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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

1 Timothy Chapter 3

1 Timothy

ti1 3:0


Ti1 3:1, How bishops and deacons, and their wives should be qualified; Ti1 3:14, and to what end Saint Paul wrote to Timothy of these things; Ti1 3:15, Of the church, and the blessed truth therein taught and professed.

1 Timothy 3:1

ti1 3:1

is a: Ti1 1:15, Ti1 4:9; Ti2 2:11; Tit 3:8

the office: Ti1 3:2-7; Act 1:20; Phi 1:1; Tit 1:7; Pe1 2:25

bishop: Act 20:28; Heb 12:15; Pe1 4:15, Pe1 5:2 *Gr.

desireth: Pro 11:30; Luk 15:10; Rom 11:13; Eph 4:12; Th1 5:14; Jam 5:19, Jam 5:20

1 Timothy 3:2

ti1 3:2

bishop: Tit 1:6-9

blameless: Ti1 3:10; Luk 1:6; Phi 2:15

the husband: Ti1 4:3, Ti1 5:9; Heb 3:14

vigilant: Isa 56:10; Pe1 4:7, Pe1 5:8

of good behaviour: or, modest

given: Rom 12:13; Tit 1:8; Heb 13:2; Pe1 4:9

apt: Ti2 2:24

1 Timothy 3:3

ti1 3:3

Not given to wine: or, Not ready to quarrel, and offer wrong, as one in wine, Ti1 3:8; Lev 10:9; Isa 5:11, Isa 5:12, Isa 28:1, Isa 28:7, Isa 56:12; Eze 44:21; Mic 2:11; Mat 24:45-51; Luk 12:42-46, Luk 21:34-36; Eph 5:18; Tit 1:7, Tit 2:3

no: Ti2 2:24, Ti2 2:25; Tit 1:7

not greedy: Pro 1:19, Pro 15:27; Isa 56:11; Jde 1:11

filthy: Ti1 3:8; Sa1 8:3; Tit 1:7, Tit 1:11; Pe1 5:2

patient: Ti1 6:11; Ecc 7:8; Th1 5:14; Ti2 2:24; Rev 1:9

a brawler: Tit 3:2; Jam 4:1 *marg.

not covetous: Sa1 2:15-17; Kg2 5:20-27; Jer 6:13, Jer 8:10; Mic 3:5, Mic 3:11; Mal 1:10; Mat 21:13; Joh 10:12, Joh 10:13, Joh 12:5, Joh 12:6; Act 8:18-21, Act 20:33; Rom 16:18; Pe2 2:3, Pe2 2:14, Pe2 2:15; Rev 18:11-13

1 Timothy 3:4

ti1 3:4

ruleth: Ti1 3:12; Gen 18:19; Jos 24:15; Psa 101:2-8; Act 10:2; Tit 1:6

with: Phi 4:8 *Gr: Tit 2:2, Tit 2:7

1 Timothy 3:5

ti1 3:5

if: Sa1 2:29, Sa1 2:30, Sa1 3:13

the church: Ti1 3:15; Act 20:28; Eph 1:22, Eph 5:24, Eph 5:32

1 Timothy 3:6

ti1 3:6

novice: or, one newly come to the faith, Co1 3:1; Heb 5:12, Heb 5:13; Pe1 2:2

lest: Deu 8:14, Deu 17:20; Kg2 14:10; Ch2 26:16, Ch2 32:25; Pro 16:18, Pro 16:19, Pro 18:12; Pro 29:23; Isa 2:12; Co1 4:6-8, Co1 8:1; Co2 12:7; Pe1 5:5

the condemnation: Isa 14:12-14; Luk 10:18; Pe2 2:4; Jde 1:6

1 Timothy 3:7

ti1 3:7

a good: Ti1 5:24, Ti1 5:25; Sa1 2:24; Act 6:3, Act 10:22, Act 22:12; Jo3 1:12

them: Co1 5:12; Col 4:5; Th1 4:12

lest: Ti1 5:14; Co1 10:32; Co2 6:3, Co2 8:21; Th1 5:22; Tit 2:5, Tit 2:8; Pe1 4:14-16

the snare: Ti1 6:9; Ti2 2:26

1 Timothy 3:8

ti1 3:8

the deacons: Act 6:3-6; Phi 1:1

be: Ti1 3:4

doubletongued: Psa 5:9, Psa 12:2, Psa 50:19, Psa 52:2; Rom 3:13; Jam 3:10

not given: Ti1 3:3; Lev 10:9; Eze 44:21

1 Timothy 3:9

ti1 3:9

Holding: Ti1 1:5, Ti1 1:19

the mystery: Ti1 3:16; Jo2 1:9, Jo2 1:10

1 Timothy 3:10

ti1 3:10

let these: Ti1 3:6, Ti1 5:22; Jo1 4:1

use: Ti1 3:13; Act 6:1, Act 6:2

being: Ti1 3:2; Co1 1:8; Col 1:22; Tit 1:6, Tit 1:7

1 Timothy 3:11

ti1 3:11

their: Lev 21:7, Lev 21:13-15; Eze 44:22; Luk 1:5-6; Tit 2:3

be: Ti1 3:4

not: Psa 15:3, Psa 50:20, Psa 101:5; Pro 10:18, Pro 25:13; Jer 9:4; Mat 4:1; Joh 6:70; Ti2 3:3; Tit 2:3 *Gr: Rev 12:9, Rev 12:10

