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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

Exodus Chapter 12


exo 12:0


Exo 12:1, The beginning of the year is changed; Exo 12:3, The passover is instituted; Exo 12:11, The import of the rite of the passover; Exo 12:15, Unleavened bread, etc; Exo 12:29, The firstborn are slain; Exo 12:31, The Israelites are driven out of the land; Exo 12:37, They come to Succoth; Exo 12:41, The time of their sojourning; Exo 12:43, The ordinance of the passover.

Exodus 12:2

exo 12:2

am 2513, bc 1491, An, Exod, Isr, 1, Abib or Nisan, Exo 13:4, Exo 23:15, Exo 34:18; Lev 23:5; Num 28:16; Deu 16:1; Est 3:7

Exodus 12:3

exo 12:3

Speak ye: Exo 4:30, Exo 6:6, Exo 14:15, Exo 20:19; Lev 1:2

in the tenth: Exo 12:6; Joh 12:1, Joh 12:12

take to: Gen 4:4, Gen 22:8; Sa1 7:9; Joh 1:29, Joh 1:36; Co1 5:7; Rev 5:6-13, Rev 7:9-14, Rev 13:8

lamb: or, kid, The word seh means the young of both sheep and goats, and may be indifferently rendered either lamb or kid. It is evident from Exo 12:5 that the Hebrews might take either; but they generally preferred a lamb, from being of a more gentle nature. Lev 5:6; Num 15:11; Ch2 35:7

an house: The Israelites were divided into twelve tribes, these tribes into families, the families into houses, and the houses into particular persons. Num. 1:1-54; Jos 7:14

Exodus 12:5

exo 12:5

be without: Lev 1:3, Lev 1:10, Lev 22:19-24; Deu 17:1; Mal 1:7, Mal 1:8, Mal 1:14; Heb 7:26, Heb 9:13, Heb 9:14; Pe1 1:18, Pe1 1:19

a male of the first year: Heb. son of a year, Lev 23:12; Sa1 13:1 *marg.

Exodus 12:6

exo 12:6

fourteenth: Lev 23:5; Num 9:3, Num 28:16, Num 28:18; Deu 16:1-6; Ch2 30:15; Eze 45:21

the whole: Ch2 30:15-18; Isa 53:6; Mat 27:20, Mat 27:25; Mar 15:1, Mar 15:8, Mar 15:11, Mar 15:25, Mar 15:33, Mar 15:34; Luk 23:1, Luk 23:18; Act 2:23, Act 3:14, Act 4:27

in the evening: Heb. between the two evenings, The Jews divided the day into morning and evening. till the sun passed the meridian, all was morning or forenoon; after that, all was evening or afternoon. Their first evening began just after twelve o'clock, and continued till sunset; their second evening began at sunset, and continued till night, i.e., during the whole time of twilight; between twelve o'clock, therefore, and the termination of twilight, the passover was to be offered (see parallel passages). Exo 16:12; Mat 27:46-50

Exodus 12:7

exo 12:7

Exo 12:22, Exo 12:23; Eph 1:7; Heb 9:13, Heb 9:14, Heb 9:22, Heb 10:14, Heb 10:29, Heb 11:28; Pe1 1:2

Exodus 12:8

exo 12:8

eat the: Mat 26:26; Joh 6:52-57

roast: Deu 16:7; Psa 22:14; Isa 53:10

unleavened: Exo 13:3, Exo 13:7, Exo 34:25; Num 9:11; Deu 16:3; Amo 4:5; Mat 16:12; Co1 5:6-8; Gal 5:9

