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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

Titus Chapter 1


tit 1:0


Tit 1:1, For what end Titus was left in Crete; Tit 1:6, How they that are to be chosen ministers ought to be qualified; Tit 1:11, The mouths of evil teachers to be stopped; Tit 1:12, and what manner of men they be.

Titus 1:1

tit 1:1

a servant: Ch1 6:49; Rom 1:1; Phi 1:1

faith: Joh 10:26, Joh 10:27; Act 13:48; Eph 2:8; Th2 2:13, Th2 2:14; Ti1 1:5

the acknowledging: Col 2:2; Ti2 2:23, Ti2 2:25; Jo1 2:23

after: Tit 2:11, Tit 2:12; Ti1 1:4, Ti1 3:16, Ti1 6:3; Pe2 1:3, Pe2 3:11

Titus 1:2

tit 1:2

In: or, For

hope: Tit 2:7, Tit 2:13, Tit 3:7; Joh 5:39, Joh 6:68; Rom 2:7, Rom 5:2, Rom 5:4; Col 1:27; Th1 5:8; Ti2 1:1; Ti2 2:10; Pe1 1:3, Pe1 1:4; Jo1 2:25, Jo1 3:2, Jo1 3:3; Jde 1:21

eternal: Mat 25:46; Mar 10:17, Mar 10:30; Joh 3:15, Joh 3:16, Joh 6:54, Joh 10:28, Joh 17:2; Rom 5:21, Rom 6:23; Ti1 6:12, Ti1 6:19; Jo1 5:11-13, Jo1 5:20

God: Num 23:19; Sa1 15:29; Th1 2:15; Ti2 2:15; Heb 6:17, Heb 6:18

promised: Ti2 1:1, Ti2 1:9; Rev 17:8

before: Pro 8:23-31; Mat 25:34; Joh 17:24; Act 15:18; Rom 16:25; Pe1 1:20-23; Rev 13:8

Titus 1:3

tit 1:3

in: Dan 8:23, Dan 9:24-27, Dan 10:1, Dan 11:27; Hab 2:3; Act 17:26; Rom 5:6; Gal 4:4; Eph 1:10; Ti1 2:6; Ti2 1:10

manifested: Mar 13:10, Mar 16:15; Act 10:36; Rom 10:14, Rom 10:15, Rom 15:19, Rom 16:26; Eph 2:17; Eph 3:5-8; Phi 1:13; Col 1:6, Col 1:23; Ti1 2:5; Rev 14:16

which: Co1 9:17; Th1 2:4; Ti1 1:11, Ti1 2:7; Ti2 1:11

God: Tit 2:10,Tit 2:13, Tit 3:4-6; Isa 12:2, Isa 45:15, Isa 45:21; Ti1 1:1, Ti1 2:3, Ti1 4:10

Titus 1:4

tit 1:4

Titus: Co2 2:13, Co2 7:6, Co2 7:13, Co2 7:14, Co2 8:6, Co2 8:16, Co2 8:23, Co2 12:18; Gal 2:3

mine: Ti1 1:1, Ti1 1:2; Ti2 1:2

the common: Rom 1:12; Co2 4:13; Pe2 1:1; Jde 1:3

Grace: Rom 1:7; Eph 1:2; Col 1:2; Ti1 1:2; Ti2 1:2

our: Tit 1:3; Luk 2:11; Joh 4:42; Pe2 1:11, Pe2 2:20, Pe2 3:2, Pe2 3:18; Jo1 5:14

Titus 1:5

tit 1:5

I left, Ti1 1:3

Crete: Act 2:11, Act 27:7, Act 27:12, Act 27:21

set: Ch1 6:32; Ecc 12:9; Isa 44:7; Co1 11:34, Co1 14:40; Col 2:5

wanting: or, left undone

and: Act 14:23; Ti2 2:2

Titus 1:6

tit 1:6

any: Ti1 3:2-7

the husband: Lev 21:7, Lev 21:14; Eze 44:22; Mal 2:15; Luk 1:5; Ti1 3:12

having: Gen 18:19; Sa1 2:11, Sa1 2:22, Sa1 2:29, Sa1 2:30, Sa1 3:12, Sa1 3:13; Ti1 3:4, Ti1 3:5

not: Pro 28:7

or: Tit 1:10; Th1 5:14

Titus 1:7

tit 1:7

a bishop: Tit 1:5; Phi 1:1; Ti1 3:1, Ti1 3:2-13

as: Mat 24:45; Luk 12:42; Co1 4:1, Co1 4:2; Pe1 4:10

not selfwilled: Gen 49:6; Pe2 2:10

not soon: Pro 14:17, Pro 15:18, Pro 16:32; Ecc 7:9; Jam 1:19, Jam 1:20

not given to wine: Tit 2:3; Lev 10:9; Pro 31:4, Pro 31:5; Isa 28:7, Isa 56:12; Eze 44:21; Eph 5:18; Ti1 3:3

no: Ti2 2:24, Ti2 2:25 *Gr.

