1 Kings (1 Samuel) Index
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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

1 Kings (1 Samuel) Chapter 15

1 Kings (1 Samuel)

sa1 15:0


Sa1 15:1, Samuel sends Saul to destroy Amalek; Sa1 15:6, Saul favours the Kenites; Sa1 15:7, He spares Agag and the best of the spoil; Sa1 15:10, Samuel denounces unto Saul God's rejection of him for his disobedience; Sa1 15:24, Saul's humiliation; Sa1 15:32, Samuel kills Agag; Sa1 15:34, Samuel and Saul part.

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:1

sa1 15:1

am 2925, bc 1079, An, Ex, Is, 412

The Lord: Sa1 15:17, Sa1 15:18, Sa1 9:16, Sa1 10:1

hearken: Sa1 15:16, Sa1 12:14, Sa1 13:13; Sa2 23:2, Sa2 23:3; Ch1 22:12, Ch1 22:13; Psa 2:10, Psa 2:11

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:2

sa1 15:2

I remember: Jer 31:34; Hos 7:2; Amo 8:7

Amalek: Exo 17:8-16; Num 24:20; Deu 25:17-19

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:3

sa1 15:3

Now go: The Amalekites, a people of Arabia Petrea, who inhabited a tract of country on the frontiers of Egypt and Canaan, had acted with great cruelty towards the Israelites on their coming out of Egypt, and God then purposed that Amalek, as a nation, should be blotted out from under heaven; but it had been spared till it had filled up the measure of its iniquities, and now this purpose is carried into effect by Saul, upwards of 400 years afterwards! Nothing could justify such an exterminating decree but the absolute authority of God; and this was given. all the reasons of it we do not know; but this we know well, the Judge of all the earth doeth right.

utterly destroy: Lev 27:28, Lev 27:29; Num 24:20; Deu 13:15, Deu 13:16, Deu 20:16-18; Jos 6:17-21

slay: Exo 20:5; Num 31:17; Isa 14:21, Isa 14:22

ox and sheep: Gen 3:17, Gen 3:18; Rom 8:20-22

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:4

sa1 15:4

Telaim: Jos 15:24, Telem

two: Sa1 11:8, Sa1 13:15

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:5

sa1 15:5

laid wait: or, fought, Sa1 15:5

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:6

sa1 15:6

the Kenites: Sa1 27:10; Num 24:21, Num 24:22; Jdg 1:16, Jdg 4:11, Jdg 5:24; Ch1 2:55

depart: Gen 18:25, Gen 19:12-16; Num 16:26, Num 16:27, Num 16:34; Pro 9:6; Act 2:40; Co2 6:17; Rev 18:14

ye showed: Exo 18:9, Exo 18:10, Exo 18:19; Num 10:29-32; Ti2 1:16

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:7

sa1 15:7

smote: Sa1 14:48; Job 21:30; Ecc 8:13

Havilah: This Havilah was probably situated in Arabia, and the district of Chaulon may mark the spot. It seems different from that encompassed by the river Pison, one of the rivers of Eden. Gen 2:11, Gen 25:18

Shur: Sa1 27:8; Gen 16:7

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:8

sa1 15:8

Agag: Sa1 15:3; Num 24:7; Kg1 20:30, Kg1 20:34-42; Est 3:1

utterly: Sa1 27:8, Sa1 30:1; Jos 10:39, Jos 11:12

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:9

sa1 15:9

the best: Sa1 15:3, Sa1 15:15, Sa1 15:19; Jos 7:21

the fatlings: or, the second sort, Sa2 6:13

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:11

sa1 15:11

repenteth me: Sa1 15:35; Gen 6:6; Sa2 24:16; Psa 110:4; Jer 18:7-10; Amo 7:3; Jon 3:10, Jon 4:2

turned: Jos 22:16; Kg1 9:6; Psa 36:3, Psa 78:41, Psa 78:57, Psa 125:5; Zep 1:6; Mat 24:13; Heb 10:38

