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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Jeremiah Chapter 25


jer 25:0


Jer 25:1, Jeremiah, reproving the Jews' disobedience to the prophets, Jer 25:8, foretells the seventy years' captivity; Jer 25:12, and after that, the destruction of Babylon; Jer 25:15, Under the type of a cup of wine he foreshews the destruction of all nations; Jer 25:34, The howling of the shepherds.

Jeremiah 25:1

jer 25:1

am 3398, bc 606

in the: Jer 36:1, Jer 46:2; Kg2 24:1, Kg2 24:2; Dan 1:1

the first: Nebuchadnezzar was associated with his father Nabopollasar two years before the death of the latter; and from this time the Jewish computation of Nebuchadnezzar's reign begins; that is, from the end of the third year of Jehoiakim; and therefore, according to them, the fourth year of Jehoiakim was the first year of Nebuchadnezzar. But the Babylonians date the commencement of his reign two years later, that is, on the death of his father; which computation is followed by Daniel, who wrote in Chaldee.

Jeremiah 25:2

jer 25:2

Jer 18:11, Jer 19:14, Jer 19:15, Jer 26:2, Jer 35:13, Jer 38:1, Jer 38:2; Psa 49:1, Psa 49:2; Mar 7:14-16

Jeremiah 25:3

jer 25:3

thirteenth: Jer 1:2; Kg1 22:3; Ch2 34:3, Ch2 34:8

rising: Jer 25:4, Jer 7:13, Jer 11:7, Jer 29:19, Jer 35:15, Jer 44:4; Gen 22:3; Exo 8:20; Psa 81:13; Isa 55:2; Mar 1:35; Joh 8:2, Joh 8:47; Ti2 4:2

Jeremiah 25:4

jer 25:4

all: Urijah the son of Shemaiah, and Huldah the prophetess, lived about this time. Zephaniah also prophesied during part of the time; and it is probable that Habakkuk was contemporary with them.

rising: Jer 7:25, Jer 11:7, Jer 26:5, Jer 29:19, Jer 32:33, Jer 35:14, Jer 35:15, Jer 44:4, Jer 44:5; Ch2 36:15, Ch2 36:16

ye: Jer 25:3, Jer 25:7, Jer 7:24-26, Jer 11:8-10, Jer 13:10,Jer 13:11, Jer 16:12, Jer 17:23, Jer 18:12, Jer 19:15, Jer 22:21; Jer 36:31; Zac 7:11, Zac 7:12; Act 7:51, Act 7:52; Heb 12:25

Jeremiah 25:5

jer 25:5

Turn: Jer 18:11, Jer 35:15; Kg2 17:13, Kg2 17:14; Isa 55:6, Isa 55:7; Eze 18:30, Eze 33:11; Jon 3:8-10; Zac 1:4, Zac 1:5; Luk 13:3-5; Act 26:20; Jam 4:8-10

for: Jer 7:7, Jer 17:25; Gen 17:8; Psa 37:27, Psa 105:10,Psa 105:11

Jeremiah 25:6

jer 25:6

Jer 7:6, Jer 7:9, Jer 35:15; Exo 20:3, Exo 20:23; Deu 6:14, Deu 8:19, Deu 13:2, Deu 28:14; Jos 24:20; Kg1 11:4-10, Kg1 14:22; Kg2 17:35

Jeremiah 25:7

jer 25:7

that ye: Jer 7:18, Jer 7:19, Jer 32:30-33; Deu 32:21; Kg2 17:17, Kg2 21:15; Neh 9:26; Pro 8:36

Jeremiah 25:9

jer 25:9

I: Jer 1:15, Jer 5:15, Jer 5:16, Jer 6:1, Jer 6:22-26, Jer 8:16; Lev. 26:25-46; Deu 28:45-50; Pro 21:1; Isa 5:26-30, Isa 10:5, Isa 39:7; Hab 1:6-10

