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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

Ezra Chapter 2


ezr 2:0


Ezr 2:1, The number that return of the people; Ezr 2:36, of the priests; Ezr 2:40, of the Levites; Ezr 2:43, of the Nethinims; Ezr 2:55, of Solomon's servants; Ezr 2:61, of the priests who could not shew their pedigree; Ezr 2:64, The whole number of them, with their substance; Ezr 2:68, Their oblations.

Ezra 2:1

ezr 2:1

the children: Ezr 5:8, Ezr 6:2; Neh. 7:6-73; Est 1:1, Est 1:3, Est 1:8, Est 1:11, Est 8:9; Act 23:34

whom Nebuchadnezzar: Kg2 24:14-16, Kg2 25:11; 2Chr. 36:1-23; Jer. 39:1-18, 52:1-34; Lam 1:3, Lam 1:5; Lam 4:22; Zep 2:7

Ezra 2:2

ezr 2:2

Zerubbabel: Ezr 1:11, Sheshbazzar, Neh 7:7; Hag 1:1, Hag 1:12, Hag 1:14, Hag 2:2, Hag 2:4, Hag 2:21; Zac 4:6-10; Mat 1:12, Mat 1:13, Zorobabel

Jeshua: Ezr 3:8, Ezr 3:9, Ezr 4:3, Ezr 5:2; Hag 1:12, Hag 1:14, Hag 2:4; Zac 3:1, Zac 3:3, Zac 3:8, Zac 3:9, Joshua

Seraiah: Neh 7:7, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mispereth, Nehum

Rehum: Ezr 4:8

Ezra 2:3

ezr 2:3

children: The word children, in this table, when prefixed to the name of a man, signifies the descendants of that person, as from verses 3-21; and when prefixed to the name of a town, place, etc., it signifies the inhabitants of that place, as from Ezr 2:21-25.

Parosh: Ezr 8:3, Pharosh, Ezr 10:25; Neh 7:8

Ezra 2:4

ezr 2:4

Shephatiah: Ezr 8:8; Neh 7:9

Ezra 2:5

ezr 2:5

Arah: Neh 6:18, Neh 7:10. 652

Ezra 2:6

ezr 2:6

Pahathmoab: Ezr 8:4, Ezr 10:30; Neh 7:11, Neh 7:2,818; Neh 10:14

Joab: Ezr 8:9

Ezra 2:7

ezr 2:7

Elam: Ezr 2:31, Ezr 8:7, Ezr 10:26; Neh 7:12

Ezra 2:8

ezr 2:8

Zattu: Ezr 10:27; Neh 7:13. 845

Ezra 2:9

ezr 2:9

Zaccai: Neh 7:14

Ezra 2:10

ezr 2:10

Bani: The variation of Bani, בני [Strong's H1137], and Binnui, בנוי [Strong's H1131], arises from the elision of, ו, wav, but the LXX have here Βανουι, as in the parallel place. Ezr 10:34; Neh 7:15, Binnui. 648

