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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Mark Chapter 12


mar 12:0


Mar 12:1, In a parable of the vineyard let out to wicked husbandmen Christ foretells the reprobation of the Jews, and the calling of the Gentiles; Mar 12:13, He avoids the snare of the Pharisees and Herodians about paying tribute to Caesar; Mar 12:18, convicts the Sadducees of error, who denied the resurrection; Mar 12:28, resolves the scribe, who questioned of the first commandment; Mar 12:35, refutes the opinion that the scribes held of Christ; Mar 12:38, bidding the people to beware of their ambition and hypocrisy; Mar 12:41, and commends the poor widow for her two mites, above all.

Mark 12:1

mar 12:1

he began: Mar 4:2, Mar 4:11-13, Mar 4:33, Mar 4:34; Eze 20:49; Mat 13:10-15, Mat 13:34, Mat 13:35, Mat 21:28-33, Mat 22:1-14; Luk 8:10, Luk 22:9

A certain: Mat 21:33-40; Luk 20:9-15

planted: Psa 80:8-16; Isa 5:1-4; Jer 2:21; Luk 13:6-9; Joh 15:1-8; Rom 11:17-24

and set: Neh 9:13, Neh 9:14; Psa 78:68, Psa 78:69, Psa 147:19, Psa 147:20; Eze 20:11, Eze 20:12, Eze 20:18-20; Act 7:38, Act 7:46, Act 7:47; Rom 3:1, Rom 3:2, Rom 9:4, Rom 9:5

and let: Sol 8:11, Sol 8:12; Isa 7:23

and went: Mar 13:34; Mat 25:14; Luk 15:13, Luk 19:12

Mark 12:2

mar 12:2

at: Psa 1:3; Mat 21:34; Luk 20:10

a servant: Jdg 6:8-10; Kg2 17:13; Ch2 36:15; Ezr 9:11; Jer 25:4, Jer 25:5, Jer 35:15, Jer 44:4; Mic 7:1; Zac 1:3-6, Zac 7:7; Luk 12:48; Joh 15:1-8; Heb 1:1

Mark 12:3

mar 12:3

they: Kg1 18:4, Kg1 18:13, Kg1 19:10,Kg1 19:14, Kg1 22:27; Ch2 16:10, Ch2 24:19-21, Ch2 36:16; Neh 9:26; Jer 2:30, Jer 20:2, Jer 26:20-24, Jer 29:26, Jer 37:15, Jer 37:16, Jer 38:4-6; Mat 23:34-37; Luk 11:47-51, Luk 13:33, Luk 13:34; Act 7:52; Th1 2:15; Heb 11:36, Heb 11:37

and sent: Jer 44:4, Jer 44:5, Jer 44:16; Dan 9:10,Dan 9:11; Zac 7:9-13; Luk 20:10-12

Mark 12:5

mar 12:5

and him: Mar 9:13; Neh 9:30; Jer 7:25-28; Mat 5:12, Mat 21:35, Mat 21:36, Mat 22:6, Mat 23:37; Luk 6:22, Luk 6:23, Luk 6:36

Mark 12:6

mar 12:6

one: Psa 2:7; Mat 1:23, Mat 11:27, Mat 26:63; Joh 1:14, Joh 1:18, Joh 1:34, Joh 1:49, Joh 3:16-18; Jo1 4:9, Jo1 5:11, Jo1 5:12

his: Mar 1:11, Mar 9:7; Gen 22:2, Gen 22:12, Gen 37:3, Gen 37:11-13, Gen 44:20; Isa 42:1; Mat 3:17, Mat 17:5; Luk 3:22, Luk 9:35; Joh 3:35; Heb 1:1, Heb 1:2

They: Psa 2:12; Joh 5:23; Heb 1:6; Rev 5:9-13

Mark 12:7

mar 12:7

This: Mar 12:12; Gen 3:15, Gen 37:20; Psa 2:2, Psa 2:3, Psa 22:12-15; Isa 49:7, Isa 53:7, Isa 53:8; Mat 2:3-13, Mat 2:16; Joh 11:47-50; Act 2:23, Act 5:28, Act 7:52, Act 13:27, Act 13:28

Mark 12:8

mar 12:8

cast: Mat 21:33, Mat 21:39; Luk 20:15; Heb 13:11-13

Mark 12:9

mar 12:9

shall: Mat 21:40,Mat 21:41

he will: Lev 26:15-18, Lev 26:23, Lev 26:24, Lev 26:27, Lev 26:28; Deu 4:26, Deu 4:27, 28:15-68, Deu 28:61; Jos 23:15; Pro 1:24-31; Isa 5:5-7; Dan 9:26, Dan 9:27; Zac 13:7-9; Mat 3:9-12, Mat 12:45; Mat 22:7, Mat 23:34-38; Luk 19:27, Luk 19:41-44, Luk 20:15, Luk 20:16

and will: Isa 29:17, Isa 32:15, Isa 32:16, Isa 65:15; Jer 17:3; Mal 1:11; Mat 8:11-13, Mat 21:43; Act 13:46-48, Act 28:23-28; Rom 9:30-33, Rom 10:20,Rom 10:21, Rom 11:1-12

