53:2); the beginning of His kingdom being humble, His reputed parents of lowly rank, though King David's lineal representatives; yet, even then, God here calls Him, in respect to His everlasting purpose, "the highest . . . of the high" (Psa 89:27).

I . . . will plant it upon an high mountain--Zion; destined to be the moral center and eminence of grace and glory shining forth to the world, out-topping all mundane elevation. The kingdom, typically begun at the return from Babylon, and the rebuilding of the temple, fully began with Christ's appearing, and shall have its highest manifestation at His reappearing to reign on Zion, and thence over the whole earth (Psa 2:6, Psa 2:8; Isa 2:2-3; Jer 3:17).

Ezekiel 17:23

eze 17:23

under it . . . all fowl--the Gospel "mustard tree," small at first, but at length receiving all under its covert (Mat 13:32); the antithesis to Antichrist, symbolized by Assyria, of which the same is said (Eze 31:6), and Babylon (Dan 4:12). Antichrist assumes in mimicry the universal power really belonging to Christ.

Ezekiel 17:24

eze 17:24

I . . . brought down the high--the very attribute given to God by the virgin mother of Him, under whom this was to be accomplished.

high . . . low tree--that is, princes elevated . . . lowered. All the empires of the world, represented by Babylon, once flourishing ("green"), shall be brought low before the once depressed ("dry"), but then exalted, kingdom of Messiah and His people, the head of whom shall be Israel (Dan 2:44).

Vindication of God's moral government as to His retributive righteousness from the Jewish imputation of injustice, as if they were suffering, not for their own sin, but for that of their fathers. As in the seventeenth chapter he foretold Messiah's happy reign in Jerusalem, so now he warns them that its blessings can be theirs only upon their individually turning to righteousness.

Next: Ezekiel Chapter 18