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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Psalms Chapter 78


psa 78:0


Psa 78:1, An exhortation both to learn and to preach, the law of God; Psa 78:9, The story of God's wrath against the incredulous and disobedient; Psa 78:67, The Israelites being rejected, God chose Judah, Zion, and David.

Asaph, to give instruction. Psa 74:1 *title This Psalm was probably written, as Calmet and others suppose, by Asaph in the days of Asa, who had gained, by the aid of the Syrians, a great victory over the Israelites, and brought back to the pure worship of God many out of the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Simeon. 2Chr. 15:1-16:14

Psalms 78:1

psa 78:1

Psa 49:1-3, Psa 51:4; Jdg 5:3; Pro 8:4-6; Isa 51:4, Isa 55:3; Mat 13:9

Psalms 78:2

psa 78:2

I will: Psa 49:4; Mat 13:13, Mat 13:34, Mat 13:35

dark sayings: Pro 1:6; Mat 13:11-13; Mar 4:34

Psalms 78:3

psa 78:3

Psa 44:1, Psa 48:8; Exo 12:26, Exo 12:27, Exo 13:8, Exo 13:14, Exo 13:15

Psalms 78:4

psa 78:4

We will: Psa 145:4-6; Deu 4:9, Deu 6:7; Joe 1:3

showing: Psa 71:18; Deu 11:19; Jos 4:6, Jos 4:7, Jos 4:21-24

praises: Psa 9:14, Psa 10:1-5, Psa 145:5, Psa 145:6; Isa 63:7-19

Psalms 78:5

psa 78:5

For he: Psa 81:5, Psa 119:152, Psa 147:19; Deu 4:45, Deu 6:7, Deu 11:19; Isa 8:20; Rom 3:2; Jo1 5:9-12

testimony: The word testimony is used for the ark, and for the law, written on tables of stone, put within the ark, and covered with the mercy seat. This testified the Lord's gracious presence with his people, and seemed to point out to them both the way of access and acceptance, and the standard or rule of their duty. Exo 25:16, Exo 25:21, Exo 40:3, Exo 40:20

that they: Psa 78:3, Psa 78:4; Gen 18:19; Isa 38:19; Eph 6:4

Psalms 78:6

psa 78:6

That: Psa 48:13, Psa 71:18, Psa 102:18, Psa 145:4; Est 9:28

who: Psa 90:16; Deu 4:10; Jos 22:24, Jos 22:25; Joe 1:3

Psalms 78:7

psa 78:7

set: Psa 40:4, Psa 62:5, Psa 91:14, Psa 130:6, Psa 130:7, Psa 146:5; Jer 17:7, Jer 17:8; Pe1 1:21

not forget: Psa 77:10-12, Psa 103:2, Psa 105:5; Exo 12:24-27; Deu 4:9, Deu 7:18, Deu 7:19, Deu 8:2, Deu 8:11; Est 9:27, Est 9:28; Co1 11:24

keep: Deu 5:29; Joh 14:21-24; Jo1 3:22-24, Jo1 5:3; Rev 14:12

Psalms 78:8

psa 78:8

as their: Psa 68:6, Psa 106:7; Exo 32:9, Exo 33:3, Exo 33:5, Exo 34:9; Deu 9:6, Deu 9:13, Deu 31:27; Kg2 17:14; Eze 2:3-8, Eze 20:8, Eze 20:18; Mat 23:31-33; Act 7:51

set not: Heb. prepared not, Psa 78:37; Ch2 12:14, Ch2 19:3, Ch2 20:33, Ch2 30:19

whose: Psa 78:37; Deu 4:4; Jos 14:8, Jos 14:9; Act 11:23

Psalms 78:9

psa 78:9

The children: Some think this refers to a defeat of the Ephraimites mentioned in Ch1 7:20-22; but it probably refers to the conduct and defeat of the ten tribes of which Ephraim was the head. Nothing is recorded in the history of Israel concerning the cowardice of the Ephraimites, as distinct from that of the other tribes. some therefore think, "that the children of Ephraim" is put by a figure of speech for the nation in general. Deu 1:41-44; Jos 17:16-18; Sa1 4:10, Sa1 31:1

carrying: Heb. throwing forth

turned: Jdg 9:28, Jdg 9:38-40; Luk 22:33

Psalms 78:10

psa 78:10

Deu 31:16, Deu 31:20; Jdg 2:10-12; Kg2 17:14, Kg2 17:15; Neh 9:26-29; Jer 31:32

Psalms 78:11

psa 78:11

Psa 78:7, Psa 106:13, Psa 106:21, Psa 106:22; Deu 32:18; Jer 2:32

Psalms 78:12

psa 78:12

Marvellous: Psa 78:42-50, Psa 105:27-38, Psa 135:9; Exod. 7:1-12:51; Deu 4:34, Deu 6:22; Neh 9:10

