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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

Ezra Chapter 6


ezr 6:0


Ezr 6:1, Darius, finding the decree of Cyrus, makes a new decree for the advancement of the building; Ezr 6:13, By the help of Tatnai and Shethar-boznai, according to the decree, the temple is finished; Ezr 6:16, The feast of the dedication is kept; Ezr 6:19, and the passover.

Ezra 6:1

ezr 6:1

and search: Ezr 4:15, Ezr 4:19, Ezr 5:17; Job 29:16; Pro 25:2

rolls: Chal, books, Psa 40:7; Jer 36:2-4, Jer 36:20-23, Jer 36:29, Jer 36:32; Eze 2:9, Eze 3:1; Rev 5:1

laid up: Chal, made to descend

Ezra 6:2

ezr 6:2

at Achmetha: or, at Ecbatana, or, in a coffer, אחמתא [Strong's H712], probably from the Persian Mx, kham, "a house for a summer residence," with a prefix, א, aleph, and the Chaldee termination )t, tha, most likely denotes Ecbatana, as the Vulgate and Josephus read, the summer residence of the Persian monarchs. It was situated in a mountainous region at the foot of mount Orontes, or Jasonius, according to Ammianus, on the southern confines of Media and Persia, and according to Pliny, 750 miles from Seleucia the Great, 20 miles from the Caspian passes, 450 miles from Susa, and the same from Gaze Atropatene, and in lat. 37 degrees 45 min., long. 88 degrees, according to Ptolemy. The building of the city is ascribed to Semiramis by Diodorus, but to Deioces by Eusebius (in Chron. Ezr 1:1), and Herodotus, who states that it was surrounded by seven walls, strong and ample, built in circles one within another, rising each above each by the height of their respective battlements; each being distinguished by a different colour, the first white, the second black, the third purple, the fourth blue, the fifth orange, the sixth plated with silver, and the seventh with gold. The largest of these was nearly the extent of Athens, i.e., 200 furlongs, according to Dion Chrysostom; but Diodorus Siculus states the circumference of Ecbatana to be 250 furlongs. Within the inner circle stood the king's palace and the royal treasury, so much celebrated for its splendour and riches by Polybius. It is highly probable, as D'Anville and Major Rennel suppose, that the present Hamadan, whose ruins attest its former splendour, occupies the site of Ecbatana. It is situated in Al Gebal, at the foot of the lofty mountain Alwend, about 80 leagues from Ispahan, and also from Bagdad.

Ezra 6:3

ezr 6:3

the first year: Ezr 1:1-4, Ezr 5:13-15; Ch2 36:22, Ch2 36:23

the place: Deu 12:5, Deu 12:6, Deu 12:11-14; Ch2 2:6; Psa 122:4

the height: Kg1 6:2, Kg1 6:3; Ch2 3:3, Ch2 3:4; Eze 41:13-15; Rev 21:16

Ezra 6:4

ezr 6:4

three rows: Kg1 6:36

the expenses: Ezr 7:20-23; Psa 68:29, Psa 72:10; Isa 49:23, Isa 60:6-10; Rev 12:16

Ezra 6:5

ezr 6:5

the golden: Ezr 1:7, Ezr 1:8, Ezr 5:14; Jer 27:16, Jer 27:18-22; Dan 1:2, Dan 5:2

which Nebuchadnezzar: Kg2 24:13, Kg2 25:14, Kg2 25:15; Ch2 36:6, Ch2 36:7, Ch2 36:10, Ch2 36:18; Jer 52:19

brought: Chal, go

Ezra 6:6

ezr 6:6

Tatnai: Ezr 5:3

your companions: Chal, their societies, Ezr 5:6

be ye far: Gen 32:28, Gen 43:14; Neh 1:11; Psa 76:10; Pro 21:1, Pro 21:30; Isa 27:8; Act 4:26-28; Rom 8:31

Ezra 6:7

ezr 6:7

Let the work: Act 5:38, Act 5:39

Ezra 6:8

ezr 6:8

I make a decree: Chal, by me a decree is made

the king's: Ezr 6:4, Ezr 4:16, Ezr 4:20, Ezr 7:15-22; Psa 68:29-31; Hag 2:8

hindered: Chal, made to cease, Ezr 4:21, Ezr 4:23, Ezr 5:5

Ezra 6:9

ezr 6:9

young bullocks: Lev 1:3-5, Lev 1:10, Lev 9:2; Psa 50:9-13

lambs: Exo 29:38-42; Num. 28:1-29:40

wheat: Lev. 2:1-16; Num. 15:4-31; Ch1 9:29

salt: Lev 2:13; Mar 9:49

let it be given: Isa 49:23

Ezra 6:10

ezr 6:10

sweet savours: Chal, rest, Gen 8:21; Lev 1:9, Lev 1:13; Eph 5:2

pray: Ezr 7:23; Jer 29:7; Ti1 2:1, Ti1 2:2

Ezra 6:11

ezr 6:11

whosoever: Ezr 7:26

timber: Est 5:4, Est 7:10

hanged: Chal, destroyed

his house: Kg2 9:37, Kg2 10:27; Dan 2:5, Dan 3:29

Ezra 6:12

ezr 6:12

caused: Exo 20:24; Deu 12:5, Deu 12:11, Deu 16:2; Kg1 9:3; Ch2 7:16; Psa 132:13, Psa 132:14

destroy: Psa 5:10, Psa 21:8-10, Psa 137:8, Psa 137:9; Isa 60:12; Oba 1:10; Zac 12:2-4; Act 5:38, Act 5:39, Act 9:5; Rev 19:14-21

