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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

Daniel Chapter 9


dan 9:0


Dan 9:1, Daniel, considering the time of the captivity, Dan 9:3, makes confession of sins, Dan 9:16. and prays for the restoration of Jerusalem; Dan 9:20, Gabriel informs him of the seventy weeks.

Daniel 9:1

dan 9:1

am 3466, bc 538

Darius: Dan 1:21, Dan 5:31, Dan 6:1, Dan 6:28, Dan 11:1

Ahasuerus: This was the Astyages of the heathen historians; as we learn from Tobit 14:15, where the taking of Nineveh is ascribed to Nebuchadnezzar and Assuerus, who were the same with Nabopolassar and Astyages.

which: or, in which he, etc

Daniel 9:2

dan 9:2

understood: Dan 8:15, Dan 8:16; Psa 119:24, Psa 119:99, Psa 119:100; Mat 24:15; Mar 13:14; Act 8:34; Ti1 4:13; Ti2 3:15-17; Pe1 1:10-12; Pe2 1:19-21; Rev 1:3

to Jeremiah: Ch2 36:21; Jer 25:11, Jer 25:12, Jer 27:7, Jer 29:10; Zac 7:5

the desolations: Psa 74:3-7, Psa 79:1, Psa 79:2; Isa 6:11, Isa 6:12, Isa 24:10-12, Isa 64:10; Jer 7:34, Jer 25:18; Jer 26:6, Jer 26:18; Lam 1:1; Mic 3:12

Daniel 9:3

dan 9:3

I set: Dan 6:10; Neh 1:4-11; Psa 102:13-17; Jer 29:10-13, Jer 33:3; Eze 36:37; Jam 5:16-18

with: Dan 10:2, Dan 10:3; Ezr 8:21, Ezr 9:5, Ezr 10:6; Neh 1:4, Neh 9:1; Est 4:1-3, Est 4:16; Psa 35:13; Psa 69:10,Psa 69:11; Isa 22:12; Joe 1:13, Joe 2:12; Jon 3:6-9; Luk 2:37; Act 10:30; Jam 4:8-10

Daniel 9:4

dan 9:4

made: Dan 9:5-12; Lev 26:40-42; Kg1 8:47-49; Ch2 7:14; Neh 9:2, Neh 9:3; Psa 32:5; Jer 3:13; Jo1 1:8-10

the great: Exo 20:6, Exo 34:6, Exo 34:7; Num 14:18, Num 14:19; Deu 5:10, Deu 7:9; Kg1 8:23; Neh 1:5, Neh 9:32; Jer 32:17-19; Mic 7:18-20; Nah 1:2-7; Luk 1:72; Rom 8:28; Jam 1:12; Jam 2:5; Jo1 5:2, Jo1 5:3

Daniel 9:5

dan 9:5

have sinned: Dan 9:15; Kg1 8:47-50; Ch2 6:37-39; Ezr 9:6; Neh 1:6-8, Neh 9:33, Neh 9:34; Psa 106:6; Isa 64:5-7; Jer 3:25, Jer 14:7

departing: Psa 18:21, Psa 119:102; Isa 59:13; Eze 6:9; Hos 1:2; Mal 3:7; Heb 3:12

Daniel 9:6

dan 9:6

have we: Dan 9:10; Kg2 17:13, Kg2 17:14; Ch2 33:10, Ch2 36:15, Ch2 36:16; Isa 30:10,Isa 30:11; Jer 6:16, Jer 6:17; Jer 7:13, Jer 7:25, Jer 7:26, Jer 25:3-7, Jer 26:5, Jer 29:19, Jer 32:32, Jer 32:33, Jer 44:4, Jer 44:5, Jer 44:16; Zac 1:4-6; Zac 7:8-12; Mat 21:34-40, Mat 23:37; Luk 20:10-12; Act 7:51, Act 7:52, Act 13:27; Th1 2:15, Th1 2:16

our kings: Ezr 9:7; Neh 9:32, Neh 9:34

Daniel 9:7

dan 9:7

righteousness: Dan 9:8, Dan 9:14; Deu 32:4; Ezr 9:13; Neh 9:33; Psa 51:4, Psa 51:14, Psa 119:137; Jer 12:1; Luk 23:40,Luk 23:41

belongeth unto thee: or, thou hast, etc

unto us: Ezr 9:6, Ezr 9:7; Psa 44:15; Isa 45:16; Jer 2:26, Jer 2:27, Jer 3:25; Eze 16:63, Eze 36:31; Rom 6:21