Mark 12:10

mar 12:10

have: Mar 12:26, Mar 2:25, Mar 13:14; Mat 12:3, Mat 19:4, Mat 21:16, Mat 22:31; Luk 6:3

The stone: Psa 118:22, Psa 118:23; Isa 28:16; Mat 21:42; Luk 20:17, Luk 20:18; Act 4:11, Act 4:12; Rom 9:33; Eph 2:20-22; Pe1 2:7, Pe1 2:8

Mark 12:11

mar 12:11

Num 23:23; Hab 1:5; Act 2:12, Act 2:32-36, Act 3:12-16, Act 13:40,Act 13:41; Eph 3:8-11; Col 1:27; Ti1 3:16

Mark 12:12

mar 12:12

feared: Mar 11:18, Mar 11:32; Mat 21:26, Mat 21:45, Mat 21:46; Luk 20:6, Luk 20:19; Joh 7:25, Joh 7:30,Joh 7:44

knew: Sa2 12:7-15; Kg1 20:38-41, Kg1 21:17-27

Mark 12:13

mar 12:13

they send: Psa 38:12, Psa 56:5, Psa 56:6, Psa 140:5; Isa 29:21; Jer 18:18; Mat 22:15, Mat 22:16; Luk 11:54; Luk 20:20-26

Herodians: Mar 3:6, Mar 8:15; Mat 16:6

Mark 12:14

mar 12:14

Master: Mar 14:45; Psa 12:2-4, Psa 55:21, Psa 120:2; Pro 26:23-26; Jer 42:2, Jer 42:3, Jer 42:20

we know: Joh 7:18; Co2 2:2, Co2 2:17, Co2 4:1, Co2 5:11; Th1 2:4

carest: Deu 33:9, Deu 33:10; Ch2 18:13; Isa 50:7-9; Jer 15:19-21; Eze 2:6, Eze 2:7; Mic 3:8; Co2 5:16; Gal 1:10, Gal 2:6, Gal 2:11-14

for thou: Exo 23:2-6; Deu 16:19; Ch2 19:7

is it: Ezr 4:12, Ezr 4:13; Neh 9:37; Mat 17:25-27, Mat 22:17; Luk 20:22, Luk 23:2; Rom 13:6

Mark 12:15

mar 12:15

knowing: Mat 22:18; Luk 20:23; Joh 2:24, Joh 2:25, Joh 21:17; Heb 4:13; Rev 2:23

Why: Mar 10:2; Eze 17:2; Act 5:9; Co1 10:9

a penny: "Valuing of our money, sevenpence halfpenny, as Mat 18:28, marg.

Mark 12:16

mar 12:16

image: Mat 22:19-22; Luk 20:24-26; Ti2 2:19; Rev 3:12

Mark 12:17

mar 12:17

Render: Pro 24:21; Mat 17:25-27; Rom 13:7; Pe1 2:17

and to: Mar 12:30; Pro 23:26; Ecc 5:4, Ecc 5:5; Mal 1:6; Act 4:19, Act 4:20; Rom 6:13, Rom 12:1; Co1 6:19, Co1 6:20; Co2 5:14, Co2 5:15

And they: Job 5:12, Job 5:13; Mat 22:22, Mat 22:33, Mat 22:46; Co1 14:24, Co1 14:25

Mark 12:18

mar 12:18

come: Mat 22:23-33; Luk 20:27-40

say: Act 4:1, Act 4:2, Act 23:6-9; Co1 15:13-18; Ti2 2:18

Mark 12:19

mar 12:19

If: Gen 38:8; Deu 25:5-10; Rut 4:5

that: Rut 1:11-13

Mark 12:20

mar 12:20

Mat 22:25-28; Luk 20:29-33

Mark 12:24

mar 12:24

Do: As the five books of Moses were the only scriptures which the Sadducees admitted as Divine, our Lord confutes them by an appeal to these books, and proves that they were ignorant of those very writings which they professed to hold sacred. He not only rectified their opinions, but so explained the doctrine as to overthrow the erroneous decision of the Pharisees, that if two brothers married one woman, she should be restored at the resurrection to the first. Isa 8:20; Jer 8:7-9; Hos 6:6, Hos 8:12; Mat 22:29; Joh 5:39, Joh 20:9; Act 17:11; Rom 15:4; Ti2 3:15-17

because: Job 19:25-27; Isa 25:8, Isa 26:19; Eze 37:1-14; Dan 12:2; Hos 6:2, Hos 13:14

neither: Mar 10:27; Gen 18:14; Jer 32:17; Luk 1:37; Eph 1:19; Phi 3:21

Mark 12:25

mar 12:25

but: Mat 22:30; Luk 20:35, Luk 20:36; Co1 15:42-54; Heb 12:22, Heb 12:23; Jo1 3:2

