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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Jeremiah Chapter 36


jer 36:0


Jer 36:1, Jeremiah causes Baruch to write his prophesy, v.5, and publicly to read it; v.11, The princes, having intelligence thereof by Michaiah, send Jehudi to fetch the roll and read it; v.19, They will Baruch to hide himself and Jeremiah; v.20, The king, Jehoiakim, being certified thereof, hears part of it, and burns the roll; v.27, Jeremiah denounces his judgment; v.32, Baruch writes a new copy.

Jeremiah 36:1

jer 36:1

Jer 25:1, Jer 35:1; Kg2 24:1, Kg2 24:2

Jeremiah 36:2

jer 36:2

a roll: Jer 36:6, Jer 36:23, Jer 36:29, Jer 30:2, Jer 45:1, Jer 51:60; Exo 17:14; Deu 31:24; Ezr 6:2; Job 31:35; Psa 40:7; Isa 8:1, Isa 30:8, Isa 30:9; Eze 2:9, Eze 3:1-3; Hab 2:2, Hab 2:3; Zac 5:1-4; Rev 5:1-9

write: Jer 30:2; Hos 8:12

against Israel: Jer 2:4, Jer 3:3-10, Jer 23:13, Jer 23:14, Jer 32:30-35; Kg2 17:18-20

against all: Jer 1:5, Jer 1:10, 25:9-29, 47:1-51:64

from the day: Jer 1:2, Jer 1:3, Jer 25:3

Jeremiah 36:3

jer 36:3

may be: Jer 36:7, Jer 18:8, Jer 26:3; Deu 5:29; Eze 12:3; Zep 2:3; Luk 20:13; Ti2 2:25, Ti2 2:26; Pe2 3:9

hear: Eze 18:27, Eze 18:28, Eze 33:7-9, Eze 33:14-16; Mat 3:7-9; Luk 3:7-9

they may: Jer 18:8, Jer 18:11, Jer 23:14, Jer 24:7, Jer 35:15; Deu 30:2, Deu 30:8; Sa1 7:3; Kg1 8:48-50; Ch2 6:38, Ch2 6:39; Neh 1:9; Isa 55:6, Isa 55:7; Eze 18:23; Jon 3:8-10; Act 26:20

that I: Isa 6:10; Mat 13:15; Mar 4:12; Act 3:19, Act 26:18, Act 28:27

Jeremiah 36:4

jer 36:4

Baruch: Jer 36:26, Jer 32:12, Jer 43:3

wrote: Baruch is supposed to have been a disciple of Jeremiah; and being a ready scribe, he was employed by the prophet as his amanuensis. Jer 36:17, Jer 36:18, Jer 36:32, Jer 45:1, Jer 45:2; Rom 16:22

upon: Jer 36:21, Jer 36:23, Jer 36:28, Jer 36:32; Isa 8:1; Eze 2:9; Zac 5:1

Jeremiah 36:5

jer 36:5

Jer 20:2, Jer 32:2, Jer 33:1, Jer 37:15, Jer 38:6, Jer 38:28, Jer 40:4; Co2 11:23; Eph 3:1, Eph 6:20; Ti2 2:9; Heb 11:36

Jeremiah 36:6

jer 36:6

and read: Jer 36:8; Eze 2:3-7

the words: Jer 7:2, Jer 18:11, Jer 19:14, Jer 22:2, Jer 26:2

upon: Jer 36:9; Lev 16:29-31, Lev 23:27-32; Act 27:9

Jeremiah 36:7

jer 36:7

It may: Jer 36:3; Kg1 8:33-36; Ch2 33:12, Ch2 33:13; Dan 9:13; Hos 5:15, Hos 6:1, Hos 14:1-3

they will present their supplication: Heb. their supplication shall fall

and will: Jer 1:3, Jer 25:5; Jon 3:8; Zac 1:4

for: Jer 4:4, Jer 16:10, Jer 19:15, Jer 21:5; Deut. 28:15-68, Deu 29:18-28; Kg2 22:13, Kg2 22:17; Ch2 34:21; Lam 4:11; Eze 5:13, Eze 8:18, Eze 13:13, Eze 20:33, Eze 22:20, Eze 24:8-13

