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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Nehemiah Chapter 10


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Neh 10:1, The names of them that sealed the covenant; Neh 10:29, The points of the covenant.

Nehemiah 10:1

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those that sealed: Heb. at the sealings, Neh 9:38

Nehemiah: Neh 8:9

Tirshatha: or, governor, Neh 7:70; Ezr 2:63

son of Hachaliah: Neh 1:1

Nehemiah 10:2

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Seraiah: Neh 3:23, Neh 11:11, Neh 12:1, Neh 12:33, Neh 12:34

Nehemiah 10:3

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Pashur: Neh 11:12

Amariah: Neh 12:2, Neh 12:13

Malchijah: The original is uniformly Malchijah, or rather, Malkeeyah. Neh 3:11, Neh 8:4, Malchiah

Nehemiah 10:4

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Hattush: Neh 3:10

Shebaniah: Neh 12:14

Malluch: Neh 12:2

Nehemiah 10:5

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Harim: Neh 3:11

Meremoth: Neh 3:4, Neh 3:21, Neh 12:3

Nehemiah 10:6

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Ginnethon: Neh 12:4, Ginnetho

Baruch: Neh 3:20

Nehemiah 10:7

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Meshullam: Neh 3:6, Neh 8:4, Neh 11:11, Neh 12:13, Neh 12:25-33

Abijah: Neh 12:4

Mijamin: Mijamin and Miamin are the same in the original, מימין [Strong's H4326], which is a defective form of מנימין [Strong's H4509], Miniamin. Neh 12:5, Miamin, Neh 12:17, Neh 12:41, Miniamin

Nehemiah 10:8

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Bilgai: Neh 12:5, Bilgah

Shemaiah: Neh 3:29, Neh 12:6, Neh 12:18, Neh 12:42; Ezr 10:21

Nehemiah 10:9

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Jeshua: Neh 3:19, Neh 7:43, Neh 8:7, Neh 9:4

Henadad: Neh 3:18, Neh 3:24, Neh 12:8, Neh 12:24

Nehemiah 10:10

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Shebaniah: Neh 8:7, Neh 9:4, Neh 9:5; Ezr 10:23

Nehemiah 10:11

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Hashabiah: Neh 11:15, Neh 11:22, Neh 12:24; Ezr 8:19, Ezr 8:24

Nehemiah 10:12

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Sherebiah: Neh 8:7, Neh 9:4, Neh 12:8

Nehemiah 10:13

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Beninu: i.e. our son; our edification, [Strong's H1148]. Neh 10:13

Nehemiah 10:14

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Parosh: Neh 3:11, Neh 7:8, Neh 7:11-13, Zattu, Ezra 2:3-70; The original is uniformly Zattu.

Bani: Neh 7:15, Binnui, Ezr 2:10

Nehemiah 10:15

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Azgad: Neh 7:16, Neh 7:17; Ezr 2:11, Ezr 2:12, Ezr 8:11, Ezr 8:12, Ezr 10:28

Nehemiah 10:16

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Bigvai: Neh 7:19-21; Ezr 2:14-16, Ezr 8:14

Nehemiah 10:18

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Hashum: Neh. 7:22-73; Ezra 2:17-70

Nehemiah 10:20

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Magpiash: i.e. killer of moths; collector; plague of the moth; the plague is consumed, [Strong's H4047], Neh 10:20

Nehemiah 10:21

neh 10:21

Meshezabeel: i.e. freed by God, Neh 3:4

Nehemiah 10:22

neh 10:22

Pelatiah: i.e. escaped of Jah, Ch1 3:21

Nehemiah 10:23

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Hoshea: i.e. he gave safety, Kg2 15:30

Nehemiah 10:25

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Neh. 3:17-32

Nehemiah 10:28

neh 10:28

the rest: Neh 7:72, Neh 7:73; Ezr 2:36-43, Ezr 2:70

all they: Neh 9:2, Neh 13:3; Lev 20:24; Ezr 9:1, Ezr 9:2, Ezr 10:11-19; Co2 6:14-17

unto the law: Rom 1:1

every one: Neh 8:2; Psa 47:7; Ecc 5:2; Jer 4:2

Nehemiah 10:29

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clave: Isa 14:1; Act 11:23, Act 17:34; Rom 12:9

