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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882] at sacred-texts.com

Ezekiel Chapter 30

Ezekiel 30:2

eze 30:2


Woe worth the day!--that is, Alas for the day!

Ezekiel 30:3

eze 30:3

the time of the heathen--namely, for taking vengeance on them. The judgment on Egypt is the beginning of a world-wide judgment on all the heathen enemies of God (Joe 1:15; Joe 2:1-2; Joel 3:1-21; Oba 1:15).

Ezekiel 30:4

eze 30:4

pain--literally, "pangs with trembling as of a woman in childbirth."

Ezekiel 30:5

eze 30:5

the mingled people--the mercenary troops of Egypt from various lands, mostly from the interior of Africa (compare Eze 27:10; Jer 25:20, Jer 25:24; Jer 46:9, Jer 46:21).

Chub--the people named Kufa on the monuments [HAVERNICK], a people considerably north of Palestine [WILKINSON]; Coba or Chobat, a city of Mauritania [MAURER].

men of the land that is in league--too definite an expression to mean merely, "men in league" with Egypt; rather, "sons of the land of the covenant," that is, the Jews who migrated to Egypt and carried Jeremiah with them (Jer. 42:1-44:30). Even they shall not escape (Jer 42:22; Jer 44:14).

Ezekiel 30:6

eze 30:6

from the tower of Syene--(see on Eze 29:10).

Ezekiel 30:7

eze 30:7

in the midst of . . . countries . . . desolate--Egypt shall fare no better than they (Eze 29:10).

Ezekiel 30:9

eze 30:9

messengers . . . in ships to . . . Ethiopians-- (Isa 18:1-2). The cataracts interposing between them and Egypt should not save them. Egyptians "fleeing from before Me" in My execution of judgment, as "messengers" in "skiffs" ("vessels of bulrushes," Isa 18:2) shall go up the Nile as far as navigable, to announce the advance of the Chaldeans.

as in the day of Egypt--The day of Ethiopia's "pain" shall come shortly, as Egypt's day came.

Ezekiel 30:10

eze 30:10

the multitude--the large population.

Ezekiel 30:12

eze 30:12

rivers--the artificial canals made from the Nile for irrigation. The drying up of these would cause scarcity of grain, and so prepare the way for the invaders (Isa 19:5-10).

Ezekiel 30:13

eze 30:13

Noph--Memphis, the capital of Middle Egypt, and the stronghold of "idols." Though no record exists of Nebuchadnezzar's "destroying" these, we know from HERODOTUS and others, that Cambyses took Pelusium, the key of Egypt, by placing before his army dogs, cats, &c., all held sacred in Egypt, so that no Egyptian would use any weapon against them. He slew Apis, the sacred ox, and burnt other idols of Egypt.

no more a prince--referring to the anarchy that prevailed in the civil wars between Apries and Amasis at the time of Nebuchadnezzar's invasion. There shall no more be a prince of the land of Egypt, ruling the whole country; or, no independent prince.

Ezekiel 30:14

eze 30:14

Pathros--Upper Egypt, with "No" or Thebes its capital (famed for its stupendous buildings, of which grand ruins remain), in antithesis to Zoan or Tanis, a chief city in Lower Egypt, within the Delta.

Ezekiel 30:15

eze 30:15

Sin--that is, Pelusium, the frontier fortress on the northeast, therefore called "the strength (that is, the key) of Egypt." It stands in antithesis to No or Thebes at the opposite end of Egypt; that is, I will afflict Egypt from one end to the other.

Ezekiel 30:16

eze 30:16

distresses daily--MAURER translates, "enemies during the day," that is, open enemies who do not wait for the covert of night to make their attacks (compare Jer 6:4; Jer 15:8). However, the Hebrew, though rarely, is sometimes rendered (see Psa 13:2) as in English Version.

Ezekiel 30:17

eze 30:17

Aven--meaning "vanity" or "iniquity": applied, by a slight change of the Hebrew name, to On or Heliopolis, in allusion to its idolatry. Here stood the temple of the sun, whence it was called in Hebrew, Beth-shemesh (Jer 43:13). The Egyptian hieroglyphics call it, Re Athom, the sun, the father of the gods, being impersonate in Athom or Adam, the father of mankind.

Pi-beseth--that is, Bubastis, in Lower Egypt, near the Pelusiac branch of the Nile: notorious for the worship of the goddess of the same name (Coptic, Pasht), the granite stones of whose temple still attest its former magnificence.

these cities--rather, as the Septuagint, "the women," namely, of Aven and Pi-beseth, in antithesis to "the young men." So in Eze 30:18, "daughters shall go into captivity" [MAURER].

Ezekiel 30:18

eze 30:18

Tehaphnehes--called from the queen of Egypt mentioned in Kg1 11:19. The same as Daphne, near Pelusium, a royal residence of the Pharaohs (Jer 43:7, Jer 43:9). Called Hanes Isa 30:4).

break . . . the yokes of Egypt--that is, the tyrannical supremacy which she exercised over other nations. Compare "bands of their yoke" (Eze 34:7).

a cloud--namely, of calamity.

Ezekiel 30:20

eze 30:20

Here begins the earlier vision, not long after that in the twenty-ninth chapter, about three months before the taking of Jerusalem, as to Pharaoh and his kingdom.

Ezekiel 30:21

eze 30:21

broken . . . arm of Pharaoh-- (Psa 37:17; Jer 48:25). Referring to the defeat which Pharaoh-hophra sustained from the Chaldeans, when trying to raise the siege of Jerusalem (Jer 37:5, Jer 37:7); and previous to the deprivation of Pharaoh-necho of all his conquests from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates (Kg2 24:7; Jer 46:2); also to the Egyptian disaster in Cyrene.

Ezekiel 30:22

eze 30:22

arms--Not only the "one arm" broken already (Eze 30:21) was not to be healed, but the other two should be broken. Not a corporal wound, but a breaking of the power of Pharaoh is intended.

cause . . . sword to fall out of . . . hand--deprive him of the resources of making war.

Not that Egypt was, like Assyria, utterly to cease to be, but it was, like Assyria, to lose its prominence in the empire of the world.

Next: Ezekiel Chapter 31