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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Revelation Chapter 10


rev 10:0


Rev 10:1, A mighty strong angel appears with a book open in his hand; Rev 10:6, He swears by him that lives forever, that there shall be no more time; Rev 10:9, John is commanded to take and eat the book.

Revelation 10:1

rev 10:1

another: Rev 10:5, Rev 10:6, Rev 5:2, Rev 7:1, Rev 7:2, Rev 8:2-5, Rev 8:13, Rev 9:13, Rev 9:14, Rev 14:14, Rev 14:15

clothed: Rev 1:7; Exo 16:10; Lev 16:2; Psa 97:2, Psa 104:3; Isa 19:1; Lam 3:44; Dan 7:13; Luk 21:27

a rainbow: Rev 4:3; Gen 9:11-17; Isa 54:9; Eze 1:28

his face: Rev 1:16; Dan 10:6; Mat 17:2; Act 26:13

pillars: Rev 1:15; Sol 5:15

Revelation 10:2

rev 10:2

a little: Rev 10:10, Rev 5:1-5, Rev 6:1, Rev 6:3; Eze 2:9, Eze 2:10

he set: Rev 10:5, Rev 10:8; Psa 2:8, Psa 65:5; Pro 8:15, Pro 8:16; Isa 59:19; Mat 28:18; Eph 1:20-22; Phi 2:10,Phi 2:11

Revelation 10:3

rev 10:3

loud: Pro 19:12; Isa 5:29, Isa 31:4, Isa 42:13; Jer 25:30; Joe 3:16; Amo 1:2, Amo 3:8

seven: Rev 8:5, Rev 14:2, Rev 15:1, Rev 15:7

Revelation 10:4

rev 10:4

I was: Rev 1:11, 2:1-3:22; Isa 8:1; Hab 2:2, Hab 2:3

Seal up: Deu 29:29; Isa 8:16, Isa 29:11; Dan 8:26, Dan 12:4, Dan 12:9

Revelation 10:5

rev 10:5

stand: Rev 10:2

lifted: Gen 14:22, Gen 22:15, Gen 22:16; Exo 6:8; Deu 32:40; Eze 20:5, Eze 20:15, Eze 20:23, Eze 20:28, Eze 20:42, Eze 36:7; Eze 47:14; Dan 12:7; Heb 6:13, by him, Rev 1:18, Rev 4:9; Jer 10:10, who, Rev 4:11, Rev 14:7; Gen. 1:1-2:25; Exo 20:11; Neh 9:6; Psa 95:3-6, Psa 146:5, Psa 148:1-7; Jer 10:11-13; Act 14:15, Act 17:23; Rom 1:20, that there, Rather, "the time should not be yet," χρονος [Strong's G5550], ουκ [Strong's G3756], εστι [Strong's G2076], ετι [Strong's G2089], that is, the time of those glorious things with which "the mystery of God should be finished." Rev 16:17; Dan 12:7

Revelation 10:7

rev 10:7

in the: Rev 11:15-18

the mystery: Rom 11:25, Rom 16:25; Eph 3:3-9

as he: Luk 24:44-47; Act 3:21

Revelation 10:8

rev 10:8

the voice: Rev 10:4, Rev 10:5; Isa 30:21

Revelation 10:9

rev 10:9

Take: Job 23:12; Jer 15:16; Eze 2:8, Eze 3:1-3, Eze 3:14; Col 3:6

Revelation 10:10

rev 10:10

sweet: Psa 19:10, Psa 104:34, Psa 119:103; Pro 16:24; Eze 3:3

my belly: Eze 2:10, Eze 3:14 *marg.

Revelation 10:11

rev 10:11

Thou: Rev 11:9, Rev 14:6, Rev 17:15; Jer 1:9, Jer 1:10, 25:15-30

Next: Revelation Chapter 11