hath not performed: Sa1 15:3, Sa1 15:9, Sa1 13:13

it grieved: Sa1 15:35, Sa1 16:1; Psa 119:136; Jer 9:1, Jer 9:18, Jer 13:17; Luk 19:41-44; Rom 9:1-3

he cried: Sa1 12:23; Psa 109:4; Mat 5:44; Luk 6:12

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:12

sa1 15:12

Carmel: Sa1 25:2; Jos 15:55; Kg1 18:42

he set him: Sa1 7:12; Jos 4:8, Jos 4:9; Sa2 18:18

a place: Yad, Literally as the LXX render χειρα, a hand; probably because the trophy or monument of victory was in the shape of a large hand, the emblem of power, erected on a pillar. These memorial pillars were anciently much in use; and the figure of a hand, by its emblematical meaning, was well adapted to preserve the remembrance of a victory. Niebuhr, speaking of the Mesjed Ali, or Mosque of Ali, says that, "at the top of the dome, where one generally sees on the Turkish mosques a crescent, or only a pole, there is here a hand stretched out, to represent that of Ali." Another writer informs us, that at the Alhamra, or red palace of the Moorish kings in Grenada, "on the key-stone of the outward arch [of the present principal entrance] is sculptured the figure of an arm, the symbol of strength and dominion.

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:13

sa1 15:13

Blessed: Sa1 13:10; Gen 14:19; Jdg 17:2; Rut 3:10

I have performed: Sa1 15:9, Sa1 15:11; Gen 3:12; Pro 27:2, Pro 28:13, Pro 30:13, Pro 31:31; Luk 17:10, Luk 18:11

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:14

sa1 15:14

What meaneth: Psa 36:2, Psa 50:16-21; Jer 2:18, Jer 2:19, Jer 2:22, Jer 2:23, Jer 2:34-37; Mal 3:13-15; Luk 19:22; Rom 3:19; Co1 4:5

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:15

sa1 15:15

for: Sa1 15:9, Sa1 15:21; Gen 3:12, Gen 3:13; Exo 32:22, Exo 32:23; Job 31:33; Pro 28:13

to: Mat 2:8; Luk 10:29

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:16

sa1 15:16

Stay: Sa1 9:27, Sa1 12:7; Kg1 22:16

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:17

sa1 15:17

When thou: Sa1 9:21, Sa1 10:22; Jdg 6:15; Hos 13:1; Mat 18:4

the Lord: Sa1 15:1-3, Sa1 10:1

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:18

sa1 15:18

the sinners: Gen 13:13, Gen 15:16; Num 16:38; Job 31:3; Pro 10:29, Pro 13:21

they be consumed: Heb. they consume them

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:19

sa1 15:19

fly upon: Pro 15:27; Jer 7:11; Hab 2:9-12; Ti2 4:10

didst evil: Ch2 33:2, Ch2 33:6, Ch2 36:12

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:20

sa1 15:20

Yea: Sa1 15:13; Job 33:9, Job 34:5, Job 35:2, Job 40:8; Mat 19:20; Luk 10:29, Luk 18:11; Rom 10:3

have brought: Sa1 15:3, Sa1 15:8

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:21

sa1 15:21

the people: Sa1 15:15; Gen 3:13; Exo 32:22, Exo 32:23

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:22

sa1 15:22

Hath the Lord: Psa 50:8, Psa 50:9, Psa 51:16, Psa 51:17; Pro 21:3; Isa 1:11-17; Jer 7:22, Jer 7:23; Hos 6:6; Amo 5:21-24; Mic 6:6-8; Mat 9:13, Mat 12:7, Mat 23:23; Heb 10:4-10

obey: Exo 19:5; Ecc 5:1; Jer 7:23, Jer 11:4, Jer 11:7, Jer 26:13; Hos 6:6; Mat 5:24; Mar 12:33

