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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at sacred-texts.com

Philippians Chapter 3


phi 3:0


Phi 3:1, He warns them to beware of the false teachers of the circumcision; Phi 3:4, shewing that himself has greater cause than they to trust in the righteousness of the law; Phi 3:7, which notwithstanding he counts as dung and loss, to gain Christ and his righteousness; Phi 3:12, therein acknowledging his own imperfection; Phi 3:15, He exhorts them to be thus minded; Phi 3:17, and to imitate him, Phi 3:18. and to decline the ways of carnal Christians.

Philippians 3:1

phi 3:1

Finally: Phi 4:8; Co2 13:11; Eph 6:10; Th1 4:1 *Gr: Pe1 3:8

rejoice: Phi 3:3, Phi 4:4; Deu 12:18, Deu 16:11; Sa1 2:1; Ch1 15:28, Ch1 16:10,Ch1 16:31-33, Ch1 29:22; Ch2 30:26, Ch2 30:27; Neh 8:10; Job 22:26; Psa 5:11, Psa 32:11, Psa 33:1, Psa 37:4, Psa 42:4; Psa 97:1, Psa 100:1, Psa 100:2, Psa 149:2; Isa 12:2, Isa 12:3, Isa 41:16, Isa 61:10, Isa 65:14, Isa 66:11, Isa 66:12; Joe 2:23; Hab 3:17, Hab 3:18; Zep 3:14, Zep 3:17; Zac 10:7; Mat 5:12; Luk 1:47; Rom 5:2, Rom 5:3, Rom 5:11; Th1 5:16; Jam 1:2; Pe1 1:6-8, Pe1 4:13

To write: Phi 2:17, Phi 2:18; Pe2 1:12-15, Pe2 3:1

Philippians 3:2

phi 3:2

of dogs: Pro 26:11; Isa 56:10,Isa 56:11; Mat 7:6, Mat 7:15, Mat 24:10; Gal 5:15; Ti2 4:14, Ti2 4:15; Pe2 2:22; Rev 22:15

evil: Phi 3:19; Psa 119:115; Mat 7:22, Mat 7:23; Co2 11:13; Gal 5:13; Ti1 1:19; Ti2 3:1-6; Ti2 4:3, Ti2 4:4; Tit 1:16; Pe2 2:18-20; Jde 1:4, Jde 1:10-13; Rev 21:8

the: Phi 3:3; Rom 2:28; Gal 2:3, Gal 2:4, Gal 5:1-3, Gal 5:6; Rev 2:9, Rev 3:9

Philippians 3:3

phi 3:3

we: Gen 17:5-11; Deu 10:16, Deu 30:6; Jer 4:4, Jer 9:26; Rom 2:25-29, Rom 4:11, Rom 4:12; Col 2:11

worship: Mal 1:11; Joh 4:23, Joh 4:24; Rom 1:9, Rom 7:6, Rom 8:15, Rom 8:26, Rom 8:27; Eph 6:18; Jde 1:20

rejoice: Phi 3:7-9; Psa 105:3; Isa 45:25; Jer 9:23, Jer 9:24; Co1 1:29-31; Gal 6:13, Gal 6:14

have: Phi 3:4-6; Pe1 1:23-25

Philippians 3:4

phi 3:4

Co2 11:18-22

Philippians 3:5

phi 3:5

Circumcised: Gen 17:12; Luk 2:21; Joh 7:21-24

of the stock: Act 22:3; Co2 11:22

of the tribe: Rom 11:1

an: Gen 14:13, Gen 40:15, Gen 41:12; Sa1 4:6; Jon 1:9; Act 6:1; Co2 11:22

Pharisee: Act 23:6, Act 26:4, Act 26:5

Philippians 3:6

phi 3:6

zeal: Sa2 21:2; Kg2 10:16; Act 21:20; Rom 10:2; Gal 1:13, Gal 1:14

persecuting: Act 8:3, 9:1-19, Act 22:3, Act 22:4, Act 26:9, Act 26:10; Co1 15:9; Ti1 1:13

touching: Mat 5:20, Mat 23:25; Mar 10:20,Mar 10:21; Luk 1:6; Act 26:5; Rom 7:9, Rom 9:31, Rom 9:32, Rom 10:2-5

Philippians 3:7

phi 3:7

Phi 3:4-6, Phi 3:8-10; Gen 19:17, Gen 19:26; Job 2:4; Pro 13:8, Pro 23:23; Mat 13:44-46, Mat 16:26; Luk 14:26, Luk 14:33, Luk 16:8, Luk 17:31-33; Act 27:18, Act 27:19, Act 27:38; Gal 2:15, Gal 2:16, Gal 5:2-5