Nebuchadrezzar: Jer 27:6, Jer 40:2, Jer 43:10; Isa 13:3, Isa 44:28, Isa 45:1; Eze 29:18-20

against: Jer 25:17-26, Jer 27:3-8; Eze 26:7, Eze 29:19, Eze 30:10,Eze 30:11

an astonishment: See note on Jer 18:16, Jer 24:9; Kg1 9:7, Kg1 9:8

Jeremiah 25:10

jer 25:10

take from: Heb. cause to perish from, Est 3:13, Est 7:4, Est 8:11

voice of mirth: Jer 7:34, Jer 16:9, Jer 33:10,Jer 33:11; Isa 24:7-12; Eze 26:13; Hos 2:11; Rev 18:22, Rev 18:23

the sound: Sir J. Chardin remarks, that in the East, every where in the morning may be heard the noise of the mills, which often awakens people; for they generally grind every day just as much as may be necessary for the day's consumption. Where, then, the noise of the mill is not heard in the morning, nor the light of the candle seen in the evening, there must be an utter desolation. Ecc 12:2-4

Jeremiah 25:11

jer 25:11

seventy: This prophecy was delivered in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, and began to be accomplished immediately; and it was exactly seventy years from this time to the proclamation of Cyrus for the return of the Jews. Jer 25:12; Ch2 36:21, Ch2 36:22; Isa 23:15-17; Dan 9:2; Zac 1:12, Zac 7:5

Jeremiah 25:12

jer 25:12

when: Jer 29:10; Kg2 24:1; Ezr 1:1, Ezr 1:2; Dan 9:2

that I: Jer 25:14, 50:1-51:64; Deu 32:35-42; Isa. 13:1-14:32, 21:1-17, 46:1-47:15; Dan. 5:1-31; Hab. 2:1-20; Rev. 18:1-24

punish: Heb. visit upon, see note on Jer 23:2

perpetual: Jer 50:3, Jer 50:13, Jer 50:23, Jer 50:39, Jer 50:40,Jer 50:45, Jer 51:25, Jer 51:26, Jer 51:62-64; Isa 13:19, Isa 14:23, Isa 15:6; Isa 20:1-6, Isa 47:1; Eze 35:9

Jeremiah 25:13

jer 25:13

hath: See note on Jer 1:5, Jer 1:10; Dan 5:28, Dan 5:31; Rev 10:11

Jeremiah 25:14

jer 25:14

many: Jer 27:7, Jer 50:9, Jer 50:41, Jer 51:6, Jer 51:27, Jer 51:28; Isa 14:2, Isa 45:1-3; Dan 5:28; Hab 2:8-16

I: Jer 50:29-34, Jer 51:6, Jer 51:20-27, Jer 51:35-41; Psa 137:8; Isa 66:6; Rev 18:20-24

Jeremiah 25:15

jer 25:15

Take: Jer 13:12-14; Job 21:20; Psa 11:6, Psa 75:8; Isa 51:17, Isa 51:22; Rev 14:10,Rev 14:19

all: Jer 25:27-33

Jeremiah 25:16

jer 25:16

Jer 25:27, Jer 51:7, Jer 51:39; Lam 3:15, Lam 4:21; Eze 23:32-34; Nah 3:11; Rev 14:8, Rev 14:10; Rev 16:9-11, Rev 18:3

Jeremiah 25:17

jer 25:17

and made: Jer 25:28, Jer 1:10, Jer 27:3, 46:1-51:64; Eze 43:3

Jeremiah 25:18

jer 25:18

Jerusalem: Jer 1:10, Jer 19:3-9, Jer 21:6-10; Psa 60:3; Isa 51:17-22; Eze 9:5-8; Dan 9:12; Amo 2:5, Amo 3:2; Pe1 4:17