I Darius: Est 3:14, Est 3:15, Est 8:14

speed: Ezr 6:13; Ecc 9:10

Ezra 6:13

ezr 6:13

Tatnai: Ezr 4:9, Ezr 4:23, Ezr 5:6

so they did: Est 6:11; Job 5:12, Job 5:13; Pro 29:26

Ezra 6:14

ezr 6:14

And the elders: Ezr 3:8, Ezr 4:3

through: Ezr 5:1, Ezr 5:2; Hag 1:12-14, Hag 2:2-15; Zech. 2:1-4:14, Zac 6:1-15

finished it: Zac 4:9

according: Isa 44:28; Hag 1:8

commandment: Chal, decree

Cyrus: Ezr 6:13, Ezr 1:1-4, Ezr 4:24, Ezr 5:13

Artaxerxes: This was Artaxerxes, the third son and successor of Xerxes, surnamed Μακροχειρ, or Longimanus, or in Persian, Ardsheer deeraz dest, "Ardsheer the long-handed;" so called, according to the Greeks, from the extra-ordinary length of his hands, but according to the Easterners, from the extent of his dominions. He ascended the Persian throne, am 3540, bc 464, and reigned forty-one years. He is said to have been the most handsome person of his age, and to have been a prince of a very mild and generous disposition. Ezr 7:1

Ezra 6:15

ezr 6:15

am 3489, bc 515

Adar: Est 3:7, Est 3:13, Est 8:12, Est 9:1, Est 9:15, Est 9:17, Est 9:19, Est 9:21

Ezra 6:16

ezr 6:16

the children: Ch1 9:2; Neh 7:73

children of the captivity: Chal, sons of the transportation, Ezr 4:1

the dedication: Kg1 8:63; Ch2 7:5, Ch2 7:9; Joh 10:22

with joy: Ezr 6:22, Ezr 3:11, Ezr 3:12; Deu 12:7; Ch1 15:28; Ch2 7:10, Ch2 30:23, Ch2 30:26; Neh 8:10, Neh 12:43; Psa 122:1; Phi 4:4; Having set up the worship of God in this dedication, they took care to keep it up, and made the book of Moses their rule, to which they had an eye in this establishment. Though the temple service could not now be performed with so much pomp and plenty as formerly, because of their poverty, yet no doubt it was performed with as much purity and close adherence to the Divine institutions as ever. No beauty is like the beauty of holiness.

Ezra 6:17

ezr 6:17

offered: Ezr 8:35; Num. 7:2-89; Kg1 8:63, Kg1 8:64; Ch1 16:1-3; Ch2 7:5, Ch2 29:31-35

a sin offering: Lev 4:3, Lev 4:13, Lev 4:14, Lev 4:22, Lev 4:23, Lev 4:28; Ch2 29:21-23

according to: Though the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, with the priests and Levites, formed the bulk of the people, yet many from the other tribes had returned with them from captivity. Kg1 18:31; Luk 22:30; Rev 7:4-8, Rev 21:12

Ezra 6:18

ezr 6:18

the priests: 1Chr. 23:1-26:32; Ch2 35:4, Ch2 35:5

as it is written: Chal, according to the writing, Num 3:6, 8:9-26

Ezra 6:19

ezr 6:19

the children: Ezr 6:16

kept: Exod. 12:6-36; Jos 5:10; 2Chr. 30:1-35:27

Ezra 6:20

ezr 6:20

purified together: Ch2 29:34, Ch2 30:15-17

killed: Exo 12:21; Ch2 35:11; Heb 7:27

Ezra 6:21

ezr 6:21

all such: Ezr 9:11; Num 9:6, Num 9:7, Num 9:10-14; Isa 52:11; Eze 36:25; Co2 6:17, Co2 7:1

did eat: Exo 12:47-49; Psa 93:5

Ezra 6:22

ezr 6:22

the feast: Exo 12:15-20, Exo 13:6, Exo 13:7; Ch2 30:21, Ch2 35:17; Mat 26:17; Co1 5:7, Co1 5:8

turned: Ezr 7:27; Pro 16:7, Pro 21:1; Joh 19:11

the king: Darius, as reigning over the country of Assyria, is here called "the king of Assyria." Ezr 6:6-12, Ezr 1:1; Kg2 23:29; Ch2 33:11; Zac 10:10, Zac 10:11

Next: Ezra Chapter 7