3 Kings (1 Kings) Index
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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

3 Kings (1 Kings) Chapter 10

3 Kings (1 Kings)

kg1 10:0


Kg1 10:1, The queen of Sheba admires the wisdom of Solomon; Kg1 10:14, Solomon's gold; Kg1 10:16, His targets; Kg1 10:18, The throne of ivory; Kg1 10:21, His vessels; Kg1 10:24, His presents; Kg1 10:26, His chariots and horse; Kg1 10:28, His tribute.

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:1

kg1 10:1

am 3014, bc 990

And when: Ch2 9:1-12; Mat 12:42; Luk 11:31

Sheba: Gen 10:7, Gen 10:28, Gen 25:3; Job 6:19; Psa 72:10, Psa 72:15; Isa 60:6; Jer 6:20; Eze 27:22, Eze 27:23, Eze 38:13

heard: Kg1 4:31, Kg1 4:34

concerning: Job 28:28; Pro 2:3-6; Joh 17:3; Co1 1:20, Co1 1:21

prove him: Jdg 14:12-14; Psa 49:4; Pro 1:5, Pro 1:6; Mat 13:11, Mat 13:35; Mar 4:34

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:2

kg1 10:2

a very great train: Kg2 5:5, Kg2 5:9; Isa 60:6-9; Act 25:23

spices: Exo 25:6; Kg2 20:13

communed: Gen 18:33; Job 4:2; Psa 4:4; Luk 24:15

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:3

kg1 10:3

told her: Ch2 9:2; Pro 1:5, Pro 1:6, Pro 13:20; Isa 42:16; Mat 13:11; Joh 7:17; Co1 1:30; Col 2:3

questions: Heb. words

hid from the king: Kg1 10:1, Kg1 3:12; Sa2 14:17, Sa2 14:20; Dan 2:20-23; Heb 4:12, Heb 4:13

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:4

kg1 10:4

Solomon's: Kg1 3:28, Kg1 4:29-31; Ch2 9:3, Ch2 9:4; Ecc 12:9; Mat 12:42

the house: 1Kings 6:1-7:51

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:5

kg1 10:5

the meat: Kg1 4:22, Kg1 4:23

attendance: Heb. standing

cupbearers: or, butlers, ascent. The original weolatho asher yaaleh baith yehowah, is rendered by the LXX and Vulgate, και την ολοκουτωσιν αυτου ην ανεφερεν εν οικω Κυριου; et holocausta, que offerebat in domo Domini, "And the burnt offerings (or holocausts) which he offered in the house of the Lord;" with which the Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic agree; and so also Luther, Und feine Brandopfer, die er in dem Hause des Herrn opferte; and this seems to be the true sense of the passage. Kg2 16:18; Ch1 9:18, Ch1 26:16; Ch2 23:13; Eze 44:3, Eze 46:2

there was no: Jos 5:1; Ch2 9:4

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:6

kg1 10:6

report: Heb. word, Ch2 9:5, Ch2 9:6 *marg.

acts: or, sayings

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:7

kg1 10:7

I believed: Isa 64:4; Zac 9:17; Mar 16:11; Joh 20:25-29; Co1 2:9; Jo1 3:2

thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame: Heb. thou hast added wisdom and goodness to the fame

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:8

kg1 10:8

happy are these: Ch2 9:7, Ch2 9:8; Pro 3:13, Pro 3:14, Pro 8:34, Pro 10:21, Pro 13:20; Luk 10:39-42, Luk 11:28, Luk 11:31

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:9

kg1 10:9

Blessed: Kg1 5:7; Psa 72:17-19

delighteth: Psa 18:19, Psa 22:8; Isa 42:1, Isa 62:4

because the: Deu 7:8; Ch1 17:22; Ch2 2:11

to do: Sa2 8:15, Sa2 23:3; Psa 72:2; Pro 8:15, Pro 8:16; Isa 9:7, Isa 11:4, Isa 11:5, Isa 32:1, Isa 32:2; Jer 23:5, Jer 23:6; Rom 13:3, Rom 13:4

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:10

kg1 10:10

she gave: Kg1 10:2, Kg1 9:14; Psa 72:10, Psa 72:15; Mat 2:11

an hundred: According to Mr. Reynolds, equal to 843,905 10s. 4d. sterling.

spices: Gen 43:11; Exo 30:34

and precious: Pro 3:13-15, Pro 20:15; Rev 21:11

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:11

kg1 10:11

from Ophir: Kg1 9:27, Kg1 9:28; Ch2 8:18; Psa 45:9

almug: Ch2 2:8, Ch2 9:10, Ch2 9:11, algum trees

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:12

kg1 10:12

pillars: or, rails, Heb. a prop

harps: Ch1 23:5, 25:1-31; Psa 92:1-3, Psa 150:3-5; Rev 14:2, Rev 14:3

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:13

kg1 10:13

all her desire: Kg1 10:2, Kg1 9:1; Psa 20:4, Psa 37:4; Mat 15:28; Joh 14:13, Joh 14:14; Eph 3:20

which Solomon gave her of his royal bounty: Heb. which he gave her, according to the hand of king Solomon

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:14

kg1 10:14

am 2989-3029, bc 1015-975

was six hundred: Equal to 4,683,675 12s. 8d. sterling; which was what he got annually in bullion. See note on Kg1 9:28.

