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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Jeremiah Chapter 41


jer 41:0


Jer 41:1, Ishmael, treacherously killing Gedaliah and others, purposes with the residue to flee unto the Ammonites; Jer 41:11, Johanan recovers the captives, and is minded to flee into Egypt.

Jeremiah 41:1

jer 41:1

the seventh month: This was the month Tisri answering to the new moon of September, the seventh of the sacred, but the first of the civil year; on the third day of which the Jews keep a fast, in commemoration of the death of Gedaliah, to which the prophet Zechariah refers, Zac 8:19; Jer 39:2, Jer 52:6. Kg2 25:3, Kg2 25:8, Kg2 25:25. Zac 7:5; Zac 8:19.

Ishmael: Jer 40:6, Jer 40:8

Elishama: Jer 36:12, Jer 36:20

of the: Pro 13:10, Pro 27:4; Jam 4:1-3

seed: Kg2 11:1; Ch2 22:10; Eze 17:13

they did: Jer 40:14-16; Sa2 3:27, Sa2 20:9, Sa2 20:10; Psa 41:9, Psa 109:5; Pro 26:23-26; Dan 11:26, Dan 11:27; Luk 22:47, Luk 22:48; Joh 13:18

Jeremiah 41:2

jer 41:2

and smote: Kg2 25:25

whom: Jer 40:7

Jeremiah 41:3

jer 41:3

Jer 41:11, Jer 41:12; Kg2 25:25; Ecc 9:18; Lam 1:2

Jeremiah 41:4

jer 41:4

after: Sa1 27:11; Psa 52:1, Psa 52:2

Jeremiah 41:5

jer 41:5

came: Kg2 10:13, Kg2 10:14

Shechem: Gen 33:18, Gen 34:2; Jos 24:32; Jdg 9:1; Kg1 12:1, Kg1 12:25

Shiloh: Jer 7:12, Jer 7:14; Jos 18:1

Samaria: Kg1 16:24, Kg1 16:29

their beards: All these were signs of deep mourning; which, though forbidden on funeral occasions, were customary, and perhaps counted allowable, on seasons of public calamity, and this mourning was probably on account of the destruction of Jerusalem. Lev 19:27, Lev 19:28; Deu 14:1; Sa2 10:4; Isa 15:2

to the: Sa1 1:7; Kg2 25:9; Psa 102:14

Jeremiah 41:6

jer 41:6

weeping: etc. Heb. in going and weeping, Jer 50:4; Sa2 1:2-16, Sa2 3:16; Pro 26:23-26

Jeremiah 41:7

jer 41:7

slew: Kg1 15:28, Kg1 15:29, Kg1 16:10-12; Kg2 11:1, Kg2 11:2, Kg2 15:25; Psa 55:23; Pro 1:16; Isa 59:7; Eze 22:27, Eze 33:24-26; Rom 3:15

Jeremiah 41:8

jer 41:8

Slay: Job 2:4; Psa 49:6-8; Pro 13:8; Mat 6:25, Mat 16:26; Mar 8:36, Mar 8:37; Phi 3:7-9

treasures: These "treasures hid in the field" were doubtless laid up in subterranean pits, similar to the mattamores in Barbary, in which, Dr. Shaw informs us, they deposit the grain when winnowed; two or three hundred of them being sometimes together, and the smallest holding four hundred bushels. The same mode of keeping corn prevails in Syria and the Holy Land.

Jeremiah 41:9

jer 41:9

the pit: This was probably a large reservoir for receiving rain water, which Asa had caused to be made in the midst of the city, in case of a siege.

because of Gedaliah: or, near Gedaliah, Heb. by the hand, or the side of Gedaliah. was it. Jos 10:16-18; Jdg 6:2; Sa1 13:6, Sa1 14:11, Sa1 14:22, Sa1 24:3; Sa2 17:9; Heb 11:38

for fear: Kg1 15:17-22; Ch2 16:1-10

Jeremiah 41:10

jer 41:10

all the: Jer 40:11, Jer 40:12

even: Jer 22:30, Jer 39:6, Jer 43:5-7, Jer 44:12-14

whom: Jer 40:7

to the: Jer 40:14; Neh 2:10,Neh 2:19, Neh 4:7, Neh 4:8, Neh 6:17, Neh 6:18, Neh 13:4-8

Jeremiah 41:11

jer 41:11

Johanan: Jer 41:2, Jer 41:3, Jer 41:7, Jer 40:7, Jer 40:8, Jer 40:13-16, Jer 42:1, Jer 42:3, Jer 43:2-5

Jeremiah 41:12

jer 41:12

to fight: Gen 14:14-16; Sa1 30:1-8, Sa1 30:18-20

the great: Sa2 2:13

Jeremiah 41:13

jer 41:13

that when: They appear to have been weary of the tyranny of Ishmael, and glad of an opportunity to abandon him.

Jeremiah 41:15

jer 41:15

escaped: Sa1 30:17; Kg1 20:20; Job 21:30; Pro 28:17; Ecc 8:11, Ecc 8:12; Act 28:4

eight men: Jer 41:2; Kg2 25:25

Jeremiah 41:16

jer 41:16

even: Jer 41:10, Jer 42:8, Jer 43:4-7

Jeremiah 41:17

jer 41:17

Chimham: Sa2 19:37, Sa2 19:38

to go: As Johanan and the other princes had taken a decided part against Ishmael, they had no sufficient reason to fear that the Chaldeans would revenge on them the murder of Gedaliah; but perhaps Johanan was unwilling to be superseded in the command which he had rightly assumed, and so used his influence to induce the whole company to take refuge in Egypt; and their old attachment to the Egyptians rendered them more ready to concur in this ruinous measure. Jer 42:14, Jer 42:19, Jer 43:7; Isa 30:2, Isa 30:3

Jeremiah 41:18

jer 41:18

for they: Jer 42:11, Jer 42:16, Jer 43:2, Jer 43:3; Kg2 25:25; Isa 30:16, Isa 30:17, Isa 51:12, Isa 51:13, Isa 57:11; Luk 12:4, Luk 12:5

because: Jer 41:2

whom: Jer 40:5

Next: Jeremiah Chapter 42