to make: Jer 25:9, Jer 25:11, Jer 24:9; Jos 6:18; Kg2 22:19

as it: Jer 44:22; Kg1 8:24; Ezr 9:7; Neh 9:36

Jeremiah 25:19

jer 25:19

Pharaoh: Jer 43:9-11, Jer 46:2, Jer 46:13-26; Ezek. 29:1-32:32; Nah 3:8-10

Jeremiah 25:20

jer 25:20

the mingled: Jer 25:24, Jer 50:37; Exo 12:38; Eze 30:5

Uz: Gen 10:23, Gen 22:21; Ch1 1:17; Job 1:1; Lam 4:21

Philistines: Jer 47:1-7; Eze 25:15-17; Amo 1:6-8; Zep 2:4-7; Zac 9:5-7

Ashkelon: Sa1 6:17, Askelon, Gaza

remnant: Isa 20:1; Amo 1:8; Neh 13:23-27

Jeremiah 25:21

jer 25:21

Edom: Jer 27:3, 49:7-22; Psa 137:7; Isa. 34:1-17, Isa 63:1-6; Lam 4:21, Lam 4:22; Eze 25:12-14, Eze 32:29, Eze 35:1-15; Amo 1:11, Amo 1:12; Obad. 1:1-16, Oba 1:18; Mal 1:2-4

Moab: Jer 9:26, 48:1-47; Isa. 15:1-16:14, Isa 25:10; Eze 25:8-11; Amo 2:1-3; Zep 2:8-10

the: Jer 49:1-6; Eze 25:2-7; Amo 1:13-15

Jeremiah 25:22

jer 25:22

Tyrus: Jer 27:3, Jer 47:4; Ezek. 26:1-21, 27:1-36, 28:1-19, Eze 29:18; Amo 1:9, Amo 1:10; Zac 9:2-4

Zidon: Eze 28:22, Eze 28:23, Eze 32:30; Joe 3:4-8

isles which are beyond the sea: or, region by the sea side, Jer 49:23-27; Amo 1:3-5; Zac 9:1

Jeremiah 25:23

jer 25:23

Dedan: Jer 49:8; Gen 10:7, Gen 22:21, Gen 25:15; Ch1 1:30; Job 6:19; Isa 21:13, Isa 21:14; Eze 25:13, Eze 27:20

in the utmost corners: Heb. cut off into corners, or having the corners of the hair polled, Jer 9:26, Jer 49:32

Jeremiah 25:24

jer 25:24

Arabia: Kg1 10:15; Ch2 9:14; Isa 21:13; Eze 27:21

the mingled: Jer 25:20, Jer 49:28-33, Jer 50:37; Gen 25:2-4, Gen 25:12-16, Gen 37:25-28; Eze 30:5

Jeremiah 25:25

jer 25:25

Zimri: Gen 25:2, Zimran

Elam: Jer 49:34-39; Gen 10:22, Gen 14:1; Isa 11:11, Isa 22:6; Eze 32:24; Dan 8:2

Medes: Jer 51:11, Jer 51:28; Isa 13:17; Dan 5:28

Jeremiah 25:26

jer 25:26

all the kings: Jer 25:9, Jer 50:9; Eze 32:30

and the: Jer 51:41

drink: Jer 25:12, 50:1-51:64; Isa. 13:1-14:32, Isa 47:1-15; Dan. 5:1-31; Hab 2:16; Rev. 18:1-24

Jeremiah 25:27

jer 25:27

Drink: Isa 51:21, Isa 63:6; Lam 4:21; Hab 2:16

because: Jer 25:16, Jer 12:12, Jer 46:10,Jer 46:14, Jer 47:6, Jer 47:7, Jer 50:35; Deu 32:42; Eze 21:4, Eze 21:5, Eze 24:21-25

Jeremiah 25:28

jer 25:28

if: Job 34:33

Ye: Jer 4:28, Jer 51:29; Isa 14:24-27, Isa 46:10,Isa 46:11; Dan 4:35; Act 4:28; Eph 1:11

Jeremiah 25:29

jer 25:29

I begin: Jer 49:12; Pro 11:31; Eze 9:6, Eze 38:21; Oba 1:16; Luk 23:31; Pe1 4:17

which is called by my name: Heb. upon which my name is called, Kg1 8:43; Dan 9:18, Dan 9:19 *marg.

