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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Isaiah Chapter 19


isa 19:0


Isa 19:1, The confusion of Egypt; Isa 19:11, The foolishness of their princes; Isa 19:18, The calling of Egypt into the church; Isa 19:23, The covenant of Egypt, Assyria, and Israel.

Isaiah 19:1

isa 19:1

Egypt: Jer 25:19, Jer 43:8-13, Jer 44:29, Jer 44:30, 46:1-28; Ezek. 29:1-32:32; Joe 3:19; Zac 10:11, Zac 14:18

rideth: Deu 33:26; Psa 18:10-12, Psa 68:4, Psa 68:33, Psa 68:34, Psa 104:34; Mat 26:64, Mat 26:65; Rev 1:7

the idols: Isa 21:9, Isa 46:1, Isa 46:2; Exo 12:12; Sa1 5:2-4; Jer 43:12, Jer 46:25, Jer 50:2, Jer 51:44; Eze 30:13

the heart: Isa 19:16; Exo 15:14-16; Jos 2:9, Jos 2:11, Jos 2:24; Jer 46:5, Jer 46:15, Jer 46:16

Isaiah 19:2

isa 19:2

I will: Isa 19:13, Isa 19:14, Isa 9:21; Jdg 7:22, Jdg 9:23; Sa1 14:16, Sa1 14:20; Ch2 20:22, Ch2 20:23; Eze 38:21; Mat 12:25; Rev 17:12-17

set: Heb. mingle

Isaiah 19:3

isa 19:3

the spirit: This is a prophecy of what took place in Egypt about twenty-two years after the destruction of Sennacherib's army; when, upon the death of Tirhakah (bc 688), not being able to settle about the succession, they continued for two years in a state of anarchy, confusion, and civil wars; which was followed by the tyranny of twelve princes, who, dividing the country among them, governed it for fifteen years; and at last, by the sole dominion of Psammiticus, which he held for fifty-four years. Isa 19:1, Isa 19:11-13, Isa 57:16; Sa1 25:37; Psa 76:12; Jer 46:15; Eze 21:7, Eze 22:14

fail: Heb. be emptied

and I: Isa 14:27; Sa2 15:31, Sa2 17:14, Sa2 17:23; Ch2 25:16-20; Job 5:12, Job 5:13; Pro 21:30; Co1 3:19, Co1 3:20

destroy: Heb. swallow up, Psa 107:27 *marg.

and they: Isa 8:19, Isa 15:2, Isa 44:25, Isa 47:12; Ch1 10:13; Dan 2:2, Dan 4:6, Dan 4:7, Dan 5:7

Isaiah 19:4

isa 19:4

give over: or, shut up, Sa1 23:7; Psa 31:8

a cruel lord: Rather, "cruel lords," agreeable to the LXX, Syriac, Vulgate, and the original adonim kasheh. Nebuchadnezzar, who first conquered and ravaged Egypt, bc 573, and the following year; and then, not only his successors, but Cambyses (who invaded Egypt, bc 526), the son of Cyrus, and the whole succession of Persian kings till the time of Alexander, who were in general hard masters, and grievously oppressed the country. Isa 19:2, Isa 20:4; Jer 46:26; Eze 29:19

Isaiah 19:5

isa 19:5

Jer 51:36; Eze 30:12; Zac 10:11, Zac 14:18

Isaiah 19:6

isa 19:6

and the: Isa 37:25; Kg2 19:24

the reeds: Isa 18:2; Exo 2:3; Job 8:11

Isaiah 19:7

isa 19:7

every: Isa 32:20; Jer 14:4; Eze 19:13; Joe 1:17, Joe 1:18

be no more: Heb. shall not be

Isaiah 19:8

isa 19:8

Exo 7:21; Num 11:5; Eze 47:10; Hab 1:15

Isaiah 19:9

isa 19:9

work: Kg1 10:28; Pro 7:16; Eze 27:7, net works, or, white works

Isaiah 19:10

isa 19:10

purposes: Heb. foundations

make: Exo 7:19, Exo 8:5; Deu 11:10

for fish: or, of living things

Isaiah 19:11

isa 19:11

the princes: Isa 19:3, Isa 19:13, Isa 29:14, Isa 44:25; Job 5:12, Job 5:13, Job 12:17; Psa 33:10; Jer 49:7; Eze 7:26; Co1 1:19, Co1 1:20

Zoan: Isa 30:4; Num 13:22; Psa 78:12, Psa 78:43; Eze 30:14

brutish: Psa 73:22, Psa 92:6; Pro 30:2; Jer 10:14, Jer 10:21

I am: Gen 41:38, Gen 41:39; Kg1 4:30; Act 7:22

Isaiah 19:12

isa 19:12

where are thy: Isa 5:21, Isa 47:10-13; Jdg 9:38; Jer 2:28; Co1 1:20

let them: Isa 40:13, Isa 40:14, Isa 41:22, Isa 41:23, Isa 44:7; Job 11:6, Job 11:7; Rom 11:33, Rom 11:34