Zoan: Zoan, the ancient capital of the Pharaohs, where Moses wrought so many miracles, is rendered by the Chaldee, Tanium, LXX Τανις, Vulgate, Tanis, and Coptic, Tane, from the Coptic, ten, plain, flat, level; being situated in the low ground of the Delta, on one of the eastern branches of the Nile, bearing its own name, near a large lake, now called the lake of Menzala, 44 miles west of Pelusium, and 169 miles east of Alexandria, according to the Antonine Itinerary, and three miles from the Mediterranean, according to the Geograph. Nubiens. Clim. 3, par. 3. There are ruins still remaining to mark the site of Zoan, or Tanis, called San by the Arabs; comprising broken obelisks, capitals of the Corinthian order, a granite monument, etc. Psa 78:43; Gen 32:3; Num 13:22; Isa 19:11, Isa 19:13; Eze 30:14

Psalms 78:13

psa 78:13

He divided: Psa 66:6, Psa 106:9, Psa 106:10, Psa 136:13-15; Exod. 14:1-15:27; Isa 63:13; Co1 10:2, Co1 10:3

made: Psa 38:7; Jos 3:16; Hab 3:15

Psalms 78:14

psa 78:14

Psa 105:39; Exo 13:21, Exo 13:22, Exo 14:24, Exo 40:35-38; Neh 9:12, Neh 9:19

Psalms 78:15

psa 78:15

Psa 105:41, Psa 114:8; Exo 17:6; Num 20:11; Isa 41:18, Isa 43:20; Joh 7:37, Joh 7:38; Co1 10:4; Rev 22:1, Rev 22:17

Psalms 78:16

psa 78:16

Psa 105:41; Deu 8:15, Deu 9:21

Psalms 78:17

psa 78:17

Psa 78:32, Psa 95:8-10, 106:13-32; Deu 9:8, Deu 9:12-22; Heb 3:16-19

Psalms 78:18

psa 78:18

by asking meat: Psa 106:14, Psa 106:15; Exo 16:2, Exo 16:3; Num 11:4; Co1 10:6; Jam 4:2, Jam 4:3

Psalms 78:19

psa 78:19

Yea: Exo 16:8-10; Num 21:5; Ch2 32:19; Job 34:37; Rom 9:20; Rev 13:6

Can God: Num 11:4, Num 11:13

furnish: Heb. order

Psalms 78:20

psa 78:20

he smote: Exo 17:6, Exo 17:7; Num 20:11

can he give: Psa 78:41; Gen 18:12-14; Num 11:21-23

Psalms 78:21

psa 78:21

the Lord: Psa 78:31; Num 11:10; Co1 10:5, Co1 10:11; Jde 1:5

a fire: Num 11:1-3; Deu 32:22; Heb 12:29

Psalms 78:22

psa 78:22

Psa 106:24; Isa 7:9; Heb 3:12, Heb 3:18, Heb 3:19, Heb 11:6; Jo1 5:10; Jde 1:5

Psalms 78:23

psa 78:23

Though: Psa 33:9; Isa 5:6

opened: Gen 7:11; Kg2 7:2, Kg2 7:19; Mal 3:10

Psalms 78:24

psa 78:24

had rained: Psa 68:9, Psa 105:40; Exo 16:4, Exo 16:14; Deu 8:3; Neh 9:15, Neh 9:20; John 6:31-71; Co1 10:3

the corn of heaven: The manna fell about their camp in the form of seeds; and as it appeared to come down from the clouds, it was not improperly termed degan shamayim, the corn of heaven or heavenly grain. See note on Exo 16:22, and see note on Psa 78:31.

