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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882] at

Psalms Chapter 83

Psalms 83:1

psa 83:1

Of Asaph--(See on Psa 74:1, title). The historical occasion is probably that of Ch2 20:1-2 (compare Psa 47:1-9; Psa 48:1-14). After a general petition, the craft and rage of the combined enemies are described, God's former dealings recited, and a like summary and speedy destruction on them is invoked. (Psa. 83:1-18)

God addressed as indifferent (compare Psa 35:22; Psa 39:12).

be not still--literally, "not quiet," as opposed to action.

Psalms 83:2

psa 83:2

thine enemies--as well as ours (Psa 74:23; Isa 37:23).

Psalms 83:3

psa 83:3

hidden ones--whom God specially protects (Psa 27:5; Psa 91:1).

Psalms 83:4

psa 83:4

from being a nation--utter destruction (Isa 7:8; Isa 23:1).

Israel--here used for Judah, having been the common name.

Psalms 83:5

psa 83:5

they have consulted--with heart, or cordially.

together--all alike.

Psalms 83:6

psa 83:6

tabernacles--for people (Psa 78:67).

they--all these united with the children of Lot, or Ammonites and Moabites (compare Ch2 20:1).

Psalms 83:9

psa 83:9

Compare the similar fate of these (Ch2 20:23) with that of the foes mentioned in Jdg 7:22, here referred to. They destroyed one another (Jdg. 4:6-24; Jdg 7:25). Human remains form manure (compare Kg2 9:37; Jer 9:22).

Psalms 83:12

psa 83:12

The language of the invaders.

houses--literally, "residences," enclosures, as for flocks (Psa 65:12).

of God--as the proprietors of the land (Ch2 20:11; Isa 14:25).

Psalms 83:13

psa 83:13

like a wheel--or, whirling of any light thing (Isa 17:13), as stubble or chaff (Psa 1:4).

Psalms 83:14

psa 83:14

Pursue them to an utter destruction.

Psalms 83:16

psa 83:16

that they may seek--or as Psa 83:18, supply "men," since Psa 83:17-18 amplify the sentiment of Psa 83:16, expressing more fully the measure of destruction, and the lesson of God's being and perfections (compare Ch2 20:29) taught to all men.

Next: Psalms Chapter 84