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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Genesis Chapter 31


gen 31:0


Gen 31:1, Jacob, displeased with the envy of Laban and his sons, departs secretly; Gen 31:19, Rachel steals her father's images; Gen 31:22, Laban pursues after him, and complains of the wrong; Gen 31:34, Rachel's stratagem to hide the images; Gen 31:36, Jacob's complaint of Laban; Gen 31:43, The covenant of Laban and Jacob at Galeed.

Genesis 31:1

gen 31:1

Jacob: Gen 31:8, Gen 31:9; Job 31:31; Psa 57:4, Psa 64:3, Psa 64:4, Psa 120:3-5; Pro 14:30, Pro 27:4; Ecc 4:4; Eze 16:44; Tit 3:3

glory: "Glory" is here used for "wealth," riches, or property; since those who possess riches, generally make them the subject of glory. The original word cavod, signifies both "glory" and "weight." Gen 45:13; Est 5:11; Job 31:24, Job 31:25; Psa 17:14, Psa 49:16, Psa 49:17; Ecc 4:4; Isa 5:14; Jer 9:23; Mat 4:8; Ti1 6:4; Pe1 1:24

Genesis 31:2

gen 31:2

countenance: Gen 4:5; Deu 28:54; Sa1 18:9-11; Dan 3:19

it was: Gen 30:27

as before: Heb. as yesterday and the day before, Exo 4:10; Deu 19:4; Sa1 19:7 *marg.

Genesis 31:3

gen 31:3

Return: Gen 28:15, Gen 28:20, 21-29:15, Gen 32:9, Gen 35:1, Gen 46:2, Gen 46:3, Gen 50:24; Psa 46:1, Psa 50:15, Psa 90:15

land: Gen 31:13, Gen 31:18, Gen 13:15, Gen 26:3-5, Gen 28:4, Gen 28:13, Gen 28:15, Gen 30:25

with thee: Gen 21:22, Gen 26:24, Gen 28:15, Gen 32:9; Isa 41:10; Heb 13:5

Genesis 31:5

gen 31:5

I see: Gen 31:2, Gen 31:3

the God: Gen 31:3, Gen 31:13, Gen 31:42, Gen 31:53, Gen 32:9, Gen 48:15, Gen 50:17

Genesis 31:6

gen 31:6

Gen 31:38-42, Gen 30:29; Eph 6:5-8; Col 3:22-25; Tit 2:9, Tit 2:10; Pe1 2:18

Genesis 31:7

gen 31:7

ten times: The Hebrew, âsereth monim, is literally, as Aquila renders, "ten numbers;" and Symmachus, "ten times in number;" which probably implies an indefinite number. (See note on Gen 31:41.) Lev 26:26; Num 14:22; Neh 4:12; Job 19:8; Isa 4:1; Zac 8:23

God: Gen 31:29, Gen 20:6; Job 1:10; Psa 37:28, Psa 105:14, Psa 105:15; Isa 54:17

Genesis 31:8

gen 31:8

Gen 30:32

Genesis 31:9

gen 31:9

Gen 31:1, Gen 31:16; Est 8:1, Est 8:2; Psa 50:10; Pro 13:22; Mat 20:15

Genesis 31:10

gen 31:10

a dream: Gen 31:24, Gen 20:6, Gen 28:12; Num 12:6; Deu 13:1; Kg1 3:5

rams: or, he-goats

ringstreaked: Gen 30:39

grisled: The original word, beroodim, from barad, "hail" means marked with white spots like hail; to which our word grisled, from the old French gresle, now grle, hail, perfectly agrees; hence gresl, spotted with white on a dark ground.