Ye shall: Jer 30:11, Jer 46:28; Pro 11:21, Pro 17:5

I will: Eze 14:17, Eze 14:21, Eze 38:21; Zac 13:7

Jeremiah 25:30

jer 25:30

roar: Isa 42:13; Hos 5:14, Hos 13:7, Hos 13:8; Joe 2:11-13, Joe 3:16; Amo 1:2, Amo 3:8

his holy: Jer 17:12; Deu 26:15; Kg1 9:3; Ch2 30:27; Psa 11:4, Psa 58:5, Psa 132:14; Zac 2:13

give: Jer 48:33; Psa 78:65; Isa 16:9; Rev 14:18-20, Rev 19:15

Jeremiah 25:31

jer 25:31

A noise: The dreadful devastations made by the Chaldeans through all the nations of the East, and afterwards the destruction of Babylon by the Medes and Persians, are here primarily foretold in this awful language; but it also accords very much with the passages in which the ruin of all the anti- christian powers is evidently predicted. Jer 45:5; Isa 34:8; Hos 4:1, Hos 12:2; Mic 6:2

plead: Isa 66:16; Eze 20:35, Eze 20:36, Eze 38:22; Joe 3:2

Jeremiah 25:32

jer 25:32

evil: Ch2 15:6; Isa 34:2, Isa 66:18; Luk 21:10,Luk 21:25

and a: Jer 23:19, Jer 30:23; Isa 5:28, Isa 30:30; Zep 3:8

Jeremiah 25:33

jer 25:33

the slain: Jer 25:18-26, Jer 13:12-14; Isa 34:2-8, Isa 66:16; Zep 2:12; Rev 14:19, Rev 14:20; Rev 19:17-21

they shall not: See note on Jer 8:2, Jer 9:21, Jer 9:22, Jer 16:4-7; Psa 79:3, Psa 83:10; Ezek. 39:4-20; Rev 11:9

they shall be: Kg2 9:37; Isa 5:25

Jeremiah 25:34

jer 25:34

Howl: Jer 25:23, Jer 25:36, Jer 4:8, Jer 4:9; Eze 34:16; Jam 5:1, Jam 5:2

ye shepherds: Ye kings and chiefs of the people

wallow: Jer 6:26, Jer 48:26; Eze 27:30,Eze 27:31

ye principal: Eze 34:17, Eze 34:20

the days of your: Heb. your days for, Jer 25:12, Jer 27:7, Jer 51:20-26; Isa 10:12, Isa 33:1; Lam 4:21

ye shall: Jer 19:10-12, Jer 22:28; Psa 2:9; Isa 30:14

pleasant vessel: Heb. vessel of desire, Jer 3:19; Ch2 36:10; Isa 2:16; Dan 11:8; Amo 5:11 *marg.

Jeremiah 25:35

jer 25:35

the shepherds: etc. Heb. flight shall perish from the shepherds, and escaping from, etc. Jer 32:4, Jer 34:3, Jer 38:18, Jer 38:23; Job 11:20; Isa 2:12-22, Isa 24:21-23; Eze 17:15, Eze 17:18; Dan 5:30; Amo 2:14, Amo 9:1; Rev 6:14-17, Rev 19:19-21

nor: Jer 48:44, Jer 52:8-11, Jer 52:24-27; Amo 9:1-3

Jeremiah 25:36

jer 25:36

Jer 25:34, Jer 4:8

Jeremiah 25:37

jer 25:37

Isa 27:10,Isa 27:11, Isa 32:14

Jeremiah 25:38

jer 25:38

hath: Jer 4:7, Jer 5:6, Jer 49:19, Jer 50:44; Psa 76:2; Hos 5:14, Hos 11:10, Hos 13:7, Hos 13:8; Amo 8:8; Zac 2:3

desolate: Heb. a desolation, Jer 25:12

Next: Jeremiah Chapter 26