near: Deu 4:27; Kg2 17:6, Kg2 17:7; Isa 11:11; Jer 24:9; Amo 9:9; Act 2:5-11

whither: Lev 26:33, Lev 26:34

Daniel 9:8

dan 9:8

to us: Dan 9:6, Dan 9:7

because: Jer 14:20; Lam 1:7, Lam 1:8, Lam 1:18, Lam 3:42, Lam 5:16

Daniel 9:9

dan 9:9

To the Lord: From God's goodness flow His mercies; and from His mercies, forgiveness. Dan 9:7; Exo 34:6, Exo 34:7; Num 14:18, Num 14:19; Neh 9:17, Neh 9:31; Psa 62:12, Psa 86:5, Psa 86:15, Psa 130:4, Psa 130:7; Psa 145:8, Psa 145:9; Isa 55:7, Isa 63:7; Lam 3:22, Lam 3:23; Jon 4:2; Mic 7:18, Mic 7:19; Eph 1:6-8, Eph 2:4-7

though: Dan 9:5; Neh 9:18, Neh 9:19, Neh 9:26-28; Psa 106:43-45; Jer 14:7; Eze 20:8, Eze 20:9, Eze 20:13

Daniel 9:10

dan 9:10

which: Dan 9:6; Kg2 17:13, Kg2 18:12; Ezr 9:10,Ezr 9:11; Neh 9:13-17; Heb 1:1

Daniel 9:11

dan 9:11

all: Kg2 17:18-23; Isa 1:4-6; Jer 8:5-10, Jer 9:26; Eze 22:26-31

the curse: Lev. 26:14-46; Deu 27:15-26, 28:15-68, Deu 29:20-29, Deu 30:17-19, Deu 31:17, Deu 31:18; Deut. 32:19-42

Daniel 9:12

dan 9:12

confirmed: Isa 44:26; Lam 2:17; Eze 13:6; Zac 1:8; Mat 5:18; Rom 15:8

our judges: Kg1 3:9; Job 12:17; Psa 2:10, Psa 148:11; Pro 8:16

for under: The destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, and the condition of the Jews during almost eighteen centuries, have far more exceeded all the miseries of the capture of Jerusalem by the Chaldeans, and in the Babylonish captivity, than those miseries exceeded the judgments inflicted on other nations; for the guilt of crucifying the Messiah, and rejecting his gospel, was immensely more atrocious than all their other transgressions. Lam 1:12, Lam 2:13, Lam 4:6; Eze 5:9; Joe 2:2; Amo 3:2; Mat 24:21; Mar 13:19; Luk 21:22

Daniel 9:13

dan 9:13

As it is: Thus every succeeding part of the Sacred writings attests and prove the Divine authority of the preceding. The history relates the fulfilment of former predictions; and then new prophecies are add, which future events accomplish, and thus demonstrate their inspiration to the latest ages. Dan 9:11; Lev. 26:14-46; Deut. 28:15-68; Isa 42:9; Lam 2:15-17; Joh 10:35

made we not our prayer before: Heb. intreated we not the face of, Job 36:13; Isa 9:13; Jer 2:30, Jer 5:3; Hos 7:7, Hos 7:10,Hos 7:14

that we: Deu 29:4; Psa 85:4, Psa 119:18, Psa 119:27, Psa 119:73; Isa 64:7; Jer 31:18, Jer 44:27; Lam 5:21; Luk 24:45; Joh 6:45, Joh 8:32; Eph 1:17, Eph 1:18, Eph 4:21; Jam 1:5

Daniel 9:14

dan 9:14

watched: Jer 31:28, Jer 44:27

the Lord: Dan 9:7; Neh 9:33; Psa 51:14

for: Dan 9:10

Daniel 9:15

dan 9:15

that hast: Exo 6:1, Exo 6:6, 14:1-15:27, Exo 32:11; Kg1 8:51; Neh 1:10; Jer 32:20-23; Co2 1:10

and hast: Exo 9:16, Exo 14:18; Neh 9:10; Psa 106:8; Isa 55:13; Jer 32:10

gotten thee renown: Heb. made thee a name

we have sinned: Dan 9:5; Luk 15:18, Luk 15:19, Luk 15:21, Luk 18:13

Daniel 9:16

dan 9:16

according: Sa1 2:7; Neh 9:8; Psa 31:1, Psa 71:2, Psa 143:1; Mic 6:4, Mic 6:5; Th2 1:6; Jo1 1:9

thy holy: Dan 9:20; Psa 87:1-3; Joe 3:17; Zac 8:3

for the: Exo 20:5; Lev 26:39, Lev 26:40; Psa. 106:6-48; Mat 23:31, Mat 23:32; Luk 11:47-51