Psalms 78:25

psa 78:25

Man: etc. Or, Every one did eat the bread of the mighty. Lechem abbeerim, "bread of the mighty" - they ate such food as could only be expected at the tables of the rich and great - the best, the most delicate food. Or, it might be so called because it rendered the people healthy and vigorous, and fit for their marches. Psa 103:20

he sent: Exo 16:8; Mat 14:20, Mat 15:37

Psalms 78:26

psa 78:26

He caused: Psa 135:7; Num 11:31

blow: Heb. go

Psalms 78:27

psa 78:27

He rained: Exo 16:12, Exo 16:13; Num 11:18, Num 11:19, Num 11:32

feathered fowls: Heb. fowl of wing

Psalms 78:29

psa 78:29

for he gave: Psa 106:15; Num 11:20

Psalms 78:30

psa 78:30

But: Num 11:33, Num 11:34, Num 22:20-22; Pro 1:32; Luk 16:19-23

Psalms 78:31

psa 78:31

smote down: Heb. made to bow

chosen men: or, young men, Psa 78:63

Psalms 78:32

psa 78:32

they sinned: Num. 14:1-45, 16:1-17:13, Num 21:1-6, 25:1-18; Eze 20:13

believed: Psa 78:22; Luk 16:31; Joh 12:37

Psalms 78:33

psa 78:33

days: Psa 90:7-9; Num 14:29, Num 14:35, Num 26:64, Num 26:65; Deu 2:14-16

years: Gen 3:16-19; Job 5:6, Job 5:7, Job 14:1; Ecc 1:2, Ecc 1:13, Ecc 1:14, Ecc 12:8, Ecc 12:13, Ecc 12:14

Psalms 78:34

psa 78:34

Num 21:7; Jdg 3:8, Jdg 3:9, Jdg 3:12-15, Jdg 4:3, Jdg 10:7-10; Isa 26:6; Jer 22:23; Hos 5:15, Hos 7:14

Psalms 78:35

psa 78:35

remembered: Psa 78:7, Psa 78:11, Psa 78:42, Psa 106:13, Psa 106:21

God was: Deu 32:4, Deu 32:15, Deu 32:30, Deu 32:31

the high: Ail elyon goalom, "the strong God, the Most High, their redeemer," or kinsman. that one who possessed the right of redemption; the nearest akin to him who had forfeited his inheritance, as the word originally means; and hence is used for a redeemer; and here denotes Him who redeemed them from Egyptian bondage.

their redeemer: Exo 6:6, Exo 15:13; Deu 7:8, Deu 15:15; Isa 41:14, Isa 44:6, Isa 48:17, Isa 63:8, Isa 63:9; Tit 2:14

Psalms 78:36

psa 78:36

Nevertheless: Psa 106:12, Psa 106:13; Deu 5:28, Deu 5:29; Isa 29:13; Eze 33:31; Hos 11:12

lied: Psa 18:44 *marg.

Psalms 78:37

psa 78:37

their heart: Psa 119:80; Hos 7:14, Hos 7:16, Hos 10:2; Act 8:21

stedfast: Psa 78:8, Psa 44:17, Psa 44:18; Deu 31:20; Hos 8:1

Psalms 78:38

psa 78:38

But he: Psa 106:43-45; Exo 34:6-9; Num 14:18-20, Num 16:44-48; Isa 44:21, Isa 44:22

many: Isa 48:9; Eze 20:8, Eze 20:9, Eze 20:13, Eze 20:14, Eze 20:17, Eze 20:21, Eze 20:22

did not: Kg2 21:20

Psalms 78:39

psa 78:39

For he: Psa 103:14-16; Gen 6:3; Joh 3:6

a wind: Or, as the Hebrew rooach holaich welo yashoov may be rendered, "the spirit goeth away and returneth not again." To this purpose the Arabic, "He remembered that they were flesh; and a spirit which when it departs, returneth not again." The human being is composed of flesh and spirit, or body and soul: these are easily separated, and when separated, the body turns to dust, and the spirit returns no more to animate the body in a state of probation. Job 7:7, Job 7:16; Jam 4:14

Psalms 78:40

psa 78:40

How oft: Psa 78:17, Psa 95:8-10, 106:14-33; Num 14:11; Deu 9:21, Deu 9:22

provoke him: or, rebel against him

grieve: Isa 7:13, Isa 63:10; Eph 4:30; Heb 3:15-17

Psalms 78:41

psa 78:41

Yea: Num 14:4, Num 14:22; Deu 6:16; Act 7:39; Heb 3:8-11; Pe2 2:21, Pe2 2:22

limited: Psa 78:19, Psa 78:20; Mar 5:35, Mar 5:36

Psalms 78:42

psa 78:42

remembered: Psa 78:11, Psa 78:21, Psa 78:22, Psa 136:10-15; Exo 13:9; Isa 11:11; Jer 32:21

the day: Psa 106:7-10; Exo 14:12, Exo 14:30, Exo 14:31

the enemy: or, affliction

Psalms 78:43

psa 78:43

How: Psa 105:27-38, Psa 135:9; Exo 3:19, Exo 3:20; Deu 4:34, Deu 6:22; Neh 9:10

wrought: Heb. set

wonders: Psa 78:12

Psalms 78:44

psa 78:44

Psa 105:29; Exo 7:17-21; Rev 16:3-6; The miracles mentioned in this and the four subsequent verses, evidently shew the power of God over the elements of nature, which at that time were the objects of Egyptian worship.

