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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Joshua Chapter 21


jos 21:0


Jos 21:1, Eight and forty cities given by lot, out of the other tribes, unto the Levites; Jos 21:43, God gives the land, and rest unto the Israelites, according to his promise.

Joshua 21:1

jos 21:1

the heads: Jos 19:51; Exo 6:14, Exo 6:25

Eleazar: Jos 14:1, Jos 17:4; Num 34:17-29

Joshua 21:2

jos 21:2

Shiloh: Jos 18:1

The Lord: Num 35:2-8; Eze 48:9-18; Mat 10:10; Gal 6:6; Ti1 5:17, Ti1 5:18

Joshua 21:3

jos 21:3

unto the Levites: Gen 49:7; Deu 33:8-10; 1Chr. 6:54-81

Joshua 21:4

jos 21:4

the children: Jos 21:8-19, Jos 24:33; Ch1 6:54-60

the tribe: These tribes furnished more habitation to the Levites, in proportion, than any of the other tribes, because they possessed a more extensive inheritance, agreeably to what Moses had commanded (Num 35:8). It is worthy of remark, that the principal part of this tribe, whose business was to minister at the sanctuary, which sanctuary was afterwards established at Jerusalem, had their appointment nearest to that city; so that they were always within reach of the sacred work which God had appointed them.

Joshua 21:5

jos 21:5

Jos 21:20-26; Gen 46:11; Exo 6:16-25; Num 3:27; Ch1 6:18, Ch1 6:19, Ch1 6:61, Ch1 6:66-70

Joshua 21:6

jos 21:6

Jos 21:27-33; Exo 6:16, Exo 6:17; Num 3:21, Num 3:22; Ch1 6:62, Ch1 6:71-76

Joshua 21:7

jos 21:7

Jos 21:34-40; Exo 6:19; Num 3:20; Ch1 6:63, Ch1 6:77-81

Joshua 21:8

jos 21:8

by lot: Jos 21:3, Jos 18:6; Num 33:54, Num 35:3; Pro 16:33, Pro 18:18

as the Lord: Num 32:2

Joshua 21:9

jos 21:9

these cities: Jos 21:13-18; Ch1 6:65

mentioned: Heb. called

Joshua 21:10

jos 21:10

Jos 21:4; Exo 6:18, Exo 6:20-26; Num 3:2-4, Num 3:19, Num 3:27, Num 4:2

Joshua 21:11

jos 21:11

And they: Ch1 6:55

the city of Arba: or, Kirjath-arba, Jos 15:13, Jos 15:14, Jos 15:54; Gen 23:2, Gen 35:27; Jdg 1:10

is Hebron: Sa2 2:1-3, Sa2 5:1-5, Sa2 15:7

in the hill: Jos 20:7-9; Luk 1:39

Joshua 21:12

jos 21:12

Jos 14:13-15; Ch1 6:55-57

Joshua 21:13

jos 21:13

they gave: Ch1 6:56

Hebron: Jos 15:54

a city: Jos 20:7; Num 35:6

Libnah: Jos 10:29, Jos 15:42; Ch1 6:57; Isa 37:8

Joshua 21:14

jos 21:14

Jattir: Jattir or Jether, according to Eusebius, was situated in the district of Daroma, or the southern part of Judah, 20 miles (south) from Eleutheropolis, towards the city of Malatha. Jos 15:48; Sa1 30:27, Sa1 30:28

Eshtemoa: Eusebius says Eshtemoa, or Esthema, was a great city in the south of Judah, and in the district of Eleutheropolis, north of that city. Jos 15:50, Eshtemoh

Joshua 21:15

jos 21:15

Holon: Jos 15:51; Ch1 6:58, Hilen

Debir: Jos 12:13, Jos 15:49

Joshua 21:16

jos 21:16

Ain: Jos 15:42; Ch1 6:59, Ashan

Juttah: Eusebius says Juttah was a great town 18 miles south from Eleutheropolis. Jos 15:55