Philippians 3:8

phi 3:8

doubtless: Num 14:30; Psa 126:6; Luk 11:20; Co1 9:10; Jo1 2:19

I count: Act 20:24; Rom 8:18

the excellency: Phi 3:10; Isa 53:11; Jer 9:23, Jer 9:24; Mat 11:25-27, Mat 16:16, Mat 16:17; Luk 10:21, Luk 10:22; Joh 14:7, Joh 14:20, Joh 16:3, Joh 17:3, Joh 17:8; Co1 2:2; Co2 4:4, Co2 4:6; Gal 1:16; Eph 1:17, Eph 1:18; Eph 3:8, Eph 3:9, Eph 3:18, Eph 3:19; Col 2:2, Col 2:3; Pe1 2:7; Pe2 1:3, Pe2 3:18; Jo1 5:20

my: Luk 1:43, Luk 20:42-44; Joh 20:13, Joh 20:28

for whom: Phi 3:7; Mat 19:27-29; Co1 4:9-13; Co2 11:23-27; Ti2 4:6

but dung: Kg1 14:10; Kg2 9:37; Job 20:7; Mal 2:3

win: Mat 13:44-46; Heb 3:14; Jo1 1:3

Philippians 3:9

phi 3:9

be: Gen 7:23; Deu 19:3, Deu 19:4; Heb 6:18; Pe1 3:19, Pe1 3:20

in: Rom 8:1, Rom 16:7; Co1 1:30; Co2 5:17

not: Phi 3:6; Kg1 8:46; Ch2 32:25, Ch2 32:31; Job 9:28-31, Job 10:14, Job 10:15, Job 15:14-16, Job 42:5, Job 42:6; Psa 14:3, Psa 19:12, Psa 130:3, Psa 130:4, Psa 143:2; Ecc 7:20; Isa 6:5, Isa 53:6, Isa 64:5, Isa 64:6; Mat 9:13; Rom 9:31, Rom 9:32, Rom 10:1-3, Rom 10:5; Ti2 1:9; Tit 3:5; Jam 3:2; Jo1 1:8-10

which is of the: Deu 27:26; Luk 10:25-29; Rom 3:19, Rom 3:20, Rom 4:13-15, Rom 7:5-13, Rom 8:3, Rom 10:4, Rom 10:5; Gal 3:10-13, Gal 3:21, Gal 3:22; Jam 2:9-11; Jo1 3:4

the righteousness: Psa 71:15, Psa 71:16; Isa 45:24, Isa 45:25, Isa 46:13, Isa 53:11; Jer 23:6, Jer 33:16; Dan 9:24; Joh 16:8-11; Rom 1:17, Rom 3:21, Rom 3:22, Rom 4:5, Rom 4:6, Rom 4:13, Rom 5:21, Rom 9:30, Rom 10:3, Rom 10:6, Rom 10:10; Co1 1:30; Co2 5:21; Gal 2:16, Gal 3:11; Pe2 1:1

Philippians 3:10

phi 3:10

I: Phi 3:8; Jo1 2:3, Jo1 2:5

and the power: Joh 5:21-29, Joh 10:18, Joh 11:25, Joh 11:26; Act 2:31-38; Rom 6:4-11, Rom 8:10,Rom 8:11; Co1 15:21-23; Co2 1:10, Co2 4:10-13, Co2 13:4; Eph 1:19-21; Col 2:13, Col 3:1; Th1 4:14, Th1 4:15; Pe1 1:3, Pe1 4:1, Pe1 4:2; Rev 1:18

and the fellowship: Mat 20:23; Rom 6:3-5, Rom 8:17, Rom 8:29; Co2 1:5; Gal 2:20; Col 1:24; Ti2 2:11, Ti2 2:12; Pe1 4:13, Pe1 4:14

Philippians 3:11

phi 3:11

by: Psa 49:7; Act 27:12; Rom 11:14; Co1 9:22, Co1 9:27; Co2 11:3; Th1 3:5; Th2 2:3

attain: Luk 14:14, Luk 20:35, Luk 20:36; Joh 11:24; Act 23:6, Act 26:7; Heb 11:35

Philippians 3:12

phi 3:12

I had: Phi 3:13, Phi 3:16; Psa 119:5, Psa 119:173-176; Rom 7:19-24; Gal 5:17; Ti1 6:12; Jam 3:2

already perfect: Job 17:9; Psa 138:8; Pro 4:18; Co1 13:10; Co2 7:1, Co2 13:9; Eph 4:12; Heb 12:23, Heb 13:21; Pe1 5:10; Pe2 1:5-8, Pe2 3:18

I follow: Phi 3:14; Psa 42:1, Psa 63:1-3, Psa 63:8, Psa 84:2, Psa 94:15; Isa 51:1; Hos 6:3; Th1 5:15; Ti1 5:10, Ti1 6:11; Heb 12:14; Pe1 3:11-13

that I: Phi 3:14; Ti1 6:12

apprehended: Psa 110:2, Psa 110:3; Act 9:3-6, Act 9:15; Eph 1:4; Th2 2:13

Philippians 3:13

phi 3:13

I count: Phi 3:8, Phi 3:12, Phi 1:18-21, Phi 4:11-13

one: Psa 27:4; Luk 10:42; Pe2 3:8

forgetting: Psa 45:10; Luk 9:62; Co2 5:16; Heb 6:1

and reaching: Phi 2:12; Rom 15:23-29; Co1 9:24-27; Heb 12:1, Heb 12:2

Philippians 3:14

phi 3:14

press: Luk 16:16; Co2 4:17, Co2 4:18, Co2 5:1; Ti2 4:7, Ti2 4:8; Rev 3:21

the high: Rom 8:28-30, Rom 9:23, Rom 9:24; Th1 2:12; Th2 2:13, Th2 2:14; Heb 3:1; Pe1 1:3, Pe1 1:4, Pe1 1:13; Pe1 5:10; Pe2 1:3