Psalms 78:45

psa 78:45

sent: Psa 105:31; Exo 8:21-24

frogs: Psa 105:30; Exo 8:2-15; Rev 16:3

Psalms 78:46

psa 78:46

gave also: Psa 105:34, Psa 105:35; Exo 10:12-15; Joe 1:4-7, Joe 2:25; Amo 7:1, Amo 7:2; Rev 9:2-11

the caterpillar: Chosal, from chasal, to consume, eat up, is rendered βρουξοϚ or βρουχος by the LXX, in Ch2 6:28, and Aquila here, and also the Vulgate in Chron. and Isa 33:4 and Jerome here, bruchus, the chaffer, which every one knows to be a great devourer of the leaves of trees. The Syriac in Joe 1:4; Joe 2:25, renders it tzartzooro, which Michaelis, from the Arabic tzartzar, a cricket, interprets the mole-cricket, which in its grub state is also very destructive to corn, grass, and other vegetables, by cankering the roots on which it feeds.

Psalms 78:47

psa 78:47

destroyed: or, killed

with hail: Psa 105:32, Psa 105:33; Exod. 9:18-34

sycamore: From the value of the sycamore in furnishing wood for various uses, from the grateful shade which its wide spreading branches afforded, and on account of the fruit, which Mr. Maillet says the Egyptians hold in the highest estimation, we may conceive somewhat of the loss they sustained when "their vines were destroyed with hail; and their sycamore trees with frost." See note on Ch1 27:28.

frost: or, great hailstones

Psalms 78:48

psa 78:48

gave up: Heb. shut up

hot thunderbolts: or, lightnings, Exo 9:28

Psalms 78:49

psa 78:49

cast: Psa 11:6; Job 20:23; Isa 42:25; Lam 4:11; Zep 3:8; Rom 2:8, Rom 2:9

by sending: Kg1 22:21, Kg1 22:22; Job 1:12, Job 2:6, Job 2:7

Psalms 78:50

psa 78:50

made way: Heb. weighed a path

he spared: Job 27:22; Eze 5:11, Eze 7:4, Eze 7:9, Eze 8:18, Eze 9:10; Rom 8:32; Pe2 2:4, Pe2 2:5

life over to the pestilence: or, beasts to the murrain, Exo 9:3-6

Psalms 78:51

psa 78:51

smote: Psa 105:36, Psa 135:8, Psa 136:10; Exo 12:12, Exo 12:29, Exo 12:30, Exo 13:15; Heb 11:28

the chief: Gen 49:3

tabernacles: Psa 105:23, Psa 106:22; Gen 9:22-25, Gen 10:6

Psalms 78:52

psa 78:52

But: Psa 77:20, Psa 105:37; Neh 9:12; Isa 63:11-14

like a: Psa 95:7, Psa 100:3; Isa 40:11; Jer 23:2-4; Ezek. 34:11-31; Luk 15:4-6; John 10:11-42

Psalms 78:53

psa 78:53

so that: Exo 14:15, Exo 14:19, Exo 14:20; Heb 11:29

but: Psa 136:15; Exo 14:27, Exo 14:28, Exo 15:10

overwhelmed: Heb. covered

Psalms 78:54

psa 78:54

And he: Exo 15:13, Exo 15:17; Dan 9:16-20, Dan 11:45

his right: Psa 44:3; Eph 1:14

Psalms 78:55

psa 78:55

cast: Psa 44:2, Psa 105:44, Psa 105:45, Psa 135:10-12, Psa 136:18-22; Josh. 6:1-21:45; Neh 9:22-25

divided: Num 33:54; Jos 13:7, Jos 19:51

and made: Deu 6:10-12

Psalms 78:56

psa 78:56

Psa 78:40, Psa 78:41; Deu 31:16-20, Deu 32:15-21; Jdg 2:11, Jdg 2:12; 2Kings 17:7-23; Neh 9:25, Neh 9:26; Eze 16:15-26