Genesis 31:11

gen 31:11

the angel: Gen 31:5, Gen 31:13, Gen 16:7-13, Gen 18:1, Gen 18:17, Gen 48:15, Gen 48:16

Here am I: Gen 22:1; Exo 3:4; Sa1 3:4, Sa1 3:6, Sa1 3:8, Sa1 3:16; Isa 58:9

Genesis 31:12

gen 31:12

Lift up: Gen 30:37-43

I have seen: Gen 31:42; Exo 3:7, Exo 3:9; Lev 19:13; Deu 24:15; Psa 12:5, Psa 139:3; Ecc 5:8; Act 7:34; Eph 6:9

Genesis 31:13

gen 31:13

the God: Gen 28:12-22, Gen 35:7

return: Gen 31:3, Gen 32:9

Genesis 31:14

gen 31:14

Rachel: Rut 4:11

yet any: Gen 2:24, Gen 29:24, Gen 29:29

Genesis 31:15

gen 31:15

sold us: Gen 31:41, Gen 29:15-20, Gen 29:27-30, Gen 30:26; Exo 21:7-11; Neh 5:8

Genesis 31:16

gen 31:16

which God: Gen 31:1, Gen 31:9, Gen 30:35-43

whatsoever: Psa 45:10

Genesis 31:17

gen 31:17

upon camels: Gen 24:10, Gen 24:61; Sa1 30:17

Genesis 31:18

gen 31:18

for to go: Gen 27:1, Gen 27:2, Gen 27:41, Gen 28:21, Gen 35:27-29

Genesis 31:19

gen 31:19

images: Heb. teraphim, Gen 31:30, Gen 31:32, Gen 35:2; Jos 24:2; Jdg 17:4, Jdg 17:5, Jdg 18:14-24, Jdg 18:31; Sa1 19:13; Eze 21:21; Hos 3:4; These might have been images devoted to superstitious or idolatrous purposes, as they are termed gods by Laban, in Gen 31:30. The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan render it, tzalmanaya, "images;" the LXX and Theodoret, ειδολον [Strong's G1497], "idols;" Aquilla, μορφωματα, "figures;" and the Persian, asterlabha, "astrolabes.

Genesis 31:20

gen 31:20

unawares to Laban: Heb. the heart of Laban (See note on Gen 31:27). Gen 31:20

Genesis 31:21

gen 31:21

passed: Gen 2:14, Gen 15:18; Jos 24:2, Jos 24:3

set his: Gen 46:28; Num 24:1; Kg2 12:17; Jer 50:5; Luk 9:51-53

Gilead: Gen 31:23; Num 32:1; Deu 3:12; Jos 13:8, Jos 13:9; Jdg 10:18; Kg1 17:1

Genesis 31:22

gen 31:22

Gen 30:36; Exod. 14:5-31; Job 5:12, Job 5:13

Genesis 31:23

gen 31:23

Gen 13:8, Gen 24:27; Exo 2:11, Exo 2:13

Genesis 31:24

gen 31:24

the Syrian: Gen 28:5; Deu 26:5; Hos 12:12

dream: Gen 31:10, Gen 31:29, Gen 20:3, Gen 40:5, Gen 41:1; Num 12:6, Num 22:20, Num 22:26; Kg1 3:5; Job 33:15-17, Job 33:25; Mat 1:20, Mat 2:12, Mat 27:19

Take heed: Gen 31:42, Gen 24:50; Num 24:13; Sa2 13:22; Psa 105:14, Psa 105:15; Isa 37:29

either good or bad: Heb. from good to bad

Genesis 31:25

gen 31:25

Gen 12:8, Gen 33:18; Heb 11:9

Genesis 31:26

gen 31:26

What: Gen 31:36, Gen 3:13, Gen 4:10, Gen 12:18, Gen 20:9, Gen 20:10, Gen 26:10; Jos 7:19; Sa1 14:43, Sa1 17:29; Joh 18:35

carried: Gen 31:16, Gen 2:24, Gen 34:29; Sa1 30:2

Genesis 31:27

gen 31:27

Wherefore: Gen 31:3-5, Gen 31:20, Gen 31:21, Gen 31:31; Jdg 6:27

steal away from me: Heb. hast stolen me, Gen 31:20 *marg.

that I: Pro 26:23-26

with mirth: Gen 24:59, Gen 24:60; Job 21:11-14

tabret: Exo 15:20

Genesis 31:28

gen 31:28

kiss: Gen 31:55, Gen 29:13; Exo 4:27; Rut 1:9, Rut 1:14; Kg1 19:20; Act 20:37

foolishly: Gen 31:3, Gen 31:13, Gen 31:24; Sa1 13:13; Ch2 16:9; Co1 2:14

Genesis 31:29

gen 31:29

the power: Psa 52:1; Joh 19:10, Joh 19:11

the God: Gen 31:42, Gen 31:53, Gen 28:13; Jos 24:2, Jos 24:3; Kg2 19:10; Dan 2:47, Dan 3:28, Dan 6:20, Dan 6:26

yesternight: Gen 31:24

Take: Act 5:38, Act 5:39, Act 9:5

Genesis 31:30

gen 31:30

my gods: Gen 31:19; Exo 12:12; Num 33:4; Jdg 6:31, Jdg 18:24; Sa1 5:2-6; Sa2 5:21; Isa 37:19, Isa 46:1, Isa 46:2; Jer 10:11, Jer 43:12

