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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

Daniel Chapter 2


dan 2:0


Dan 2:1, Nebuchadnezzar, forgetting his dream, requires it of the Chaldeans, by promises and threatenings; Dan 2:10, They acknowledging their inability are judged to die; Dan 2:14, Daniel obtaining some respite finds the dream; Dan 2:19, He blesses God; Dan 2:24, He staying the decree is brought to the king; Dan 2:31, The dream; Dan 2:36, The interpretation; Dan 2:46, Daniel's advancement.

Daniel 2:1

dan 2:1

in: Dan 1:1-5; Ch2 36:5-7

the second: That is, the second according to the Babylonian computation, but the fourth according to that of the Jews, who reckon from the time he was associated with his father. Jer 25:1

Nebuchadnezzar: Dan 2:3, Dan 4:5; Gen 40:5-8, 41:1-36; Job 33:15-17

and his: Dan 6:18; Est 6:1

Daniel 2:2

dan 2:2

Dan 1:20, Dan 4:6, Dan 5:7; Gen 41:8; Exo 7:11; Deu 18:10-12; Isa 8:19, Isa 19:3; Isa 47:12, Isa 47:13

Daniel 2:3

dan 2:3

Dan 2:1; Gen 40:8, Gen 41:15

Daniel 2:4

dan 2:4

in: Gen 31:47; Ezr 4:7; Isa 36:11

Syriack: Aramith, "Aramean," the language of Aram or Syria; a general term comprehending both the Chaldee and Syriac, the latter merely differing from the former as a dialect, and being written in a different character. With the following words the Chaldee part of Daniel commences; and is continued to the end of the Dan 7:1.

O king: Dan 3:9, Dan 4:19, Dan 5:10, Dan 6:6, Dan 6:21; Sa1 10:24; Kg1 1:25, Kg1 1:31; Neh 2:3; Mat 21:9; Mar 11:9, Mar 11:10

tell: Dan 4:7, Dan 5:8; Gen 41:8; Isa 44:25

Daniel 2:5

dan 2:5

ye shall: This was unreasonable, arbitrary, and tyrannical in the extreme; but, in the course of God's providence, it was overruled to serve the most important purpose. Dan 3:29; Sa1 15:33; Psa 50:22, Psa 58:7

cut in pieces: Chal, made pieces

made: Deu 13:16; Jos 6:26; Kg2 10:27; Ezr 6:11

Daniel 2:6

dan 2:6

ye shall: Dan 2:48, Dan 5:7, Dan 5:16, Dan 5:29; Num 22:7, Num 22:17, Num 22:37, Num 24:11

rewards: or, fee, Dan 5:17 *marg.

Daniel 2:7

dan 2:7

Let: Dan 2:4, Dan 2:9; Ecc 10:4

Daniel 2:8

dan 2:8

gain: Chal, buy, Eph 5:16; Col 4:5

Daniel 2:9

dan 2:9

there is: Dan 3:15; Est 4:11

for: Kg1 22:6, Kg1 22:22; Pro 12:19; Isa 44:25; Eze 13:6, Eze 13:17, Eze 13:19; Co2 2:17

the time: Dan 2:21, Dan 5:28, Dan 5:31, Dan 7:25

I shall: Isa 41:23

Daniel 2:11

dan 2:11

and there: This was their decision, and when the living and true God, who indeed condescends to dwell with men, and who alone could reveal the dream and the secrets contained in it, actually made it known to Daniel, he evinced the infinite difference between Jehovah and his prophets, and the idols and magicians of Babylon. Dan 2:27, Dan 2:28, Dan 5:11; Gen 41:39; Exo 8:19; Mat 19:26

whose: Exo 29:45; Num 35:34; Kg1 8:27; Ch2 6:18; Psa 68:18, Psa 113:5, Psa 113:6, Psa 132:14; Isa 8:18, Isa 57:15, Isa 66:1, Isa 66:2; Joe 3:21; Joh 1:1-3, Joh 1:14, Joh 14:17, Joh 14:23; Co2 6:16; Rev 21:3