sober: Ti1 3:2; Th1 5:6-8; Ti2 4:5; Tit 3:2 *Gr: Pe1 5:8

faithful: Ti1 1:12, Ti1 6:2

1 Timothy 3:12

ti1 3:12

Ti1 3:2, Ti1 3:4, Ti1 3:5

1 Timothy 3:13

ti1 3:13

they: Mat 25:21; Luk 16:10-12, Luk 19:17

used: or, ministered, Mat 20:28; Rom 12:7, Rom 12:8; Co1 16:15; Heb 6:10; Pe1 4:10,Pe1 4:11

degree: Act 21:35 *Gr.

great: Act 6:5, Act 6:8, Act 6:15, 7:1-53; Phi 1:14; Th1 2:2; Ti2 2:1

1 Timothy 3:14

ti1 3:14

hoping: Ti1 4:13; Co1 11:34, Co1 16:5-7; Co2 1:15-17; Th1 2:18; Plm 1:22; Heb 13:23; Jo2 1:12; Jo3 1:14

1 Timothy 3:15

ti1 3:15

know: Ti1 3:2; Deu 31:23; Kg1 2:2, Kg1 2:4; Ch1 22:13, Ch1 28:9-21; Act 1:2

the house: Eph 2:21, Eph 2:22; Ti2 2:20; Heb 3:2-6; Pe1 2:5

the church: Ti1 3:5

the living: Ti1 4:10, Ti1 6:16; Deu 5:26; Jos 3:10; Sa1 17:26, Sa1 17:36; Kg2 19:4; Psa 42:2, Psa 84:2; Jer 10:10, Jer 23:36; Dan 6:26; Hos 1:10; Mat 16:16; Joh 6:69; Act 14:15; Rom 9:26; Co2 3:3, Co2 6:16; Th1 1:9; Heb 3:12, Heb 9:14, Heb 12:22; Rev 7:2

the pillar: Jer 1:18; Mat 16:18, Mat 16:19, Mat 18:18; Rom 3:2; Gal 2:9

ground: or, stay

the truth: Ti1 3:16; Joh 1:17, Joh 14:6, Joh 18:37; Co2 6:7; Gal 3:1; Eph 4:21; Col 1:5

1 Timothy 3:16

ti1 3:16

without: Heb 7:7

the mystery: Ti1 3:9; Mat 13:11; Rom 16:25; Co1 2:7; Eph 1:9, Eph 3:3-9, Eph 6:19; Col 2:2; Th2 2:7; Rev 17:5, Rev 17:7

God: Isa 7:14, Isa 9:6; Jer 23:5, Jer 23:6; Mic 5:2; Mat 1:23; Joh 1:1, Joh 1:2, Joh 1:14; Act 20:28; Rom 8:3, Rom 9:5; Co1 15:47; Gal 4:4; Phi 2:6-8; Col 1:16-18; Heb 1:3; Heb 2:9-13; Jo1 1:2; Rev 1:17, Rev 1:18

manifest: Gr. manifested, Jo1 3:5

justified: Isa 50:5-7; Mat 3:16; Joh 1:32, Joh 1:33, Joh 15:26, Joh 16:8, Joh 16:9; Act 2:32-36; Rom 1:3, Rom 1:4; Pe1 3:18; Jo1 5:6-8

seen: Psa 68:17, Psa 68:18; Mat 4:11, Mat 28:2; Mar 1:13, Mar 16:5; Luk 2:10-14, Luk 22:43, Luk 24:4; Joh 20:12; Act 1:10,Act 1:11; Eph 3:10; Pe1 1:12

preached: Luk 2:32; Act 10:34, Act 13:46-48; Rom 10:12, Rom 10:18; Gal 2:8; Eph 3:5-8; Col 1:27

believed: Act 14:27; Col 1:6, Col 1:23; Rev 7:9

received: Mar 16:19; Luk 24:51; Joh 6:62, Joh 13:3, Joh 16:28, Joh 17:5; Act 1:1-9, Act 1:19; Eph 4:8-10; Heb 1:3, Heb 8:1, Heb 12:2; Pe1 3:22

Next: 1 Timothy Chapter 4