Genesis 31:31

gen 31:31

Because: Gen 31:26, Gen 31:27, Gen 20:11; Pro 29:25

Genesis 31:32

gen 31:32

whomsoever: This was rash, and might have produced fatal effects; but Jacob was partial to Rachel, and did not suspect her; and he was indignant at being accused of a crime which he deeply abhorred. Scott. Gen 31:19, Gen 31:30, Gen 44:9-12

before: Gen 31:23, Gen 13:8, Gen 19:7, Gen 30:33; Sa1 12:3-5; Co2 8:20, Co2 8:21, Co2 12:17-19

For Jacob: Sa1 14:24-29

Genesis 31:33

gen 31:33

Leah's: Gen 24:28, Gen 24:67

Genesis 31:34

gen 31:34

had taken: Gen 31:17, Gen 31:19

furniture: The word, car, rendered "furniture," properly denotes "a large round pannier," placed one on each side of a camel, for a person, especially women, to ride in. It is a hamper, like a cradle, having a back, head, and sides, like a great chair. Moryson describes them as "two long chairs like cradles, covered with red cloth, to hang on the two sides of the camel." Hanway calls them kedgavays, which "are a kind of covered chairs, which the Persians hang over their camels in the manner of panniers, and are big enough for one person to sit in." Thevenot, who calls then counes, says that they lay over them a cover, which keeps then both from the rain and sun; and Maillet describes them as covered cages, hanging on each side of a camel. The late Editor of Calmet has furnished a correct delineation of these cars, as seen on one side of a camel, copied from Dalton's Prints of Egyptian Figures.

searched: Heb. felt

Genesis 31:35

gen 31:35

my lord: Gen 18:12; Exo 20:12; Lev 19:3; Eph 6:1; Pe1 2:18, Pe1 3:6

rise up: Lev 19:32; Kg1 2:19

custom: Gen 18:11; Lev 15:19

Genesis 31:36

gen 31:36

was wroth: Gen 30:2, Gen 34:7, Gen 49:7; Num 16:15; Kg2 5:11, Kg2 13:19; Pro 28:1; Mar 3:5; Eph 4:26; Jam 1:19, Jam 1:20

Genesis 31:37

gen 31:37

set it here: Gen 31:32; Jos 7:23; Sa1 12:3, Sa1 12:4; Mat 18:16; Co1 6:4, Co1 6:5; Th1 2:10; Heb 13:18; Pe1 2:12, Pe1 3:16

Genesis 31:38

gen 31:38

twenty: Gen 31:41

ewes: Gen 30:27, Gen 30:30; Exo 23:26; Deu 28:4

the rams: Eze 34:2-4

Genesis 31:39

gen 31:39

torn of: Exo 22:10, Exo 22:31; Lev 22:8; Sa1 17:34, Sa1 17:35; Joh 10:12, Joh 10:13

I bare: Exo 22:10-13

or stolen: Luk 2:8

Genesis 31:40

gen 31:40

Exo 2:19-22, Exo 3:1; Psa 78:70, Psa 78:71; Hos 12:12; Luk 2:8; Joh 21:15-17; Heb 13:7; Pe1 5:2-4

Genesis 31:41

gen 31:41

fourteen: Gen 31:38, Gen 29:18-30, Gen 30:33-40; Co1 15:10; Co2 11:26

ten times: Gen 31:7

Genesis 31:42

gen 31:42

Except: Gen 31:24, Gen 31:29; Psa 124:1-3

fear: Gen 31:53, Gen 27:33; Psa 76:11, Psa 76:12, Psa 124:1; Isa 8:13

hath seen: Gen 31:12, Gen 11:5, Gen 16:11, Gen 16:13, Gen 29:32; Exo 3:7; Ch1 12:17; Psa 31:7; Jde 1:9

Genesis 31:44

gen 31:44

let us: Gen 15:18, Gen 21:22-32, Gen 26:28-31; Sa1 20:14-17

a witness: Gen 31:48, Gen 31:52, Gen 21:30; Deu 31:19, Deu 31:21, Deu 31:26; Jos 22:27, Jos 24:25-27; God can put a bridle into the mouth of wicked man to restrain their malice; and then, though they have no love for his people, they will pretend to it, and try to make a merit of necessity. Scott.