Daniel 2:12

dan 2:12

Dan 3:13; Job 5:2; Psa 76:10; Pro 16:14, Pro 19:12, Pro 20:2, Pro 27:3, Pro 27:4, Pro 29:22; Mat 2:16; Mat 5:22

Daniel 2:13

dan 2:13

the decree: Dan 6:9-15; Est 3:12-15; Psa 94:20; Pro 28:15-17; Isa 10:1

and they: Dan 1:19, Dan 1:20, Dan 6:12

Daniel 2:14

dan 2:14

answered: Chal, returned

with: Sa2 20:16-22; Ecc 9:13-18

captain of the king's guard: or, chief marshall, Chal, chief of the executioners, or slaughter-men. Gen 37:36; Jer 39:9, Jer 52:12, Jer 52:14 *marg.

Daniel 2:15

dan 2:15

made: Dan 2:9

Daniel 2:16

dan 2:16

and desired: Dan 2:9-11, Dan 1:18, Dan 1:19

Daniel 2:17

dan 2:17

Hananiah: Dan 1:7, Dan 1:11, Dan 3:12

Daniel 2:18

dan 2:18

they would: Dan 3:17; Sa1 17:37; Est 4:15-17; Psa 50:15, Psa 91:15; Pro 3:5, Pro 3:6; Isa 37:4; Jer 33:3; Mat 18:12, Mat 18:19; Act 4:24-31, Act 12:4; Rom 15:30; Ti2 4:17, Ti2 4:18

of the God of heaven: Chal. from before God. Daniel and his fellows should not perish. or, they should not destroy Daniel, etc. Gen 18:28; Mal 3:18; Pe2 2:9

Daniel 2:19

dan 2:19

was: Dan 2:22, Dan 2:27-29, Dan 4:9; Kg2 6:8-12; Psa 25:14; Amo 3:7; Co1 2:9, Co1 2:10

in: Dan 7:7; Num 12:6; Job 4:13, Job 33:15, Job 33:16; Mat 2:12, Mat 2:13

Daniel 2:20

dan 2:20

Blessed: Gen 14:20; Kg1 8:56; Ch1 29:10,Ch1 29:20; Ch2 20:21; Psa 41:13, Psa 50:23; Psa 72:18, Psa 72:19, Psa 103:1, Psa 103:2, Psa 113:2, Psa 115:18, Psa 145:1, Psa 145:2

for wisdom: Dan 2:21-23; Ch1 29:11, Ch1 29:12; Job 12:13, Job 12:16-22; Psa 62:11, Psa 147:5; Pro 8:14; Jer 32:19; Mat 6:13; Jde 1:24; Rev 5:12

Daniel 2:21

dan 2:21

he changeth: Dan 2:9, Dan 7:25, Dan 11:6; Ch1 29:30; Est 1:13; Job 34:24-29; Psa 31:14, Psa 31:15; Ecc 3:1-8; Jer 27:5-7

he removeth: Dan 4:17, Dan 4:32; Sa1 2:7, Sa1 2:8; Job 12:18; Psa 75:5, Psa 75:6, Psa 113:7, Psa 113:8; Pro 8:15, Pro 8:16; Luk 1:51, Luk 1:52; Act 13:21, Act 13:22; Rev 19:16

he giveth: Exo 31:3, Exo 31:6; Kg1 3:8-12, Kg1 3:28, Kg1 4:29, Kg1 10:24; Ch1 22:12; Ch2 1:10-12; Pro 2:6, Pro 2:7; Luk 21:15; Co1 1:30; Jam 1:5, Jam 1:17, Jam 3:15-17