not given to filthy: Isa 56:10,Isa 56:11; Ti1 3:3, Ti1 3:8; Pe1 5:2

Titus 1:8

tit 1:8

a lover of hospitality: Ti1 3:2

a lover of good: Sa1 18:1; Kg1 5:1, Kg1 5:7; Psa 16:3; Amo 5:15; Jo1 3:14, Jo1 5:1

men: or, things

sober: Tit 2:7; Co2 6:4-8; Th1 2:10; Ti1 4:12, Ti1 6:11; Ti2 2:22

Titus 1:9

tit 1:9

Holding: Job 2:3, Job 27:6; Pro 23:23; Th1 5:21; Th2 2:15; Ti2 1:13; Jde 1:3; Rev 2:25, Rev 3:3, Rev 3:11

fast: Ti1 1:15, Ti1 4:9, Ti1 6:3; Ti2 2:2

as he hath been taught: or, in teaching

sound: Tit 2:1, Tit 2:7, Tit 2:8; Ti1 1:10, Ti1 6:3; Ti2 4:3

to convince: Tit 1:11; Act 18:28; Co1 14:24; Ti2 2:25

Titus 1:10

tit 1:10

there: Act 20:29; Rom 16:17-18; Co2 11:12-15; Eph 4:14; Th2 2:10-12; Ti1 1:4, Ti1 1:6, Ti1 6:3-5; Ti2 3:13, Ti2 4:4; Jam 1:26; Pe2 2:1, Pe2 2:2; Jo1 2:18, Jo1 4:1; Rev 2:6, Rev 2:14

specially: Act 15:1, Act 15:24; Gal 1:6-8, Gal 2:4, Gal 3:1, Gal 4:17-21, Gal 5:1-4; Phi 3:2, Phi 3:3

Titus 1:11

tit 1:11

mouths: Tit 1:9, Tit 3:10; Psa 63:11, Psa 107:42; Eze 16:63; Luk 20:40; Rom 3:19; Co2 11:10

subvert: Mat 23:14; Ti2 3:6

filthy: Tit 1:7; Isa 56:10,Isa 56:11; Jer 8:10; Eze 13:19; Mic 3:5, Mic 3:11; Joh 10:12; Ti1 6:5; Pe2 2:1-3

Titus 1:12

tit 1:12

of: Act 17:28

liars: Rom 16:18; Ti1 4:2; Pe2 2:12, Pe2 2:15; Jde 1:8-13

Titus 1:13

tit 1:13

rebuke: Tit 2:15; Pro 27:5; Co2 13:10; Ti1 5:20; Ti2 4:2

that: Tit 2:2; Lev 19:17; Psa 119:80, Psa 141:5; Co2 7:8-12; Ti1 4:6

Titus 1:14

tit 1:14

Jewish: Ti1 1:4-7; Ti2 4:4

commandments: Isa 29:13; Mat 15:9; Mar 7:7; Col 2:22

turn: Gal 4:9; Ti2 4:4; Heb 12:25; Pe2 2:22

Titus 1:15

tit 1:15

the pure: Luk 11:39-41; Act 10:15; Rom 14:14, Rom 14:20; Co1 6:12, Co1 6:13, Co1 10:23, Co1 10:25, Co1 10:31; Ti1 4:3, Ti1 4:4

but: Pro 21:4; Hag 2:13; Zac 7:5, Zac 7:6; Mat 15:18; Rom 14:20,Rom 14:23; Co1 11:27-29

their: Co1 8:7; Heb 9:14, Heb 10:22

Titus 1:16

tit 1:16

profess: Num 24:16; Isa 29:13, Isa 48:1, Isa 58:2; Eze 33:31; Hos 8:2, Hos 8:3; Rom 2:18-24; Ti2 3:5-8; Jde 1:4

being: Job 15:16; Rev 21:8, Rev 21:27

and disobedient: Sa1 15:22, Sa1 15:24; Eph 5:6; Ti1 1:9

unto: Jer 6:30; Rom 1:28; Ti2 3:8

reprobate: or, void of judgment

Next: Titus Chapter 2