with bitter: Exo 1:14; Num 9:11; Zac 12:10; Th1 1:6

Exodus 12:9

exo 12:9

but roast with fire: Exo 12:8; Deu 16:7; Lam 1:13

Exodus 12:10

exo 12:10

Exo 23:18, Exo 29:34, Exo 34:25; Lev 7:15-17, Lev 22:30; Deu 16:4, Deu 16:5

Exodus 12:11

exo 12:11

loins: Mat 26:19, Mat 26:20; Luk 12:35; Eph 6:15; Pe1 1:13

shoes: Luk 7:38, Luk 15:22; Eph 6:15

it is the: Exo 12:27; Lev 23:5; Num 28:16; Deu 16:2-6; Co1 5:7

Exodus 12:12

exo 12:12

pass: Exo 12:23, Exo 11:4, Exo 11:5; Amo 5:17

will smite: Exo 12:29, Exo 12:30, Exo 11:4-6

against: Num 33:4; Sa1 5:3, Sa1 6:5; Ch1 14:12; Isa 19:1; Jer 43:13; Zep 2:11

gods: or, princes, Exo 21:6, Exo 22:28; Psa 82:1, Psa 82:6; Joh 10:34, Joh 10:35

I am the Lord: Exo 6:2; Isa 43:11-15; Eze 12:16

Exodus 12:13

exo 12:13

the blood: Exo 12:23; Gen 17:11; Jos 2:12; Heb 11:28

and when: Th1 1:10; Jo1 1:7

to destroy you: Heb. for a destruction

Exodus 12:14

exo 12:14

memorial: Exo 13:9; Num 16:40; Jos 4:7; Psa 111:4, Psa 135:13; Zac 6:14; Mat 26:13; Luk 22:19; Co1 11:23-26

a feast: Exo 5:1; Deu 16:11; Neh 8:9-12

by an ordinance: Exo 12:17, Exo 12:24, Exo 12:43, Exo 13:10; Lev 23:4, Lev 23:5; Num 10:8, Num 18:8; Deu 16:1; Sa1 30:25; Kg2 23:21; Eze 46:14; Co1 5:7, Co1 5:8

Exodus 12:15

exo 12:15

Seven: Exo 12:8, Exo 13:6, Exo 13:7-10, Exo 23:15, Exo 34:18, Exo 34:25; Lev 23:5-8; Num 28:17; Deu 16:3, Deu 16:5, Deu 16:8; Mat 16:12; Luk 12:1; Act 12:3

that soul: Exo 12:19, Exo 12:20, Exo 31:14; Gen 17:14; Lev 17:10, Lev 17:14; Num 9:13; Mal 2:12; Gal 5:12

Exodus 12:16

exo 12:16

first day: Lev 23:2, Lev 23:3, Lev 23:7, Lev 23:8, Lev 23:21, Lev 23:24, Lev 23:25, Lev 23:27, Lev 23:35; Num 28:18, Num 28:25, Num 29:1, Num 29:12

no manner: Exo 16:5, Exo 16:23, Exo 16:29, Exo 20:10, Exo 35:2, Exo 35:3; Jer 17:21, Jer 17:22, man Heb. soul

Exodus 12:17

exo 12:17

in this selfsame: Exo 7:5, Exo 13:8; Num 20:16

an ordinance: Exo 12:14

Exodus 12:18

exo 12:18

Exo 12:1, Exo 12:15; Lev 23:5, Lev 23:6; Num 28:16

Exodus 12:19

exo 12:19

Seven: Exo 23:15, Exo 34:18; Deu 16:3; Co1 5:7, Co1 5:8

even that: Exo 12:15; Num 9:13

whether: Exo 12:43, Exo 12:48

Exodus 12:21

exo 12:21

elders: Exo 3:16, Exo 17:5, Exo 19:7; Num 11:16

and take: Exo 12:3; Num 9:2-5; Jos 5:10; Kg2 23:21; Ch2 30:15-17, Ch2 35:5, Ch2 35:6; Ezr 6:20; Mat 26:17-19; Mar 14:12-16; Luk 22:7-13; Co1 10:4

lamb: or, kid, Exo 12:3 *marg.

the passover: That is, the lamb which was called the paschal, or passover lamb; the animal sacrificed obtaining the name of the institution. St. Paul copies the expression in Co1 5:7.