entered: Neh 5:12, Neh 5:13, Neh 13:25; Deu 27:15-26, Deu 29:12-14; Ch2 15:13, Ch2 15:14; Psa 119:106; Act 23:12-15, Act 23:21

to walk: Kg2 10:31, Kg2 23:3; Ch2 6:16, Ch2 34:31; Jer 26:4

given: Deu 33:4; Mal 4:4; Joh 1:17, Joh 7:19

by: Heb. by the hand of

to observe: Deu 5:1, Deu 5:32; Psa 105:45; Eze 36:27; Joh 15:14; Tit 2:11-14

the Lord: Psa 8:1, Psa 8:9

Nehemiah 10:30

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Exo 34:16; Deu 7:3; Ezr 9:1-3, Ezr 9:12-14, Ezr 10:10-12

Nehemiah 10:31

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the people: Neh 13:15-22; Exo 20:10; Lev 23:3; Deu 5:12-14; Isa 58:13, Isa 58:14; Jer 17:21, Jer 17:22

on the holy day: Exo 12:16; Lev 16:29, Lev 23:21, Lev 23:35, Lev 23:36; Col 2:16

and that we: Exo 23:10, Exo 23:11; Lev 25:4-7; Ch2 36:21

the exaction: Neh 5:1-13; Deu 15:1-3, Deu 15:7-9; Mat 6:12, Mat 18:27-35; Jam 2:13

debt: Heb. band, Isa 58:6

Nehemiah 10:32

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to charge: Gen 28:22; Pro 3:9

the third part: According to the law, every one above twenty years of age was to give half a shekel to the sanctuary for a ransom for their souls. But, on account of the general poverty of the people, occasioned by their wars, and captivity, and by heavy tributes, etc., in the land of their captivity, this sum was reduced to the third part of a shekel. Exo 30:11-16; Mat 17:24-27; Co2 8:12

Nehemiah 10:33

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the showbread: Lev 24:5; Ch2 2:4

the continual burnt: Num. 28:1-29:40; Heb 10:11

all the work: Ch2 24:5-14

Nehemiah 10:34

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cast: Ch1 24:5, Ch1 24:7, Ch1 25:8, Ch1 25:9; Pro 18:18

the wood offering: It was the business of the Nethinim to procure the wood for the fires of the temple, but it is probable few of them returned to their former masters after the captivity; and therefore they found it necessary to cast lots among the priests, Levites, and people, who should furnish the wood at appointed times. This bringing of the wood to the temple at last became a great day; and was constituted into a feast, called by Josephus, ξυλοφορια, "the carrying of the wood" (Bell. 1. ii. c. 17. sec.6). Neh 13:31; Lev 6:12; Jos 9:27; Isa 40:16

at times: Heb 10:3-7

as it is written: Lev 6:12, Lev 6:13

Nehemiah 10:35

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Exo 23:19, Exo 34:26; Lev 19:23-26; Num 18:2, Num 18:12; Deu 26:2; Ch2 31:3-10; Pro 3:9, Pro 3:10; Mal 3:8-12

Nehemiah 10:36

neh 10:36

the firstborn: Exo 13:2, Exo 13:12-15, Exo 34:19; Lev 27:26, Lev 27:27; Num 18:15, Num 18:16; Deu 12:6

unto: Num 18:9-19; Co1 9:6-14; Gal 6:6

Nehemiah 10:37

neh 10:37

the firstfruits: Lev 23:17; Num 15:19-21, Num 18:12, Num 18:13; Deu 18:4, Deu 26:2

to the chambers: Neh 13:5, Neh 13:9; Kg1 6:5-10; Ch2 31:11, Ch2 31:12

and the tithes: Lev 27:30-33; Num 18:21, Num 18:24-32; Ch2 31:6; Mal 3:8, Mal 3:10

Nehemiah 10:38

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when the Levites: Num 18:26-28

the tithe: The tithes of all the produce of the fields were brought to the Levites; and out of these a tenth part was given to the priests, which is here called the tithe of the tithes. See the parallel passages.

the treasure house: Neh 13:12, Neh 13:13; Ch1 9:26; Ch2 31:11, Ch2 31:12

Nehemiah 10:39

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For the children: Deu 12:6-11, Deu 12:17, Deu 14:23-27; Ch2 31:12

the children: Num 18:30

we will not: Neh 13:10, Neh 13:11; Psa 122:9; Heb 10:25

Next: Nehemiah Chapter 11