Jerusalem: Kg1 9:7-9; Psa 41:13, Psa 79:4; Isa 64:9-11; Jer 24:9, Jer 29:18; Lam 1:8, Lam 1:9; Lam 2:15, Lam 2:16

Daniel 9:17

dan 9:17

cause: Num 6:23-26; Psa 4:6, Psa 67:1, Psa 80:1, Psa 80:3, Psa 80:7, Psa 80:19, Psa 119:135; Rev 21:23

thy sanctuary: Lam 5:18

for: Dan 9:19; Joh 16:24; Co2 1:20

Daniel 9:18

dan 9:18

incline: Kg1 8:29; Kg2 19:16; Psa 17:6, Psa 17:7; Isa 37:17, Isa 63:15-19, Isa 64:12

behold: Exo 3:7; Psa 80:14-19

which is called by thy name: Heb. whereupon thy name is called, Jer 7:10, Jer 14:9, Jer 15:16, Jer 25:29; Co1 1:2

for we: Isa 64:6; Jer 14:7; Eze 36:32

present: Heb. cause to fall, Jer 36:7, Jer 37:20 *marg.

Daniel 9:19

dan 9:19

forgive: Num 14:19; Kg1 8:30-39; Ch2 6:21, Ch2 6:25-30,Ch2 6:39; Amo 7:2; Luk 11:8

defer: Psa 44:23-26, Psa 74:9-11, Psa 79:5, Psa 85:5, Psa 85:6, Psa 102:13, Psa 102:14; Isa 64:9-12

thine: Psa 79:8-10, Psa 102:15, Psa 102:16, Psa 115:1, Psa 115:2; Jer 14:7, Jer 14:20,Jer 14:21; Eze 20:9, Eze 20:14, Eze 20:22; Eze 36:22, Eze 39:25; Eph 1:6, Eph 1:12, Eph 3:10

for thy: Dan 9:18; Psa 79:6; Isa 63:16-19; Jer 14:9, Jer 25:29

Daniel 9:20

dan 9:20

whiles: Dan 10:2; Psa 32:5, Psa 145:18; Isa 58:9, Isa 65:24; Act 4:31, Act 10:30,Act 10:31

confessing: Dan 9:4; Ecc 7:20; Isa 6:5; Rom 3:23; Jam 3:2; Jo1 1:8-10

for: Dan 9:16; Psa 137:5, Psa 137:6; Isa 56:7, Isa 62:6, Isa 62:7; Zac 8:3; Rev 21:2, Rev 21:10

Daniel 9:21

dan 9:21

the man: Dan 8:16, Dan 10:16; Luk 1:19

to fly: Psa 103:20, Psa 104:4; Isa 6:2; Eze 1:11, Eze 1:14; Heb 1:7

swiftly: Heb. with weariness, or flight

touched: Dan 8:18, Dan 10:10,Dan 10:16, Dan 10:18; Isa 6:6, Isa 6:7; Act 12:7; Heb 1:14

the time: Kg1 18:36; Ezr 9:5; Mat 27:46; Act 3:1, Act 10:3, Act 10:9

Daniel 9:22

dan 9:22

he informed: Dan 9:24-27, Dan 8:16, Dan 10:21; Zac 1:9, Zac 1:14, Zac 6:4, Zac 6:5; Rev 4:1

give thee skill and understanding: Heb. make thee skilful of understanding

Daniel 9:23

dan 9:23

the beginning: Dan 10:12

commandment: Heb. word

for: Dan 10:11, Dan 10:19; Luk 1:28

greatly beloved: Heb. a man of desires, Sol 7:10; Eze 24:16, Eze 26:12 *marg.

understand: Mat 24:15

Daniel 9:24

dan 9:24

Seventy weeks: That is, seventy weeks of years, or 490 years, which reckoned from the seventh year of Artaxerxes, coinciding with the 4,256th year of the Julian period, and in the month Nisan in which Ezra was commissioned to restore the Jewish state and polity (Ezra 7:9-26) will bring us to the month of Nisan of the 4,746th year of the same period, or ad 33, the very month and year in which our Lord suffered, and completed the work of our salvation. Lev 25:8; Num 14:34; Eze 4:6