Isaiah 19:13

isa 19:13

princes of Zoan: Isa 19:11; Rom 1:22

Noph: Jer 2:16, Jer 46:14, Jer 46:19; Eze 30:13

stay: or, governors, Heb. corners, Num 24:17; Sa1 14:38 *marg. Zac 10:4; Pe1 2:7

Isaiah 19:14

isa 19:14

hath mingled: Isa 19:2, Isa 29:10,Isa 29:14, Isa 47:10,Isa 47:11; Kg1 22:20-23; Job 12:16; Eze 14:7-9; Th2 2:11

perverse spirit: Heb. spirit of perverseness

as a: Isa 28:7, Isa 28:8, Isa 29:9; Job 12:25; Jer 25:15, Jer 25:16, Jer 25:27, Jer 48:26

Isaiah 19:15

isa 19:15

Isa 9:14, Isa 9:15; Psa 128:2; Pro 14:23; Hab 3:17; Hag 1:11; Th1 4:11, Th1 4:12

Isaiah 19:16

isa 19:16

like: Isa 30:17; Psa 48:6; Jer 30:5-7, Jer 50:37, Jer 51:30; Nah 3:13

the shaking: Isa 10:32, Isa 11:15, Isa 30:30-32; Zac 2:9

Isaiah 19:17

isa 19:17

the land: Isa 36:1; Jer 25:19, Jer 25:27-31, Jer 43:8-13, Jer 44:28-30; Eze 29:6, Eze 29:7

because: Isa 14:24, Isa 14:26, Isa 14:27, Isa 20:2-5, Isa 46:10,Isa 46:11; Dan 4:35

Isaiah 19:18

isa 19:18

that day: Isa 19:19, Isa 19:21, Isa 2:11; Zac 2:11

shall five: Isa 11:11, Isa 27:13; Psa 68:31

speak: Zep 3:9

language: Heb. lip, Gen 11:1

and swear: Isa 45:23, Isa 45:24; Deu 10:20; Neh 10:29; Jer 12:16

destruction: Heb. Heres, or, the sun, Instead of heres "destruction," which is also the reading of Aquila, Theodotion, and the Syriac, fifteen manuscripts and seven editions have cheres "the sun;" agreeable to Symmachus, the Arabic, and Vulgate; while the Chaldee takes in both readings; and the LXX reads πολις ασεδεκ, "the city of righteousness," a name apparently contrived by the party of Onias, to give credit to his temple. As, however, heres in Arabic signifies a lion, Conrad Ikenius is of opinion that the place here mentioned is not Heliopolis, as is commonly supposed, but Leontopolis in the Heliopolitan nome, as it is termed in the letter of Onias to Ptolemy. The whole passage, from this verse to the end, contains a general intimation of the propagation of the knowledge of the true God in Egypt and Syria, under the successors of Alexander, and the early reception of the gospel in the same countries.

Isaiah 19:19

isa 19:19

Isa 66:23; Gen 12:7, Gen 28:18; Exo 24:4; Jos 22:10,Jos 22:26; Zac 6:15; Heb 13:10

Isaiah 19:20

isa 19:20

for a: Isa 55:13; Jos 4:20,Jos 4:21, Jos 22:27, Jos 22:28, Jos 22:34, Jos 24:26, Jos 24:27

they shall: Isa 19:4, Isa 20:4, Isa 52:5; Exo 2:23, Exo 3:7; Kg2 13:4, Kg2 13:5; Psa 50:15; Jam 5:4

he shall send: Isa 37:36, Isa 45:21, Isa 45:22; Luk 2:11; Tit 2:13

Isaiah 19:21

isa 19:21

Lord shall: Isa 11:9, Isa 37:20, Isa 55:5; Sa1 17:46; Kg1 8:43; Psa 67:2, Psa 98:2, Psa 98:3; Hab 2:14; Joh 17:3; Gal 4:8, Gal 4:9

and shall: Zep 3:10; Mal 1:11; Joh 4:21-24; Rom 15:27, Rom 15:28; Pe1 2:5, Pe1 2:9

shall vow: Isa 44:5; Ecc 5:4; Jon 1:16

Isaiah 19:22

isa 19:22

he shall smite: Isa 19:1-15; Deu 32:39; Job 5:18; Hos 5:15, Hos 6:2; Heb 12:11

they shall: Isa 6:10, Isa 55:7; Hos 14:1; Amo 4:6-12; Act 26:17-20, Act 28:26, Act 28:27

Isaiah 19:23

isa 19:23

Isa 11:16, Isa 35:8-10, Isa 40:3-5; Eph 2:18-22, Eph 3:6-8

Isaiah 19:24

isa 19:24

shall: Isa 6:13, Isa 49:6, Isa 49:22, Isa 65:8, Isa 65:22, Isa 66:12, Isa 66:19-21; Deu 32:43; Psa 117:1, Psa 117:2; Zac 2:10,Zac 2:11, Zac 8:20-23; Luk 2:32; Rom 10:11-13, Rom 15:9-12, Rom 15:27

a blessing: Isa 65:8; Gen 12:2; Eze 34:26; Zac 8:13; Gal 3:14

Isaiah 19:25

isa 19:25

the Lord: Isa 61:9, Isa 65:23; Num 6:24, Num 6:27, Num 24:1; Psa 67:6, Psa 67:7, Psa 115:15; Eph 1:3

Blessed: Isa 29:23; Psa 100:3, Psa 138:8; Hos 2:23; Rom 3:29, Rom 9:24, Rom 9:25; Gal 6:15; Eph 2:10; Phi 1:6; Col 3:10,Col 3:11; Pe1 2:10

and Israel: Deu 32:9

Next: Isaiah Chapter 20