Daniel 2:22

dan 2:22

revealeth: Dan 2:11, Dan 2:28, Dan 2:29; Gen 37:5-9, Gen 41:16, Gen 41:25-28; Job 12:22; Psa 25:14; Isa 41:22, Isa 41:26, Isa 42:9; Mat 13:13; Rom 16:25, Rom 16:26; Co1 2:9-11; Eph 3:5

he knoweth: Job 26:6; Psa 139:11, Psa 139:12; Jer 23:24; Luk 12:2, Luk 12:3; Joh 21:17; Co1 4:5; Heb 4:13

and the: Dan 5:11, Dan 5:14; Psa 36:9, Psa 104:2; Joh 1:9, Joh 8:12, Joh 12:45, Joh 12:46; Ti1 6:16; Jam 1:17; Jo1 1:5

Daniel 2:23

dan 2:23

thank: Ch1 29:13; Psa 50:14, Psa 103:1-4; Isa 12:1; Mat 11:25; Luk 10:21; Joh 11:41

O thou: Gen 32:9-11; Exo 3:15; Kg1 8:57, Kg1 18:36; Ch1 29:10; Ch2 20:6

who hast: Dan 2:20,Dan 2:21; Pro 8:14, Pro 21:22, Pro 24:5; Ecc 7:19, Ecc 9:16, Ecc 9:18

and hast: Dan 2:18, Dan 2:29, Dan 2:30; Gen 18:17; Psa 25:14; Amo 3:7; Joh 15:15; Rev 1:1, Rev 5:5

Daniel 2:24

dan 2:24

Arioch: Dan 2:15

Destroy: Dan 2:12, Dan 2:13; Act 27:24

Daniel 2:25

dan 2:25

brought: Pro 24:11; Ecc 9:10

I have: Chal, That I have

captives of Judah: Chal, children of the captivity of Judah. Dan 1:6, Dan 6:13; Neh 7:6; Co1 1:27, Co1 1:28

Daniel 2:26

dan 2:26

Daniel: Dan 1:7, Dan 4:8, Dan 4:19, Dan 5:12

Art: Dan 2:3-7, Dan 4:18, Dan 5:16; Gen 41:15; Sa1 17:33

Daniel 2:27

dan 2:27

cannot: Dan 2:2, Dan 2:10,Dan 2:11, Dan 5:7, Dan 5:8; Job 5:12, Job 5:13; Isa 19:3, Isa 44:25, Isa 47:12-14

Daniel 2:28

dan 2:28

a God: Psa 115:3; Mat 6:9

that revealeth: Dan 2:18, Dan 2:47; Gen 40:8, Gen 41:16; Isa 41:22, Isa 41:23; Amo 4:13

maketh known: Chal, hath made known

in the: Dan 10:14; Gen 49:1; Num 24:14; Deu 4:30, Deu 31:19; Isa 2:2; Jer 30:24, Jer 48:47; Eze 38:8, Eze 38:16; Hos 3:5; Mic 4:1, Mic 4:2; Ti2 3:1; Heb 1:1; Pe2 3:3

Daniel 2:29

dan 2:29

came into thy mind: Chal, came up, Eze 38:10

he that: Dan 2:22, Dan 2:28, Dan 2:47; Amo 4:13

Daniel 2:30

dan 2:30

this secret: Gen 41:16; Act 3:12; Co1 15:8-12

but: Dan 2:17, Dan 2:18, Dan 2:49; Isa 43:3, Isa 43:4, Isa 45:4; Mat 24:22; Mar 13:20; Rom 8:28; Co1 3:21-23; Co2 4:15

their sakes that shall make known the interpretation to the king: or, the intent that the interpretation may be made known to the king. and. Dan 2:47