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:15

kg1 10:15

all the kings: Ch1 9:24; Ch2 9:13, Ch2 9:14; Psa 72:10; Isa 21:13; Gal 4:25

governors: or, captains

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:16

kg1 10:16

two hundred: Mr. Reynolds computes that these 200 targets were worth 28,131 16s. 9d.; and that the 300 shields were worth 210,976 7s. 7d. Kg1 14:26-28; Ch2 9:15, Ch2 9:16, Ch2 12:9, Ch2 12:10

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:17

kg1 10:17

in the house: Kg1 7:2

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:18

kg1 10:18

a great throne: Ch2 9:17-19; Psa 45:6, Psa 110:1, Psa 122:5; Heb 1:3, Heb 1:8; Rev 20:11

ivory: Kg1 10:22, Kg1 22:39; Psa 45:8; Eze 27:6; Amo 6:4; Rev 18:12

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:19

kg1 10:19

behind: Heb. on the hinder part thereof

stays: Heb. hands. Kg1 10:19

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:20

kg1 10:20

lions: Gen 49:9; Num 23:24, Num 24:9; Rev 5:5

the like made: Heb. so made

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:21

kg1 10:21

drinking: Ch2 9:20-22

the house: Kg1 10:17, Kg1 7:2

none were of silver: or, there was no silver in them

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:22

kg1 10:22

Tharshish: Kg1 22:48; Gen 10:4; Ch2 9:21, Ch2 20:36, Ch2 20:37; Psa 48:7, Psa 72:10; Isa 2:16; Isa 23:1, Isa 23:6, Isa 23:10, Isa 60:9, Isa 66:19; Eze 27:12; Jon 1:3, Tarshish

ivory: or, elephant's teeth, Kg1 10:18; Amo 3:15

apes: Kophim, rather monkeys, the same as the Syriac )pwq, Greek κηφος, κηπος, or κηβος, and Roman Cephus, which animal both Pliny and Solinus inform us was brought from Ethiopia. The same name appears in the monkeys, called KEIIIEṈ̌Language:English}} in the Prenestine Pavement, and in the French cep or ceb.

peacocks: Job 39:13

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:23

kg1 10:23

exceeded: Mr. Reynolds, stating Solomon's income at about four times as much as his father left him, reckons that he had each year 142,242,034. 9s. 7d., each week 2,735,423 14s. 9d., and each day, 390,770 16s. 4d. Kg1 3:12, Kg1 3:13, Kg1 4:29-34; Ch2 9:22, Ch2 9:23; Psa 89:27; Eph 3:8; Col 1:18, Col 1:19; Col 2:2, Col 2:3

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:24

kg1 10:24

to: Heb. the face of

which God: Kg1 3:9, Kg1 3:12, Kg1 3:28; Pro 2:6; Dan 1:17, Dan 2:21, Dan 2:23, Dan 5:11; Jam 1:5

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:25

kg1 10:25

every man: Kg1 10:10; Jdg 3:15; Sa1 10:27; Sa2 8:2, Sa2 8:10; Ch2 26:8; Job 42:11; Psa 72:10, Psa 72:15; Isa 36:16; Mat 2:11

and mules: Kg1 1:33, Kg1 18:5; Gen 36:24; Ezr 2:66; Est 8:10, Est 8:14; Isa 66:20; Eze 27:14

a rate: Kg2 17:4; Ch2 9:24

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:26

kg1 10:26

Solomon: Kg1 4:26; Deu 17:16; Ch2 1:14, Ch2 9:25; Isa 2:7

in the cities: Ch2 9:25

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:27

kg1 10:27

the king: Ch2 1:15-17, Ch2 9:27; Job 22:24, Job 22:25

made: Heb. gave

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:28

kg1 10:28

Solomon: etc. Heb. the going forth of the horses which was Solomon's

horses brought: Deu 17:16; Ch2 1:16, Ch2 1:17, Ch2 9:28; Isa 31:1-3, Isa 36:9

and linen yarn: Gen 41:42; Pro 7:16; Isa 19:9; Eze 27:7

3 Kings (1 Kings) 10:29

kg1 10:29

for six hundred: This was the ordinary price of a chariot, as 150 shekels was that of a horse. It seems that neither horses nor chariots came out of Egypt but by means of Solomon's servants.

the kings: Jos 1:4; Kg2 7:6

their means: Heb. their hand, Hos 12:10; Mal 1:1

Next: 3 Kings (1 Kings) Chapter 11