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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Psalms Chapter 143


psa 143:0


Psa 143:1, David prays for favour in judgment; Psa 143:3, He complains of his griefs; Psa 143:5, He strengthens his faith by meditation and prayer; Psa 143:7, He prays for grace; Psa 143:9, for deliverance; Psa 143:10, for sanctification; Psa 143:12, for destruction of his enemies;

The LXX, Vulgate, Ethiopic, and Arabic state that this Psalm was composed by David on the rebellion of his son Absalom; and there are several passages in it which agree remarkably well with that period; for then he had most reason to fear lest God should deal with him according to his sins; which he deprecates with such a deep sense of his unworthiness, that it has hence been numbered among the penitential Psalms, of which it is the last.

Psa 143:1-12 David's Type of Prayer References Prays to God for pardon Psa 143:1 Acknowledges the impossibility of being saved but by grace Psa 143:2 Deplores the lamentable effects of sin Psa 143:3, Psa 143:4 Comforts himself with a retrospect of God's mercies of old Psa 143:5 Prays, in a variety of expressions, for remission of sin, sanctification, and redemption Psa 143:6-12

Psalms 143:1

psa 143:1

thy faithfulness: Psa 31:1, Psa 71:2; Sa2 7:25; Dan 9:16; Jo1 1:9

Psalms 143:2

psa 143:2

enter not: Psa 130:3; Job 14:3

in thy sight: Exo 34:7; Job 4:17, Job 9:2, Job 9:3, Job 15:14, Job 25:4; Ecc 7:20; Rom 3:20; Gal 2:16; Jo1 1:10

Psalms 143:3

psa 143:3

the enemy: Psa 7:1, Psa 7:2, Psa 17:9-13, Psa 35:4, Psa 54:3, Psa 142:6

smitten: Psa 7:5; Sa2 2:22, Sa2 18:11

made me: Psa 31:12, Psa 31:13, Psa 88:4-6; Eze 37:11

Psalms 143:4

psa 143:4

is my spirit: Psa 55:5, Psa 61:2, Psa 77:3, Psa 102:1 *title Psa 124:4, Psa 142:3; Job 6:27

my heart: Psa 25:16, Psa 102:3, Psa 102:4, Psa 119:81-83; Luk 22:44

Psalms 143:5

psa 143:5

remember: Psa 42:6, Psa 77:5, Psa 77:6, Psa 77:10-12, Psa 111:4; Deu 8:2, Deu 8:3; Sa1 17:34-37, Sa1 17:45-50; Isa 63:7-14; Mic 6:5

Psalms 143:6

psa 143:6

stretch forth: Psa 44:20, Psa 88:9; Job 11:13

my soul: Psa 42:1, Psa 42:2, Psa 63:1, Psa 84:2; Isa 26:8, Isa 26:9, Isa 35:7; Joh 7:37

Psalms 143:7

psa 143:7

Hear me: Psa 13:1-4, Psa 40:13, Psa 40:17, Psa 70:5, Psa 71:12

my spirit: Psa 40:12, Psa 69:3; Isa 57:16; Luk 21:26

hide not: Psa 22:24, Psa 27:9, Psa 69:17; Isa 8:17

lest I be like: etc. or, for I am become like, etc

unto them: Psa 28:1, Psa 88:4-6, Psa 88:10, Psa 88:11; Isa 38:18

Psalms 143:8

psa 143:8

to hear: Psa 30:5, Psa 42:8, Psa 46:5 *marg. Psa 59:16; Gen 32:24-29; Hos 6:3

cause me: Psa 143:10, Psa 5:8, Psa 25:4, Psa 25:5, Psa 27:11, Psa 32:8, Psa 119:34, Psa 119:73; Pro 3:5, Pro 3:6; Isa 30:21, Isa 48:17

for I lift: Psa 25:1, Psa 86:4; Lam 3:41

Psalms 143:9

psa 143:9

flee unto thee: Heb. hide me with thee, Psa 34:2-4, Psa 56:9, Psa 61:3, Psa 61:4, Psa 142:5; Pro 18:10; Heb 6:18

Psalms 143:10

psa 143:10

Teach: Psa 25:4, Psa 25:5, Psa 25:8, Psa 25:9, Psa 25:12, Psa 119:5-7, Psa 119:12, Psa 119:35, Psa 139:24; Mic 4:2; Mat 28:20; Col 1:9, Col 1:10; Th1 4:1, Th1 4:2; Heb 13:21; Jo1 2:27

for thou art: Psa 22:1, Psa 31:14, Psa 63:1, Psa 118:28, Psa 140:6

thy spirit: Neh 9:20; Isa 63:14; Joh 14:26, Joh 16:13-15; Rom 5:5, Rom 8:2, Rom 8:14-16, Rom 8:26; Rom 15:13, Rom 15:30; Gal 5:22, Gal 5:23; Eph 4:30, Eph 5:9; Ti2 1:7

the land: Isa 29:10

Psalms 143:11

psa 143:11

Quicken: Psa 85:6, Psa 119:25, Psa 119:37, Psa 119:40, Psa 119:88, Psa 119:107, Psa 138:7; Hab 3:2; Eph 2:4, Eph 2:5

for thy righteousness': Psa 143:1, Psa 9:7, Psa 9:8, Psa 31:1, Psa 71:2

bring: Psa 25:17, Psa 34:19, Psa 37:39, Psa 37:40, Psa 91:15, Psa 91:16; Rev 7:14-17

Psalms 143:12

psa 143:12

of thy mercy: Psa 54:5, Psa 55:23, Psa 136:15-20; Sa1 24:12-15, Sa1 25:29, Sa1 26:10

for I am thy: Psa 116:16, Psa 119:94

Next: Psalms Chapter 144