Mark 12:26

mar 12:26

have: Mar 12:10; Mat 22:31, Mat 22:32

in the book: Exo 3:2-6, Exo 3:16; Luk 20:37; Act 7:30-32

I am: Gen 17:7, Gen 17:8, Gen 26:24, Gen 28:13, Gen 31:42, Gen 32:9, Gen 33:20 *marg. Isa 41:8-10

Mark 12:27

mar 12:27

is not: Rom 4:17, Rom 14:9; Heb 11:13-16

ye: Mar 12:24; Pro 19:27; Heb 3:10

Mark 12:28

mar 12:28

one: Mat 22:34-40

Which: Mat 5:19, Mat 19:18, Mat 23:23; Luk 11:42

Mark 12:29

mar 12:29

Hear: Mar 12:32, Mar 12:33; Deu 6:4, Deu 10:12, Deu 30:6; Pro 23:26; Mat 10:37; Luk 10:27; Ti1 1:5

Mark 12:31

mar 12:31

Thou: Lev 19:13; Mat 7:12, Mat 19:18, Mat 19:19, Mat 22:39; Luk 10:27, Luk 10:36, Luk 10:37; Rom 13:8, Rom 13:9; Co1 13:4-8; Gal 5:14; Jam 2:8-13; Jo1 3:17-19, Jo1 4:7, Jo1 4:8, Jo1 4:21

Mark 12:32

mar 12:32

for: Deu 4:39, Deu 5:7, Deu 6:4; Isa 44:8, Isa 45:5, Isa 45:6, Isa 45:14, Isa 45:18, Isa 45:21, Isa 45:22, Isa 46:9; Jer 10:10-12

Mark 12:33

mar 12:33

is more: Sa1 15:22; Psa 50:8-15, Psa 50:23; Pro 21:3; Isa 1:11-17, Isa 58:5-7; Jer 7:21-23; Hos 6:6; Amo 5:21-24; Mic 6:6-8; Mat 9:13, Mat 12:7; Co1 13:1-3

Mark 12:34

mar 12:34

Thou: Mat 12:20; Rom 3:20, Rom 7:9; Gal 2:19

And no: Job 32:15, Job 32:16; Mat 22:46; Luk 20:40; Rom 3:19; Col 4:6; Tit 1:9-11

Mark 12:35

mar 12:35

while: Mar 11:27; Luk 19:47, Luk 20:1, Luk 21:37; Joh 18:20

How: Mat 22:41, Mat 22:42; Luk 20:41-44; Joh 7:42

Mark 12:36

mar 12:36

by: Sa2 23:2; Neh 9:30; Mat 22:43-45; Act 1:16, Act 28:25; Ti2 3:16; Heb 3:7, Heb 3:8; Heb 4:7; Pe1 1:11; Pe2 1:21

The Lord: Psa 110:1; Act 2:34-36; Co1 15:25; Heb 1:13, Heb 10:12, Heb 10:13

Mark 12:37

mar 12:37

and whence: Mat 1:23; Rom 1:3, Rom 1:4, Rom 9:5; Ti1 3:16; Rev 22:16

And the: Mat 11:5, Mat 11:25, Mat 21:46; Luk 19:48, Luk 21:38; Joh 7:46-49; Jam 2:5

Mark 12:38

mar 12:38

said: Mar 4:2

Beware: Mat 10:17, Mat 23:1-7; Luk 20:45-47

which: Mat 6:5; Luk 11:43, Luk 14:7-11; Jo3 1:9

Mark 12:39

mar 12:39

Jam 2:2, Jam 2:3

Mark 12:40

mar 12:40

devour: Eze 22:25; Mic 2:2, Mic 3:1-4; Mat 23:14; Luk 20:47; Ti2 3:6

long: Mat 6:7, Mat 11:22-24, Mat 23:33; Luk 12:47, Luk 12:48

Mark 12:41

mar 12:41

sat: Mat 27:6; Luk 21:2-4; Joh 8:20

money: A piece of brass money, see Mat 10:9.

the treasury: Kg2 12:9

Mark 12:42

mar 12:42

two mites: "It is the seventh part of one piece of that brass money." Mar 12:42

Mark 12:43

mar 12:43

That: Exo 35:21-29; Mat 10:42; Act 11:29; Co2 8:2, Co2 8:12, Co2 9:6-8

Mark 12:44

mar 12:44

cast in of: Mar 14:8; 1Chr. 29:2-17; Ch2 24:10-14, Ch2 31:5-10, Ch2 35:7, Ch2 35:8; Ezr 2:68, Ezr 2:69; Neh 7:70-72; Co2 8:2, Co2 8:3; Phi 4:10-17

all her: Deu 24:6; Luk 8:43, Luk 15:12, Luk 15:30, Luk 21:2-4; Jo1 3:17

Next: Mark Chapter 13