Jeremiah 36:8

jer 36:8

did: Jer 36:4, Jer 1:17; Mat 16:24; Co1 16:10; Phi 2:19-22

in the: Neh 8:3; Luk 4:16-30

Jeremiah 36:9

jer 36:9

am 3398, bc 606

in the fifth: Jer 36:1

they: Lev 23:27; Ch2 20:3; Neh 9:1; Est 4:16; Isa 58:1-3; Joe 1:13, Joe 2:12-17; Jon 3:5; Zac 7:5, Zac 7:6, Zac 8:19

came: Jer 36:6

Jeremiah 36:10

jer 36:10

Then: Jer 36:6, Jer 36:8

in the chamber: Jer 35:4

Gemariah: Jer 36:11, Jer 36:25

Shaphan: Jer 36:11, Jer 26:24, Jer 29:3

the scribe: Jer 52:25; Sa2 8:17, Sa2 20:25; Kg2 18:37

entry: or, door, Jer 26:10; Kg2 15:35

Jeremiah 36:11

jer 36:11

Shaphan: Jer 36:10; Kg2 22:12-14, Kg2 25:22; Ch2 34:20

Jeremiah 36:12

jer 36:12

Elishama: Jer 36:20,Jer 36:21, Jer 41:1

Elnathan: Jer 36:25, Jer 26:22; Kg2 22:12, Kg2 22:14, Kg2 24:8

Gemariah: Jer 36:10,Jer 36:11; Kg2 22:3, Kg2 22:12

Hananiah: Jer. 28:1-17

Jeremiah 36:13

jer 36:13

Kg2 22:10,Kg2 22:19; Ch2 34:16-18, Ch2 34:24; Jon 3:6

Jeremiah 36:14

jer 36:14

Nethaniah: Jer 40:8, Jer 41:1, Jer 41:2, Jer 41:16, Jer 41:18; Kg2 25:23

Cushi: Zep 1:1

took: Jer 36:2; Eze 2:6, Eze 2:7; Mat 10:16, Mat 10:28

Jeremiah 36:15

jer 36:15

and read: Jer 36:21

Jeremiah 36:16

jer 36:16

they were: Jer 36:24; Act 24:25, Act 24:26

We: Jer 13:18, Jer 38:1-4; Amo 7:10,Amo 7:11

Jeremiah 36:17

jer 36:17

Tell: Joh 9:10,Joh 9:11, Joh 9:15, Joh 9:26, Joh 9:27

Jeremiah 36:18

jer 36:18

He: Jer 36:2, Jer 36:4, Jer 43:2, Jer 43:3; Pro 26:4, Pro 26:5

with ink: Baddeyo is rendered by some, after him; but deyo (in Chaldee and Syriac deyootha and in Welsh du) certainly denotes ink; whence are derived the Arabic dawat and deweet and Persian deeveet an ink-holder; the Syriac dayowo, and Persian div the devil. So the Alexandrian copy of the LXX has εν μελανι, and Vulgate atramento "with ink." Perhaps the princes supposed that Baruch had written this roll from memory; and that it was rather to be considered as his composition, than the substance of Jeremiah's prophecies; and they might ask this apparently frivolous question in order to allay the alarms excited by considering it as the word of God. But Baruch, with great simplicity, so answered their question, as to shew that he only acted as Jeremiah's amanuensis, and wrote verbatim what he had dictated.

Jeremiah 36:19

jer 36:19

Jer 36:26, Jer 26:20-24; Kg1 17:3, Kg1 18:4, Kg1 18:10; Ch2 25:15; Pro 28:12; Amo 7:12; Luk 13:31; Act 5:40, Act 23:16-22

Jeremiah 36:20

jer 36:20

Jer 36:12, Jer 36:21

Jeremiah 36:21

jer 36:21

Jehudi: Jer 36:14

And Jehudi: Jer 36:15, Jer 23:28, Jer 26:2; Kg2 22:10; Ch2 34:18; Eze 2:4, Eze 2:5

Jeremiah 36:22

jer 36:22

A warm apartment suited to the season of the year (December, when snow is often upon the ground in Palestine), in which was a pan or brazier (ach or ikhkh as it is pronounced in Arabic) of burning charcoal; for we learn from Bp. Pococke, and Dr. Russel, that this was the mode in which the Orientals warmed their apartments.