Genesis 31:45

gen 31:45

Gen 28:18-22

Genesis 31:46

gen 31:46

brethren: Gen 31:23, Gen 31:32, Gen 31:37, Gen 31:54

Gather: Jos 4:5-9, Jos 4:20-24, Jos 7:26; Sa2 18:17; Ecc 3:5

an heap: The word gal, rendered "heap," properly signifies a round heap or circle; probably like the Druidical remains in this country, which have been traced in India, Persia, Western Asia, Greece, and Northern Europe. These usually consist of irregular circles of large stones, with a principal one in the midst; the former probably being used for seats, and the latter for an altar; corresponding to the stone set up as a pillar by Jacob, and the heap of stones collected by his brethren. They appear to have been used, as Gilgal undoubtedly was (Jos 4:5; Jdg 2:1; Jdg 3:19; ch. 20; Sa1 7:16; Sa1 10:8, Sa1 10:17; Sa1 11:15; Sa1 13:7; Sa1 15:33. Sa2 19:15, Sa2 19:40. Kg2 2:1) as temples, and as places for holding councils, and assembling the people. For a satisfactory elucidation of this subject, consult the Fragments to Calmet, Nos. 156, 735, 736.

Genesis 31:47

gen 31:47

Jegarsahadutha: i.e. the heap of witness, Chald

Galeed: i.e., the heap of witness. Heb. Heb 12:1

Genesis 31:48

gen 31:48

This heap: Jos 24:27

Galeed: or, Gilead, Gen 31:23; Deu 2:36, Deu 3:16; Jos 13:8, Jos 13:9

Genesis 31:49

gen 31:49

Mizpah: i.e. a beacon, or watch-tower, Jdg 10:17, Jdg 11:11, Jdg 11:29, Mizpeh, Sa1 7:5; Kg1 15:22; Hos 5:1

Genesis 31:50

gen 31:50

afflict: Lev 18:18; Mat 19:5, Mat 19:6

God: Jdg 11:10; Sa1 12:5; Jer 29:23, Jer 42:5; Mic 1:2; Mal 2:14, Mal 3:5; Th1 2:5

Genesis 31:51

gen 31:51

I have cast: For yarithi, "I have set up," we may read yaritha, "Thou hast set up," with one Heb. and one Samaritan manuscript (see note on Gen 31:45). Gen 31:51

Genesis 31:52

gen 31:52

Gen 31:44, Gen 31:45, Gen 31:48

Genesis 31:53

gen 31:53

God of Abraham: Gen 11:24-29, Gen 11:31, Gen 17:7, Gen 22:20-24, Gen 24:3, Gen 24:4; Exo 3:6; Jos 24:2

their father: For avihem, "Their father," several manuscripts read avichem, "Your father," for Terah was an idolater (see note on Jos 24:2).

judge: Gen 16:5

sware: Gen 14:22, Gen 21:23, Gen 21:24, Gen 24:3, Gen 26:28-31

fear: Gen 31:42; Deu 6:13

Genesis 31:54

gen 31:54

offered sacrifice: or, killed beasts

did eat: Gen 21:8, Gen 26:30, Gen 37:25; Exo 18:12; Sa2 3:20, Sa2 3:21

Genesis 31:55

gen 31:55

and kissed: Gen 31:28, Gen 33:4; Rut 1:14

blessed: Gen 24:60, Gen 28:1; Num 23:5, Num 23:8, Num 23:11; Deu 23:5; Pro 16:7

returned: Gen 18:33, Gen 30:25; Num 24:25; Deu 32:36; Psa 76:10; Act 28:4, Act 28:5

Next: Genesis Chapter 32