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:23

sa1 15:23

rebellion: Sa1 12:14, Sa1 12:15; Num 14:9; Deu 9:7, Deu 9:24; Jos 22:16-19; Job 34:37; Psa 107:11; Jer 28:16, Jer 29:32; Eze 2:5-8

witchcraft: Heb. divination, Exo 22:18; Lev 20:6, Lev 20:27; Deu 18:10, Deu 18:11; Isa 8:19, Isa 19:3; Rev 22:15

stubbornness: Co2 6:16; Gal 5:20; Rev 21:8

thou hast rejected: Sa1 2:30, Sa1 13:14, Sa1 16:1; Kg2 17:15-20; Ch1 28:9

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:24

sa1 15:24

I have sinned: Sa1 15:30; Exo 9:27, Exo 10:16; Num 22:34; Sa2 12:13; Mat 27:4

I feared: Sa1 15:9, Sa1 15:15; Exo 23:2; Job 31:34; Pro 29:25; Isa 51:12, Isa 51:13; Luk 23:20-25; Gal 1:10; Rev 21:8

obeyed: Sa1 2:29; Gen 3:12, Gen 3:17; Jer 38:5

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:25

sa1 15:25

pardon: Exo 10:17

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:26

sa1 15:26

I will not: Sa1 15:31; Gen 42:38, Gen 43:11-14; Luk 24:28, Luk 24:29; Jo2 1:11

for thou: Sa1 15:23, Sa1 2:30, Sa1 13:14, Sa1 16:1; Jer 6:19; Hos 4:6

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:28

sa1 15:28

The Lord: Sa1 28:17, Sa1 28:18; Kg1 11:30, Kg1 11:31

hath given: Sa1 2:7, Sa1 2:8; Jer 27:5, Jer 27:6; Dan 4:17, Dan 4:32; Joh 19:11; Rom 13:1

a neighbour: Sa1 13:14, Sa1 16:12; Act 13:22

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:29

sa1 15:29

Strength: or, Eternity, or, Victory, Deu 33:27; Psa 29:11, Psa 68:35; Isa 45:24; Joe 3:16; Co2 12:9; Phi 4:13

will not lie: Num 14:28, Num 14:29, Num 23:19; Psa 95:11; Eze 24:14; Ti2 2:13; Tit 1:2; Heb 6:18

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:30

sa1 15:30

honour me now: Hab 2:4; Joh 5:44, Joh 12:43

that I may worship: Isa 29:13; Luk 18:9-14; Ti2 3:5

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:32

sa1 15:32

Agag said: Jer 48:44; Th1 5:3; Rev 18:7

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:33

sa1 15:33

As thy sword: Gen 9:6; Exo 17:11; Num 14:45; Jdg 1:7; Mat 7:2; Jam 2:13; Rev 16:6, Rev 18:6

Samuel: It has been a matter of wonder to many, how Samuel could thus slay a captive prince, even in the presence of Saul, who from motives of clemency had spared him; but it should be remarked, that what Samuel did here, he did in his magisterial capacity; and that Agag had been a cruel tyrant, and therefore was cut off for his merciless cruelties. Farther, it is not likely that he did it by his own sword, but by that of the executioner. What kings, magistrates, and generals do, in an official way, by their subjects, servants, or soldiers, they are said to do themselves - qui facit per alterum, facit per se.

hewed: Num 25:7, Num 25:8; Kg1 18:40; Isa 34:6; Jer 48:10

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:34

sa1 15:34

Gibeah: Sa1 11:4

1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:35

sa1 15:35

Samuel: Sa1 19:24

Samuel mourned: Sa1 15:11, Sa1 16:1; Psa 119:136, Psa 119:158; Jer 9:1, Jer 9:2; Rom 9:2, Rom 9:3; Phi 3:18

repented: Sa1 15:11; Gen 6:6

Next: 1 Kings (1 Samuel) Chapter 16