Ezra 2:11

ezr 2:11

Bebai: Ezr 8:11, Ezr 10:28; Neh 7:16. 628

Ezra 2:12

ezr 2:12

Azgad: Ezr 8:12; Neh 7:17. 2,322

Ezra 2:13

ezr 2:13

Adonikam: Ezr 8:13; Neh 7:18. 667

Ezra 2:14

ezr 2:14

Bigvai: Ezr 8:14; Neh 7:19. 2,067

Ezra 2:15

ezr 2:15

Adin: Ezr 8:6; Neh 7:20. 655

Ezra 2:16

ezr 2:16

Ater: Neh 7:21

Ezra 2:17

ezr 2:17

Bezai: Neh 7:23. 324

Ezra 2:18

ezr 2:18

Jorah: Neh 7:24, Hariph

Ezra 2:19

ezr 2:19

Hashum: Ezr 10:33; Neh 7:22. 328

Ezra 2:20

ezr 2:20

Gibbar: Neh 7:25, Gibeon

Ezra 2:21

ezr 2:21

Bethlehem: Ch1 2:50-52

Ezra 2:22

ezr 2:22

Netophah: Sa2 23:28; Ch1 2:54; Neh 7:26. 188, Jer 40:8

Ezra 2:23

ezr 2:23

Anathoth: Jos 21:18; Neh 7:27; Isa 10:30; Jer 1:1, Jer 11:21

Ezra 2:24

ezr 2:24

Azmaveth: Neh 7:28, Beth-azmaveth

Ezra 2:25

ezr 2:25

Kirjatharim: Jos 9:17; Neh 7:29, Kirjath-jearim

Ezra 2:26

ezr 2:26

Ramah: Jos 18:24, Jos 18:25; Neh 7:30

Ezra 2:27

ezr 2:27

Michmas: Sa1 13:5, Sa1 13:23; Isa 10:28, Michmash, Neh 7:31

Ezra 2:28

ezr 2:28

Ai: Gen 12:8, Hai. Jos 7:2, Jos 8:9, Jos 8:17; Neh 7:33. 133

Ezra 2:29

ezr 2:29

Nebo: This Nebo was probably the Nabau which Eusebius and Jerome place eight miles south from Hebron. Num 32:3; Deu 32:49; Neh 7:33; Isa 15:2; Jer 48:1, Jer 48:22

Ezra 2:30

ezr 2:30

Magbish: i.e. congregating; crystallizing, [Strong's H4019]. The children of Magbish are not named in our present copies of Nehemiah; but the Alexandrian manuscript of the LXX has the same reading as here. Ezr 2:30

Ezra 2:31

ezr 2:31

Elam: Ezr 2:7; Neh 7:34

Ezra 2:32

ezr 2:32

Harim: Ezr 10:31; Neh 7:35

Ezra 2:33

ezr 2:33

Lod: Ch1 8:12; Neh 6:2, Neh 7:37, Neh 11:34, Neh 11:35

Hadid: or, Harid, as it is in some copies, Hadid is probably the Adida of Josephus, and the Maccabees (1Mac Neh 12:38; Neh 13:13), a city situated on a hill in the plain country of Judah, and the Aditha of Eusebius, which he places near Diospolis, Lydda, or Lod.

Ezra 2:34

ezr 2:34

Jericho: Kg1 16:34; Neh 7:36

Ezra 2:35

ezr 2:35

Senaah: Neh 7:38, Neh 7:3,930

Ezra 2:36

ezr 2:36

Jedaiah: Ch1 9:10, Ch1 24:7

Jeshua: Ezr 3:9; Neh 7:39

Ezra 2:37

ezr 2:37

Immer: Ezr 10:20; Ch1 24:14; Neh 7:40

Ezra 2:38

ezr 2:38

Pashur: Ezr 10:22; Ch1 9:12; Neh 7:41

Ezra 2:39

ezr 2:39

Harim: Ezr 10:21; Ch1 24:8; Neh 7:42

Ezra 2:40

ezr 2:40

Hodaviah: Ezr 3:9, Judah, Neh 7:43, Hodevah

Ezra 2:41

ezr 2:41

Asaph: Ch1 6:39, Ch1 15:17, Ch1 25:1, Ch1 25:2; Neh 7:44, Neh 11:17

Ezra 2:42

ezr 2:42

the porters: 1Chr. 26:1-19; Neh 7:45. 138

Ezra 2:43

ezr 2:43

Nethinims: Ezr 2:58; Ch1 9:2; Neh 7:46-56, Neh 10:28

Hasupha: This variation only exists in the translation, the original being written here Husupha, and in the parallel place defectively, Hasupha. Neh 7:46, Hashupha

Ezra 2:44

ezr 2:44

Siaha: Sia, סיעא [Strong's H5517], is merely a contraction of, סיעהא [Strong's H5517], Siaha, by the elision of, ה, hay. Neh 7:47, Sia

Ezra 2:45

ezr 2:45

Lebanah: These variations merely arise from the mutation of, ה, hay, into, א, according to the Chaldee dialect; the original, being respectively לבנה [Strong's H3838], Lebanah, and לבנא [Strong's H3838] Lebana; חגבה [Strong's H2286], Hagabah, and חגבא [Strong's H2286], Hagaba. Neh 7:48, Lebana, Hagaba

Ezra 2:46

ezr 2:46

Shalmai: or, Shamlai, Shamlai, of the Kethiv, is evidently a mistake for Shalmai, as the Keri and LXX have.