finish: or, restrain, Mat 1:21; Jo1 3:8

and to: Lam 4:22; Col 2:14; Heb 9:26, Heb 10:14

make an end of: or, seal up, Eze 28:12

to make: Lev 8:15; Ch2 29:24; Isa 53:10; Rom 5:10; Co2 5:18-20; Col 1:20; Heb 2:17

to bring: Isa 51:6, Isa 51:8, Isa 53:11, Isa 56:1; Jer 23:5, Jer 23:6; Rom 3:21, Rom 3:22; Co1 1:30; Co2 5:21; Phi 3:9; Heb 9:12-14; Pe2 1:1; Rev 14:6

seal up: Mat 11:13; Luk 24:25-27, Luk 24:44, Luk 24:45; Joh 19:28-30

prophecy: Heb. prophet, Act 3:22

and to anoint: Psa 2:6, Psa 45:7; Isa 61:1; Luk 4:18-21; Joh 1:41, Joh 3:34; Heb 1:8, Heb 1:9, Heb 9:11

the most: Mar 1:24; Luk 1:35; Act 3:14; Heb 7:26; Rev 3:7

Daniel 9:25

dan 9:25

and understand: Dan 9:23; Mat 13:23, Mat 24:15; Mar 13:14; Act 8:30

from: Ezr 4:24, Ezr 6:1-15, Ezr 7:1, Ezr 7:8, 11-26; Neh 2:1-8, Neh 3:1

restore and to build Jerusalem: or, build again Jerusalem, as. Sa2 15:25; Psa 71:10

the Messiah: Joh 1:41, Joh 4:25

the Prince: Dan 8:11, Dan 8:25; Isa 9:6, Isa 55:4; Mic 5:2; Act 3:15, Act 5:31; Rev 1:5, Rev 19:16

seventy weeks: The seventy weeks are here divided into three periods.

Seventy Weeks - Three Periods Order Duration(in weeks) Equivalent(in years) Major Events 1. Seven 49 for the restoration of Jerusalem 2. Sixty-two 434 from that time to the announcement of the Messiah by John the Baptist 3. One 7 for the ministry of John and of Christ himself to the crucifixion be built again: Heb. return and be builded

wall: or, breach, or, ditch. even. Neh 4:8, Neh 4:16-18; Eph 5:16

troublous times: Heb. strait of times, Neh 6:15

Daniel 9:26

dan 9:26

Messiah: Psa 22:15; Isa 53:8; Mar 9:12; Luk 24:26, Luk 24:46; Joh 11:51, Joh 11:52, Joh 12:32-34; Co2 5:21; Gal 3:13; Pe1 2:21, Pe1 2:24, Pe1 3:18

but not: or, and shall have nothing, Joh 14:30

and the people: etc. or, and (the Jews) shall be no more his people, Dan 11:17; Hos 1:9 or, and the Prince's (Messiah's, Dan 9:25), future people. The Romans, who under Titus, after the expiration of the 70 weeks, destroyed the temple and the city, and dispersed the Jews.

the prince: Mat 22:2, Mat 22:7, Mat 23:38, Mat 24:2; Mar 13:2; Luk 19:43, Luk 19:44, Luk 21:6, Luk 21:24; Act 6:13, Act 6:14

and the end: Mat 24:6-14; Mar 13:7

with: Dan 11:10; Isa 8:7; Jer 46:7; Amo 8:8, Amo 9:5; Nah 1:8

desolations are determined: or, it shall be cut off by desolations

Daniel 9:27

dan 9:27

confirm: Isa 42:6, Isa 53:11, Isa 55:3; Jer 31:31-34, Jer 32:40-42; Eze 16:60-63; Mat 26:28; Rom 5:15, Rom 5:19, Rom 15:8, Rom 15:9; Gal 3:13-17; Heb 6:13-18, Heb 8:8-13; Heb 9:15-20,Heb 9:28, Heb 10:16-18, Heb 13:20,Heb 13:21

the covenant: or, a covenant

cause: Mat 27:51; Heb. 10:4-22

for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate: or, upon the battlements shall be the idols of the desolator. Dan 8:13, Dan 11:36, Dan 12:11; Isa 10:22, Isa 10:23, Isa 28:22; Mat 24:15; Mar 13:14; Luk 21:20,Luk 21:24; Rom 11:26

that determined: Lev. 26:14-46; Deu 4:26-28, 28:15-68, Deu 29:18-29, Deu 30:17, Deu 30:18, Deu 31:28, Deu 31:29; Deut. 32:19-44; Psa 69:22-28; Th1 2:15, Th1 2:16

upon the desolate: or, upon the desolator

Next: Daniel Chapter 10