Daniel 2:31

dan 2:31

sawest: Chal, wast seeing

and the: Dan 7:3-17; Mat 4:8; Luk 4:5

terrible: Isa 13:11, Isa 25:3-5; Eze 28:7; Hab 1:7

Daniel 2:32

dan 2:32

head: Dan 2:37, Dan 2:38, Dan 4:22, Dan 4:30, Dan 7:4; Isa 14:4; Jer 51:7; Rev 17:4

breast: Dan 2:39, Dan 7:5, Dan 8:3, Dan 8:4, Dan 11:2

belly: Dan 2:39, Dan 7:6, Dan 8:5-8, 11:3-20

thighs: or, sides

Daniel 2:33

dan 2:33

Dan 2:40-43, Dan 7:7, Dan 7:8, Dan 7:19-26

Daniel 2:34

dan 2:34

a stone: Dan 2:44, Dan 2:45, Dan 7:13, Dan 7:14, Dan 7:27; Psa 118:22; Isa 28:16; Zac 12:3; Mat 16:18; Act 4:11; Pe1 2:7; Rev 11:15

was cut: Dan 8:25; Zac 4:6; Joh 1:13; Co2 5:1; Heb 9:24

without hands: or, which was not in hands, Dan 2:45

which: Psa 2:8-12, Psa 110:5, Psa 110:6, Psa 149:6-9; Isa 60:12; Zac 12:3; Rev 17:14; Rev 19:11-21

Daniel 2:35

dan 2:35

like: Psa 1:4, Psa 1:5; Isa 17:13, Isa 17:14, Isa 41:15, Isa 41:16; Hos 13:3; Mic 4:13

no place: Job 6:17; Psa 37:10,Psa 37:36, Psa 103:16; Rev 12:8, Rev 20:11

became: Isa 2:2, Isa 2:3; Mic 4:1, Mic 4:2

and filled: Psa 22:27, Psa 46:9, Psa 66:4, Psa 67:1, Psa 67:2, Psa 72:16-19, Psa 80:9, Psa 80:10, Psa 86:9; Isa 11:9; Zac 14:8, Zac 14:9; Co1 15:25; Rev 11:15, Rev 20:2, Rev 20:3

Daniel 2:36

dan 2:36

Dan 2:23, Dan 2:24

Daniel 2:37

dan 2:37

a king: Kg1 4:24; Ezr 7:12; Isa 10:8, Isa 47:5; Jer 27:6, Jer 27:7; Eze 26:7; Hos 8:10; Rev 1:5, Rev 17:14

the God: Dan 4:25, Dan 4:32, Dan 5:18; Ch2 36:23; Ezr 1:2; Pro 8:15; Jer 28:14; Rev 19:16

power: Dan 4:3, Dan 4:34; Psa 62:11; Mat 6:13; Joh 19:11; Rev 4:11, Rev 5:12

Daniel 2:38

dan 2:38

the beasts: Dan 4:21, Dan 4:22; Psa 50:10,Psa 50:11; Jer 27:5-7

Thou art: The Chaldean monarchy, over which Nebuchadnezzar was the only king of note; in whose time it extended over Chaldea, Assyria, Arabia, Syria, Egypt, and Libya. the head of gold represented its immense riches. Dan 2:32

Daniel 2:39

dan 2:39

another kingdom: The empire of the Medes and Persians, whose union was denoted by the breast and two arms of silver; and which was established on the ruins of that of the Chaldeans on the capture of Babylon by Cyrus, bc 538. Dan 2:32, Dan 5:28-31, Dan 7:5, Dan 8:3, Dan 8:4, Dan 8:20, Dan 11:2; Isa 44:28, Isa 45:1-5

another third: The empire of the Macedonians, or "brazen-coated Greeks," aptly denoted by the belly and thighs of brass, founded by Alexander the Great, who terminated the Persian monarchy by the overthrow of Darius Codomanus at Arbela, bc 331; Dan 2:32, Dan 7:6, Dan 7:7, Dan 7:23, Dan 8:5-14, Dan 10:20, 11:3-20; Zac 6:3, Zac 6:6