Exodus 12:22

exo 12:22

a bunch: Lev 14:6, Lev 14:7; Num 19:18; Psa 51:7; Heb 9:1, Heb 9:14, Heb 9:19, Heb 11:28, Heb 12:24; Pe1 1:2

hyssop: The word aizov, which has been variously rendered, most probably denotes Hyssop; whence are derived the Chaldee aizova, Syriac zupha, Arabic zupha, Ethiopic azab, and hushopa, Greek υσσωπος, hussopos [Strong's G5301], Latin hyssopus, German usop, and our hyssop, a name retained, with little variation, in all the western languages. It is a plant of the gymnospermia (naked seeded) order, belonging to the didynamia class. It has bushy stalks, growing a foot and a half high; small spear-shaped, close-sitting, and opposite leaves, with several smaller ones rising from the same joint; and all the stalks and branches terminated by erect whorled spikes of flowers, of different colours in the varieties of the plant. The leaves have an aromatic smell, and a warm, pungent taste. Its detersive, cleansing, and medicinal qualities were probably the reason why it was so particularly recommended in Scripture.

strike: Exo 12:7

and none: Mat 26:30

Exodus 12:23

exo 12:23

will pass through: Exo 12:12, Exo 12:13

and will not: Sa2 24:16; Isa 37:36; Eze 9:4, Eze 9:6; Co1 10:10; Heb 11:28, Heb 12:24; Rev 7:3, Rev 9:4

Exodus 12:24

exo 12:24

Exo 12:14; Gen 17:8-10

Exodus 12:25

exo 12:25

when: Deu 4:5, Deu 12:8, Deu 12:9, Deu 16:5-9; Jos 5:10-12; Psa 105:44, Psa 105:45

according: Exo 3:8, Exo 3:17

Exodus 12:26

exo 12:26

your children: Exo 13:8, Exo 13:9, Exo 13:14, Exo 13:15, Exo 13:22; Deu 6:7, Deu 11:19, Deu 32:7; Jos 4:6, Jos 4:7, Jos 4:21-24; Psa 78:3-6; Psa 145:4; Isa 38:19; Eph 6:4

Exodus 12:27

exo 12:27

It is the sacrifice: Exo 12:11, Exo 12:23, Exo 34:25; Deu 16:2, Deu 16:5; Co1 5:7

bowed: Exo 4:31, Exo 34:8; Ch1 29:20; Ch2 20:18, Ch2 29:30; Neh 8:6

Exodus 12:28

exo 12:28

Heb 11:28

Exodus 12:29

exo 12:29

at midnight: Exo 12:12, Exo 11:4, Exo 13:15; Job 34:20; Th1 5:2, Th1 5:3

the Lord smote: The infliction of this judgment on the Egyptians was most equitable; because, after their nation had been preserved by one of the Israelitish family, they had, contrary to all right, and in defiance of original stipulation, enslaved the people to whom they had been so much indebted, had murdered their offspring, and made their bondage intolerable. See Bryant, p. 160. Num 3:13, Num 8:17, Num 33:4; Psa 78:51, Psa 105:36, Psa 135:8, Psa 136:10; Heb 11:28; Heb 12:23

the firstborn of Pharaoh: Exo 4:23, Exo 11:5

dungeon: Heb. house of the pit, Isa 24:22, Isa 51:14; Jer 38:6, Jer 38:13; Zac 9:11

Exodus 12:30

exo 12:30

and there was a great cry: No people were more remarkable and frantic in their mournings than the Egyptians. When a relative died, every one left the house, and the women, with their hair loose, and their bosoms bare, ran wild about the street. The men also, with their apparel equally disordered, kept them company; all shrieking, howling, and beating themselves. What a scene of horror and distress must now have presented itself, when there was not a family in Egypt where there was not one dead! Exo 11:6; Pro 21:13; Amo 5:17; Mat 25:6; Jam 2:13

Exodus 12:31

exo 12:31

called: Exo 10:29

Rise up: Exo 3:19, Exo 3:20, Exo 6:1, Exo 11:1, Exo 11:8; Psa 105:38

the children: Exo 10:9

Exodus 12:32

exo 12:32

your flocks: Exo 10:26

bless me: Exo 8:28, Exo 9:28; Gen 27:34, Gen 27:38

Exodus 12:33

exo 12:33

urgent: Exo 11:1; Psa 105:38

We be all: Gen 20:3; Num 17:12, Num 17:13

Exodus 12:34

exo 12:34

kneading troughs, or, dough, Exo 8:3; Probably like the kneading-troughs of the Arabs; comparatively small wooden bowls, which also serve them for dishes. Their being bound up in their clothes may mean no more than their being wrapped up in their hykes, or long, loose, garments. See Shaw's Travels, p. 224, 4to. edit.