Psalms 78:57

psa 78:57

But: Psa 78:41; Jdg 3:5-7, Jdg 3:12; Eze 20:27, Eze 20:28

they were: Psa 78:8, 10-37; Hos 7:16

Psalms 78:58

psa 78:58

their high: Lev 26:30; Num 33:52; Deu 12:2, Deu 12:4; Eze 20:28, Eze 20:29

moved: Psa 79:5; Exo 34:14; Deu 32:16, Deu 32:17, Deu 32:21; Jdg 2:12, Jdg 2:20; Eze 8:3-5; Co1 10:22

with: Psa 97:7; Exo 20:4, Exo 20:5; Deu 4:16-25, Deu 27:15; Jdg 2:11, Jdg 2:17, Jdg 10:6; Kg1 11:7, Kg1 11:10; Kg1 12:31; Jer 8:19; Hos 13:2

Psalms 78:59

psa 78:59

God: Psa 11:4, Psa 14:2-5; Gen 18:20, Gen 18:21

greatly: Psa 106:40; Lev 20:23, Lev 26:44; Lam 2:7; Zac 11:8

Psalms 78:60

psa 78:60

Jos 18:1; Sa1 1:3, Sa1 4:4-11; Jer 7:12-14, Jer 26:6-9

Psalms 78:61

psa 78:61

his strength: That is, the ark, where his power and glory were displayed. Psa 132:8; Jdg 18:30; Sa1 5:1, Sa1 5:2; Ch2 6:41

glory: Psa 24:7; Exo 40:34; Sa1 4:21, Sa1 4:22

Psalms 78:62

psa 78:62

gave: Sa1 4:2, Sa1 4:10, Sa1 4:11, wrought, Psa 89:38; Isa 64:9

Psalms 78:63

psa 78:63

fire: Psa 78:21; Deu 29:20, Deu 32:22

maidens: Isa 4:1; Jer 7:34, Jer 16:9, Jer 25:10

given to marriage: Heb. praised

Psalms 78:64

psa 78:64

priests: Sa1 2:33, Sa1 2:34, Sa1 4:11, Sa1 4:17, Sa1 22:18, Sa1 22:19

widows: Sa1 4:19, Sa1 4:20; Job 27:15; Eze 24:23

Psalms 78:65

psa 78:65

Then: Psa 7:6, Psa 44:23; Isa 51:9

and like: Isa 42:13, Isa 42:14

Psalms 78:66

psa 78:66

And he: Sa1 5:6, Sa1 6:4; Job 40:12

he put: Jer 23:40

Psalms 78:67

psa 78:67

Sa1 6:21, Sa1 7:1; Sa2 6:2, Sa2 6:17

Psalms 78:68

psa 78:68

chose: Gen 49:8-10; Rut 4:17-22; Sa1 16:1; Ch2 6:6

mount: Psa 87:2, Psa 132:12-14

Psalms 78:69

psa 78:69

And he: Kg1 6:2, Kg1 9:8; Ch2 3:4

high: Ch1 29:1, Ch1 29:19; Ch2 2:9

earth: Psa 102:25, Psa 104:5, Psa 119:90, Psa 119:91; Sa1 2:8; Job 26:7; Isa 48:13, Isa 51:6; Col 1:16, Col 1:17; Rev 20:11

established: Heb. founded

Psalms 78:70

psa 78:70

chose: Psa 89:19, Psa 89:20; Sa1 16:11, Sa1 16:12; Sa2 3:18, Sa2 6:21; Act 13:22

and took: Exo 3:1, Exo 3:10; 1Sam. 17:15-54; Sa2 7:8; Kg1 19:19, Kg1 19:20; Amo 7:14, Amo 7:15; Mat 4:18-22

Psalms 78:71

psa 78:71

From following: Heb. From after

ewes: Gen 33:13; Isa 40:11

brought: Psa 75:6, Psa 75:7, Psa 113:7, Psa 113:8; Sa1 2:7, Sa1 2:8; Jer 27:5, Jer 27:6

feed: Sa2 5:2; Ch1 11:2; Eze 34:23, Eze 34:24; Mic 5:2-4; Zac 11:4-17; Mat 2:6 *marg. Joh 21:15-17; Pe1 5:2

Psalms 78:72

psa 78:72

according: Psa 75:2, Psa 101:1-8; Sa2 8:15; Kg1 9:4, Kg1 15:5; Isa 11:2-4; Act 13:22, Act 13:36

guided: Kg1 3:6-9, Kg1 3:28; Zac 11:15-17; Co2 3:5, Co2 3:6; Ti2 2:15; Jam 1:5

Next: Psalms Chapter 79