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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Psalms Chapter 127


psa 127:0


Psa 127:1, The virtue of God's blessing; Psa 127:3, Good children are his gift.

Psa 120:1, Psa 121:1, Psa 122:1, Psa 123:1, Psa 124:1, Psa 125:1, Psa 126:1 *titles

Psalms 127:1

psa 127:1

for Solomon: or, of Solomon, Psa 72:1 *title

The Lord: Psa 33:16-18; Pro 16:9, Pro 21:30, Pro 21:31; Ecc 9:11; Co1 3:7

build: Ch1 22:10, Ch1 22:11, Ch1 28:10, Ch1 28:20, Ch1 29:19; Co1 3:9-15

they labour: Co1 15:14; Gal 4:11

that build it: Heb. that are builders of it in it

except: Psa 121:3-5; Isa 27:3; Zac 2:4, Zac 2:5

the watchman: Sol 3:3, Sol 5:7; Isa 21:5-12, Isa 56:10, Isa 62:6; Jer 51:12, Jer 51:31; Eze 33:2-9

Psalms 127:2

psa 127:2

vain: Psa 39:5, Psa 39:6; Ecc 1:14, Ecc 2:1-11, Ecc 2:20-23, Ecc 4:8

rise up: Pro 31:15-18

the bread: Gen 3:17-19; Ecc 6:7

for so he: Psa 3:5, Psa 4:8; Ecc 5:12; Jer 31:26; Eze 34:25; Act 12:5, Act 12:6

Psalms 127:3

psa 127:3

children: Psa 128:3, Psa 128:4; Gen 1:28, Gen 15:4, Gen 15:5, Gen 24:60, Gen 30:1, Gen 30:2, Gen 33:5, Gen 41:51, Gen 41:52, Gen 48:4; Deu 28:4; Jos 24:3, Jos 24:4; Sa1 1:19, Sa1 1:20, Sa1 1:27, Sa1 2:20, Sa1 2:21; Ch1 28:5; Isa 8:18

Psalms 127:4

psa 127:4

arrows: Jer 50:9

so are children: Pro 17:6, Pro 31:28

Psalms 127:5

psa 127:5

Happy: Gen 50:23; Job 1:2, Job 42:12-16

his quiver full of them: Heb. filled his quiver with them, they shall. Job 5:4; Pro 27:11

speak: or, subdue, Psa 18:47, or, destroy

Next: Psalms Chapter 128