Jer 22:14-16, Jer 3:20; Amo 3:15

Jeremiah 36:23

jer 36:23

he cut: Jer 36:29-31; Deu 29:19-21; Kg1 22:8, Kg1 22:27; Psa 50:17; Pro 1:30, Pro 5:12, Pro 13:13; Pro 19:21, Pro 21:30, Pro 29:1; Isa 5:18, Isa 5:19, Isa 28:14, Isa 28:15, Isa 28:17-22; Rev 22:19

Jeremiah 36:24

jer 36:24

they: Jer 36:16; Job 15:4; Psa 36:1, Psa 64:5; Isa 26:11; Rom 3:18

nor rent: Jer 5:3; Kg1 21:27; Kg2 19:1, Kg2 19:2, Kg2 22:11-19; Ch2 34:19-31; Isa 36:22, Isa 37:1; Jon 3:6; Mat 12:41

Jeremiah 36:25

jer 36:25

Elnathan: Jer 36:12, Jer 26:22

made: Jer 13:15-17; Gen 37:22, Gen 37:26-28; Mat 27:4, Mat 27:24, Mat 27:25; Act 5:34-39

but: Pro 21:29

Jeremiah 36:26

jer 36:26

Hammelech: or, the king

to take: Jer 2:30, Jer 26:21-23; Kg1 19:1-3, Kg1 19:10,Kg1 19:14; Mat 23:34-37, Mat 26:47-50; Joh 7:32, Joh 8:20, Joh 11:57

but: Jer 36:5, Jer 36:19, Jer 1:19, Jer 15:20,Jer 15:21; Kg1 17:3, Kg1 17:9, Kg1 18:4, Kg1 18:10-12; Kg2 6:18-20; Psa 27:5, Psa 32:7, Psa 57:1, Psa 64:2, Psa 91:1, Psa 121:8; Isa 26:20; Joh 8:59; Act 12:11

Jeremiah 36:27

jer 36:27

Jer 36:23

Jeremiah 36:28

jer 36:28

Jer 28:13, Jer 28:14, Jer 44:28; Job 23:13; Zac 1:5, Zac 1:6; Mat 24:35; Ti2 2:13

Jeremiah 36:29

jer 36:29

Thou hast: Deu 29:19; Job 15:24, Job 40:8; Isa 45:9; Act 5:39; Co1 10:22

Why: Jer 26:9, Jer 32:3; Isa 29:21, Isa 30:10; Act 5:28

The king: Jer 21:4-7, Jer 21:10, Jer 28:8, Jer 32:28-30, Jer 34:21, Jer 34:22

Jeremiah 36:30

jer 36:30

He shall: Jer 22:30; Kg2 24:12-15

and his: Jer 22:18; Gen 31:40

in the: Sir J. Chardin observes, "In the Lower Asia, in particular, the day is always hot; and as soon as the sun is fifteen degrees above the horizon, no cold is felt in the depth of winter itself. On the contrary, in the height of summer the nights are as cold as at Paris in the month of March. It is for this reason that in Persia and Turkey they always make use of furred habits in the country, such only being sufficient to resist the cold of the nights. I have travelled in Arabia, and in Mesopotamia (the theatre of the adventures of Jacob), both in winter and in summer, and have found the truth of what the Patriarch said, "That he was scorched with the heat in the day, and stiffened with cold in the night" (Gen 31:40). This contrariety in the qualities of the air in twenty-four hours is extremely great in some places, and not conceivable by those that have not felt it; one would imagine that he had passed in a moment from the violent heats of summer to the depth of winter. Thus it had pleased God to temper the heat of the sun by the coldness of night, without which the greatest part of the East would be barren, and a desert.

Jeremiah 36:31

jer 36:31

punish: Heb. visit upon, Jer 23:34 *marg.

will bring: Jer 11:8, Jer 17:18, Jer 19:15, Jer 29:17-19, Jer 35:17, Jer 44:4-14; Lev 26:14; Deut. 28:15-68; Pro 29:1

but: Mat 23:37

Jeremiah 36:32

jer 36:32

took: Jer 36:28-30

who: Jer 36:4, Jer 36:18; Exo 4:15, Exo 4:16; Rom 16:22

there: Lev 26:18, Lev 26:21, Lev 26:24, Lev 26:28; Dan 3:19; Rev 22:18

like words: Heb. words as they

Next: Jeremiah Chapter 37