Philippians 3:15

phi 3:15

as: Rom 15:1; Co1 2:6, Co1 14:20; Col 1:28, Col 4:12; Ti2 3:17; Heb 5:14 *Gr: Jam 1:4; Jo1 2:5

be thus: Phi 3:12-14; Gal 5:10

God: Psa 25:8, Psa 25:9; Pro 2:3-6, Pro 3:5, Pro 3:6; Isa 35:8; Luk 11:13; Joh 7:17; Jam 1:5

Philippians 3:16

phi 3:16

whereto: Gal 5:7; Heb 10:38, Heb 10:39; Pe2 2:10-20; Rev 2:4, Rev 2:5, Rev 3:3

let us walk: Rom 12:16, Rom 15:5; Gal 6:16; Eph 5:2-8; Col 2:6

let us mind: Phi 1:27, Phi 2:2, Phi 4:2

Philippians 3:17

phi 3:17

be: Phi 4:9; Co1 4:16, Co1 10:32, Co1 10:33, Co1 11:1; Th1 1:6, Th1 2:10-14; Th2 3:7, Th2 3:9; Ti1 4:12; Heb 13:7; Pe1 5:3

and mark: Psa 37:37; Rom 16:17; Th2 3:14

Philippians 3:18

phi 3:18

many: Isa 8:11; Dan 4:37; Gal 2:14; Eph 4:17; Th2 3:11; Pe2 2:10; Jde 1:13

I have: Co1 6:9; Gal 5:21; Eph 5:5, Eph 5:6; Th1 4:6

even: Phi 1:4; Psa 119:136; Jer 9:1, Jer 13:17; Luk 19:41; Act 20:19, Act 20:30,Act 20:31; Rom 9:2; Co2 2:4, Co2 11:29

enemies: Phi 1:15, Phi 1:16; Co1 1:18; Gal 1:7, Gal 2:21, Gal 6:12

Philippians 3:19

phi 3:19

end: Mat 25:41; Luk 12:45, Luk 12:46; Co2 11:15; Th2 2:8, Th2 2:12; Heb 6:6-8; Pe2 2:1, Pe2 2:3; Pe2 2:17; Jde 1:4, Jde 1:13; Rev 19:20, Rev 20:9, Rev 20:10, Rev 21:8, Rev 22:15

whose God: Phi 2:21; Sa1 2:11-16, Sa1 2:29; Isa 56:10-12; Eze 13:19, Eze 34:3; Mic 3:5, Mic 3:11; Mal 1:12; Luk 12:19, Luk 16:19; Rom 16:18; Ti1 6:5; Ti2 3:4; Tit 1:11, Tit 1:12; Pe2 2:13; Jde 1:12

whose glory: Psa 52:1; Hos 4:7; Hab 2:15, Hab 2:16; Luk 18:4; Co1 5:2, Co1 5:6; Co2 11:12; Gal 6:13; Jam 4:16; Pe2 2:18, Pe2 2:19; Jde 1:13, Jde 1:16; Rev 18:7

who: Psa 4:6, Psa 4:7, Psa 17:14; Mat 16:23; Rom 8:5-7; Co1 3:3; Pe2 2:3

Philippians 3:20

phi 3:20

our: Phi 1:18-21; Psa 16:11, Psa 17:15, Psa 73:24-26; Pro 15:24; Mat 6:19-21, Mat 19:21; Luk 12:21, Luk 12:32-34, Luk 14:14; Co2 4:18, Co2 5:1, Co2 5:8; Eph 2:6, Eph 2:19; Col 1:5, Col 3:1-3; Heb 10:34, Heb 10:35; Pe1 1:3, Pe1 1:4

conversation: Gr. Isa 26:1, Isa 26:2; Gal 4:26; Eph 2:19; Heb 12:22; Rev. 21:10-27

from: Act 1:11; Th1 4:16; Th2 1:7, Th2 1:8; Rev 1:7

we look: Phi 1:10; Co1 1:7; Th1 1:10; Ti2 4:8; Tit 2:13; Heb 9:28; Pe2 3:12-14

Philippians 3:21

phi 3:21

shall: Co1 15:42-44, Co1 15:48-54

that: Mat 17:2; Col 3:4; Jo1 3:2; Rev 1:13-20

the working: Isa 25:8, Isa 26:19; Hos 13:14; Mat 22:29, Mat 28:18; Joh 5:25-29, Joh 11:24-26; Co1 15:25-27, Co1 15:53-56; Eph 1:19, Eph 1:20; Rev 1:8, Rev 1:18, Rev 20:11-15

Next: Philippians Chapter 4