Exodus 12:35

exo 12:35

Exo 3:21, Exo 3:22, Exo 11:2, Exo 11:3; Gen 15:14; Psa 105:37

Exodus 12:36

exo 12:36

the Lord: Exo 3:21, Exo 11:3; Gen 39:21; Pro 16:7; Dan 1:9; Act 2:47, Act 7:10

they spoiled: Exo 3:22; Gen 15:14; Psa 105:37

Exodus 12:37

exo 12:37

the children: Num 33:3, Num 33:5

Rameses: Exo 1:11; Gen 47:11

six hundred: Exo 38:26; Gen 12:2, Gen 15:5, Gen 46:3; Num 1:46, Num 11:21

Exodus 12:38

exo 12:38

And a mixed multitude: Heb. a great mixture, Num 11:4; Zac 8:23

Exodus 12:39

exo 12:39

thrust: Exo 12:33, Exo 6:1, Exo 11:1

Exodus 12:40

exo 12:40

The Samaritan Pentateuch reads, "Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, and of their fathers in the land of Canaan and in the land of Egypt, was 430 years." The Alexandrine copy of the LXX has the same reading; and the same statement is made by the apostle Paul, in Gal 3:17, who reckons from the promise made to Abraham to the giving of the law. That these three witnesses have the truth, the chronology itself proves; for it is evident that the descendants of Israel did not dwell 430 years in Egypt; while it is equally evident, that the period from Abraham's entry into Canaan to the Exodus, is exactly that number. Thus, from Abraham's entrance into the promised land to the birth of Isaac, was 25 years; Isaac was 60 at the birth of Jacob; Jacob was 130 at his going into Egypt; where he and his children continued 215 years more; making in the whole 430 years. See Kennicott's Dissertation on the Hebrew Text.

sojourning: Act 13:17; Heb 11:9

four hundred: Gen 12:1-3, Gen 15:13; Act 7:6; Gal 3:16, Gal 3:17

Exodus 12:41

exo 12:41

selfsame: Psa 102:13; Dan 9:24; Hab 2:3; Joh 7:8; Act 1:7

hosts: Exo 12:51, Exo 7:4; Jos 5:14

Exodus 12:42

exo 12:42

a night to be much observed: Heb. a night of observations, observed. Exo 12:14; Deu 16:1-6

Exodus 12:43

exo 12:43

There shall: Exo 12:48; Lev 22:10; Num 9:14; Eph 2:12

Exodus 12:44

exo 12:44

circumcised: Gen 17:12, Gen 17:13, Gen 17:23

Exodus 12:45

exo 12:45

Lev 22:10; Eph 2:12

Exodus 12:46

exo 12:46

one house: Co1 12:12; Eph 2:19-22

neither: Num 9:12; Joh 19:33, Joh 19:36

Exodus 12:47

exo 12:47

All the: Exo 12:3, Exo 12:6; Num 9:13

keep it: Heb. do it

Exodus 12:48

exo 12:48

a stranger: Exo 12:43; Num 9:14, Num 15:15, Num 15:16

let all: Gen 17:12; Eze 44:9, Eze 47:22

shall be: Gal 3:28; Col 3:11

Exodus 12:49

exo 12:49

Lev 24:22; Num 9:14, Num 15:15, Num 15:16, Num 15:29; Gal 3:28; Col 3:11

Exodus 12:50

exo 12:50

as the Lord: Deu 4:1, Deu 4:2, Deu 12:32; Mat 7:24, Mat 7:25, Mat 28:20; Joh 2:5, Joh 13:17, Joh 15:14; Rev 22:15, by their armies, Exo 12:41, Exo 6:26, Exo 7:4

Next: Exodus Chapter 13