Ezra 2:49

ezr 2:49

Paseah: Neh 7:51, Phaseah

Ezra 2:50

ezr 2:50

Mehunim: Neh 7:52, Meunim, Nephishesim

Ezra 2:52

ezr 2:52

Bazluth: Neh 7:54, Bazlith

Ezra 2:53

ezr 2:53

Thamah: Neh 7:55, Tamah

Ezra 2:55

ezr 2:55

Solomon's: Kg1 9:21

Peruda: Neh 7:57, Perida

Ezra 2:56

ezr 2:56

Jaalah: Neh 7:58, Jaala

Ezra 2:57

ezr 2:57

Pochereth: Neh 7:59

Ami: Neh 7:59, Amon

Ezra 2:58

ezr 2:58

Nethinims: Ezr 7:7; Jos 9:21, Jos 9:23, Jos 9:27; Ch1 9:2; Neh 3:26, Neh 7:60

Solomon's: Kg1 9:21

Ezra 2:59

ezr 2:59

Telharsa: Neh 7:61, Tel-haresha, Addon

seed: or, pedigree

Ezra 2:60

ezr 2:60

of Delaiah: Neh 7:62. 642

Ezra 2:61

ezr 2:61

the children: Neh 7:63, Neh 7:64

Barzillai: Sa2 17:27, Sa2 19:31-39; Kg1 2:7

Ezra 2:62

ezr 2:62

therefore: Lev 21:21-23; Num 3:10, Num 16:40, Num 18:7

were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood: Heb. they were polluted from the priesthood, Eze 44:10-14

Ezra 2:63

ezr 2:63

Tirshatha: or, governor, The person who held this office at this time was probably Zerubbabel. The word Tirshatha is supposed to be Persian; and if, as Castel supposes, it signifies austerity, or that fear which is impressed by the authority of a governor, it may be derived from tars, "ear," or tursh, "acid, austere." Neh 7:65, Neh 8:9, Neh 10:1

should not: Lev 2:3, Lev 2:10, Lev 6:17, Lev 6:29, Lev 7:16, Lev 10:17, Lev 10:18, Lev 22:2, Lev 22:3, Lev 22:10, Lev 22:14-16; Num 18:9-11, Num 18:19; Num 18:32

Urim: Exo 28:30; Lev 8:8; Num 27:21; Deu 33:8; Sa1 28:6

Ezra 2:64

ezr 2:64

forty: Though the sum total, both here and in Nehemiah, is equal, namely, 42,360, yet the particulars reckoned up only make 29,818 in Ezra, and 31,089 in Nehemiah; and we find that Nehemiah mentions 1,765 persons who are not in Ezra, and Ezra has 494 not mentioned in Nehemiah. This last circumstance, which seems to render all hope of reconciling them impossible, Mr. Alting thinks is the very point by which they can be reconciled; for, if we add Ezra's surplus to the sum in Nehemiah, and Nehemiah's surplus to the number in Ezra, they will both amount to 31,583; which subtracted from 42,360, leaves a deficiency of 10,777, which are not named because they did not belong to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, or to the priests, but to the other Israelitish tribes. Ezr 9:8; Neh 7:66-69; Isa 10:20-22; Jer 23:3

Ezra 2:65

ezr 2:65

servants: Isa 14:1, Isa 14:2

two hundred: Exo 15:20, Exo 15:21; Sa2 19:35; Neh 7:67; Psa 68:25, Psa 148:12, Psa 148:13; Ecc 2:8; Jer 9:17, Jer 9:18; Mat 9:23

Ezra 2:68

ezr 2:68

offered freely: Exo 35:5-19, Exo 35:29, Exo 36:3; Num. 7:3-89; Ch1 29:5-17; Neh 7:70-73; Psa 110:3; Luk 21:1-4; Co2 8:3, Co2 8:12, Co2 9:7

in his place: Ezr 3:3; Ch1 21:18, Ch1 22:1; Ch2 3:1

Ezra 2:69

ezr 2:69

the treasure: Ezr 8:25-34; Kg1 7:51; Ch1 22:14, Ch1 26:20-28; Neh 7:71, Neh 7:72

Ezra 2:70

ezr 2:70

Ezr 6:16, Ezr 6:17; Ch1 11:2; Neh 7:73, 11:3-36

Next: Ezra Chapter 3