Daniel 2:40

dan 2:40

the fourth: The Roman empire, which comprised nearly the whole world. Dan 2:33, Dan 7:19-26, Dan 8:24, Dan 9:26, Dan 11:36-45; Joh 11:48

forasmuch: Dan 7:7; Jer 15:12; Amo 1:3

Daniel 2:41

dan 2:41

the feet: Dan 2:33-35, Dan 7:7, Dan 7:24; Rev 12:3, Rev 13:1, Rev 17:12

Daniel 2:42

dan 2:42

the toes: Dan 7:24; Rev 13:1

broken: or, brittle

Daniel 2:43

dan 2:43

one to another: Chal, this with this

even: The Roman empire became weakened by a mixture of barbarous nations, by the incursions of whom it was torn asunder about the fourth century after Christ, and at length divided into ten kingdoms, answering to the ten toes of the image.

Daniel 2:44

dan 2:44

in the days: Chal, in their days, That is, in the days of one of these kingdoms (see Rut 1:1), i.e, the Roman; in which the "God of heaven set up" the spiritual kingdom of the Messiah, which shall yet "become a great mountain, and fill the whole earth."

the God: Dan 2:28, Dan 2:37

set up: Gen 49:10; Psa 2:6-12, 72:1-20, Psa 89:3, Psa 89:4, 19-36, Psa 110:1-4; Isa 9:6, Isa 9:7; Mat 3:2, Mat 3:3, Mat 28:18; Eph 1:20-22

which shall never: Dan 4:3, Dan 4:34, Dan 6:26, Dan 7:13, Dan 7:14; Psa 145:13; Eze 37:25; Mic 4:7; Luk 1:32, Luk 1:33; Joh 12:34; Rev 11:15

kingdom: Chal, kingdom thereof

break: Dan 8:25; Psa 2:9, Psa 21:8, Psa 21:9; Isa 60:12; Co1 15:24, Co1 15:25; Rev 2:27, Rev 19:15-20

Daniel 2:45

dan 2:45

thou sawest: Dan 2:24, Dan 2:35; Isa 28:16; Zac 12:3; Mat 21:24

without hands: or, which was not in hands, Dan 2:34; Luk 17:20; Co2 10:4, Co2 10:5

the great: Deu 10:17; Sa2 7:22; Ch1 16:25; Neh 4:14, Neh 9:32; Job 36:26; Psa 48:1; Psa 96:4, Psa 135:5, Psa 145:3; Jer 32:18, Jer 32:19; Mal 1:11; Rev 19:17, make known, Gen 41:28, Gen 41:32; Mat 24:35; Rev 1:19, Rev 4:1

hereafter: Chal, after this

Daniel 2:46

dan 2:46

fell: Luk 17:16; Act 10:25, Act 14:13, Act 28:6; Rev 11:16, Rev 19:10, Rev 22:8

and sweet: Lev 26:31; Ezr 6:10

Daniel 2:47

dan 2:47

a God: Dan 11:36; Deu 10:17; Jos 22:22; Psa 136:2

a Lord: Dan 2:37, Dan 4:17, Dan 4:32; Job 12:19; Psa 2:10,Psa 2:11, Psa 72:11, Psa 82:1; Pro 8:15, Pro 8:16; Ti1 6:15; Rev 1:5, Rev 17:14, Rev 19:16

a revealer: Dan 2:19, Dan 2:28, Dan 4:8, Dan 4:9; Gen 41:39; Amo 3:7

Daniel 2:48

dan 2:48

a great: Dan 2:6, Dan 5:16; Gen 41:39-43; Num 22:16, Num 22:17, Num 24:11; Sa1 17:25, Sa1 25:2; Sa2 19:32; Kg2 5:1; Job 1:3; Jer 5:5

ruler: Dan 5:29, Dan 6:1, Dan 6:2

and chief: Dan 4:9, Dan 5:11

Daniel 2:49

dan 2:49

he set: Dan 2:17, Dan 1:17, 3:12-30; Pro 28:12

sat: Est 2:19, Est 2:21, Est 3:2; Jer 39:3; Amo 5:15

Next: Daniel Chapter 3