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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Psalms Chapter 80


psa 80:0


Psa 80:1, The psalmist in his prayer complains of the miseries of the church; Psa 80:8, God's former favours are turned into judgments; Psa 80:14, He prays for deliverance.

Psa 45:1, Psa 60:1, Psa 69:1 *titles

Psalms 80:1

psa 80:1

A Psalm: This Psalm is generally supposed to have been written during the Babylonian captivity; but some think it refers to the desolations made by Sennacherib.

of Asaph: or, for Asaph

Give ear: Psa 5:1, Psa 55:1

O Shepherd: Psa 23:1, Psa 23:2; Isa 40:11; Eze 34:23; Joh 10:14; Heb 13:20; Pe1 2:25, Pe1 5:4

leadest: Psa 77:20, Psa 78:52; Isa 49:9, Isa 49:10, Isa 63:11; Joh 10:3, Joh 10:4

dwellest: Psa 99:1; Exo 25:20-22; Sa1 4:4; Sa2 6:2; Kg2 19:15; Eze 1:13, Eze 10:4

shine: Psa 80:3, Psa 80:7, Psa 80:19, Psa 50:2, Psa 94:1; Deu 33:2; Job 10:3; Isa 60:1; Eze 43:2; Dan 9:17; Rev 21:23

Psalms 80:2

psa 80:2

Before: These three tribes, in the wilderness, marched immediately after the ark and cherubim, by Divine appointment, to which this appears to be an allusion. Num 2:18-24, Num 10:22-24

stir up: Psa 35:23, Psa 44:23-26, Psa 78:38; Isa 42:13, Isa 42:14

come and save us: Heb. come for salvation to us, Isa 25:9, Isa 33:22

Psalms 80:3

psa 80:3

Turn us: Psa 80:7, Psa 80:19, Psa 85:4; Kg1 18:37; Jer 31:18, Jer 31:19; Lam 5:21

cause: Psa 80:1, Psa 4:6, Psa 67:1, Psa 119:135; Num 6:25, Num 6:26

Psalms 80:4

psa 80:4

how long: Psa 85:5; Isa 58:2, Isa 58:3, Isa 58:6-9; Lam 3:44; Mat 15:22-28; Luk 18:1-8

be angry: Heb. smoke, Psa 74:1; Deu 29:20

Psalms 80:5

psa 80:5

Psa 42:3, Psa 102:9; Job 6:7; Isa 30:20; Eze 4:16, Eze 4:17

Psalms 80:6

psa 80:6

Thou: Jer 15:10

our enemies: Psa 44:13, Psa 44:14, Psa 79:4; Jdg 16:25; Isa 36:8, Isa 36:12-20, Isa 37:23; Jer 48:27; Eze 36:4; Rev 11:10

Psalms 80:7

psa 80:7

Turn: Psa 80:3, Psa 80:19, Psa 51:10; Luk 1:16

we shall: Isa 30:15, Isa 64:5; Jer 4:14; Mar 4:12; Ti2 2:25, Ti2 2:26

Psalms 80:8

psa 80:8

a vine: Isa 5:1-7, Isa 27:2, Isa 27:3; Jer 2:21; Eze 15:6, Eze 17:6, Eze 19:10; Mat 21:33-41; Joh 15:1-8

thou hast cast: Psa 44:2, Psa 78:55; Jer 18:9, Jer 18:10; This most elegant allegory, which is every where well supported, is frequently employed by sacred writers. See the parallel passages.

Psalms 80:9

psa 80:9

preparedst: Psa 105:44; Exo 23:28-30; Jos 23:13-15, Jos 24:12; Neh 9:22-25

to take: Isa 27:6, Isa 37:31; Jer 12:2

and it: Kg1 4:20, Kg1 4:25; Ch1 21:5, Ch1 27:23, Ch1 27:24

Psalms 80:10

psa 80:10

goodly cedars: Heb. cedars of God, Psa 104:16

Psalms 80:11

psa 80:11

Psa 72:8; Gen 15:18; Exo 23:31; Kg1 4:21, Kg1 4:24; Ch1 18:3

Psalms 80:12

psa 80:12

broken: Psa 89:40, Psa 89:41; Isa 5:5, Isa 18:5, Isa 18:6; Nah 2:2; Luk 20:16

Psalms 80:13

psa 80:13

The boar: This wild boar, chazir, is the parent stock of our domestic hog. He is much smaller, but stronger, and more undaunted, colour, an iron grey inclining to black; snout, longer than that of the common breed. ears comparatively short; tusks, very formidable; and habits, fierce and savage. He is particularly destructive to corn-fields and vineyards. 2Kings 18:1-19:37, 24:1-25:30; 2Chr. 32:1-33, 36:1-23; Jer 4:7, Jer 39:1-3; Jer 51:34, Jer 52:7, Jer 52:12-14

Psalms 80:14

psa 80:14

Return: Psa 7:7, Psa 90:13; Isa 63:15, Isa 63:17; Joe 2:14; Mal 3:7; Act 15:16

look down: Psa 33:13; Isa 63:15; Lam 3:50; Dan 9:16-19

Psalms 80:15

psa 80:15

vineyard: Psa 80:8; Isa 5:1, Isa 5:2; Jer 2:21; Mar 12:1; Joh 15:1

the branch: Or, "the Son," ben, or as 18 manuscripts, LXX, Vulgate, Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic read, ben adam, "Son of man;" which the Targumist renders makla mesheecha, "the King Messiah." Psa 89:21; Isa 11:1, Isa 49:5; Jer 23:5, Jer 23:6; Eze 17:22-24; Zac 3:8, Zac 6:12

Psalms 80:16

psa 80:16

burned: Psa 79:5; Isa 27:11; Eze 20:47, Eze 20:48; Joh 15:6

perish: Psa 39:11, Psa 76:6, Psa 76:7, Psa 90:7; Th2 1:9

Psalms 80:17

psa 80:17

Psa 80:15, Psa 89:21, Psa 110:1; Isa 53:5; Dan 7:13, Dan 7:14; Joh 5:21-29

Psalms 80:18

psa 80:18

So will: Psa 79:13; Joh 6:66-69; Heb 10:38, Heb 10:39

quicken: Psa 85:6, Psa 119:25, Psa 119:37, Psa 119:40, Psa 119:107, Psa 119:154, Psa 119:156; Sol 1:4; Phi 2:12, Phi 2:13; Eph 2:1-5

Psalms 80:19

psa 80:19

Turn us: Psa 80:3, Psa 80:7; Jer 3:22, Jer 3:23

cause: Psa 80:1, Psa 27:4, Psa 27:9, Psa 31:16, Psa 44:3

Next: Psalms Chapter 81