Bethshemesh: Jos 15:10; Sa1 6:9, Sa1 6:12; Ch1 6:59

Joshua 21:17

jos 21:17

Gibeon: Jos 9:3, Jos 18:25; Ch1 6:60

Geba: Jos 18:24, Gaba

Joshua 21:18

jos 21:18

Anathoth: Anathoth was situated about three miles northward from Jerusalem according to Eusebius and Jerome (in Jer. 1:20); or twenty furlongs, according to Josephus. Ant. I. x. c. 7 sec. 3. Kg1 2:26; Isa 10:30; Jer 1:1

Almon: Ch1 6:60, Alemeth

Joshua 21:20

jos 21:20

Jos 21:5; Ch1 6:66

Joshua 21:21

jos 21:21

Shechem: Jos 20:7; Gen 33:19; Jdg 9:1; Kg1 12:1

Gezer: Jos 16:10; Kg1 9:15-17; Ch1 6:67

Joshua 21:22

jos 21:22

Bethhoron: Jos 16:3, Jos 16:5, Jos 18:13, Jos 18:14; Ch1 6:68

Joshua 21:23

jos 21:23

Eltekeh: Jos 19:44, Jos 19:45

Gibbethon: Probably the Gabatha mentioned by Eusebius and Jerome, as situated in the south of Judah, 12 miles from Eleutheropolis, where the prophet Habakkuk's sepulchre was shown.

Joshua 21:24

jos 21:24

Aijalon: Jos 10:12, Jos 19:42, Ajalon, Ch1 6:69

Gathrimmon: Gathrimmon is said by Jerome to be a great town 10 miles from Diospolis, or Lydda, towards Eleutheropolis.

Joshua 21:25

jos 21:25

Aner and Bileam are mentioned in Chronicles, instead of Tanach and Gath-rimmon (Ch1 6:70). Either the cities had at this time different names, or afterwards their names were changed; or the Levites, being by some means dispossessed of the cities first assigned them, received others from their brethren. A careful examination of the marginal references will discover other variations of this kind, which may be accounted for in the same manner.

Tanach: Jos 17:11; Jdg 5:19

Joshua 21:27

jos 21:27

And unto: Jos 21:6

Golan: Jos 20:8; Deu 1:4, Deu 4:43; Ch1 6:71

Beeshterah: It is very probable that Beesh-terah is a contraction of baith ashtaroth, "the house of Ashtaroth," and the same as Ashtaroth, which is the reading in Ch1 6:71.

Joshua 21:28

jos 21:28

Dabareh: Jos 19:12; Ch1 6:72, Ch1 6:73

Joshua 21:29

jos 21:29

Jarmuth: This seems to be the same city with Remeth, Jos 10:19, Jos 10:21, and Ramoth, Ch1 6:73, mentioned with Engannim. Jos 10:3, Jos 10:23, Jos 12:11

Joshua 21:30

jos 21:30

Mishal: Jos 19:25-28, Misheal, Ch1 6:74, Ch1 6:75, Mashal

Joshua 21:31

jos 21:31

Rehob: See note on Num 13:21. Jdg 1:31, Jdg 18:21; Ch1 6:75

Joshua 21:32

jos 21:32

Kedesh: Jos 19:37, Jos 20:7; Ch1 6:76

Hammothdor: Supposed by many to be the same as Tiberias; so called from the hot-baths, as the word Chammoth may denote, in its vicinity. Jos 19:35, Hammath

Kartan: Supposed to be the same as Kirjathaim. Ch1 6:76

Joshua 21:34

jos 21:34

And unto: Jos 21:7; Ch1 6:77

Jokneam: Jos 12:22, Jos 19:11, Jos 19:15

Joshua 21:35

jos 21:35

Dimnah: This and the following verse are wholly omitted by the Masora, and many Hebrew Bibles which are esteemed very highly; though, without them, neither the twelve cities of the Merarites in particular (Jos 21:40), nor the forty-eight Levitical cities in general (Jos 21:41), nor the six cities of refuge, can be made up. But these two verses, are thus absolutely necessary for the truth and consistency of this chapter, are happily preserved in no less than 149 manuscripts collated by Dr. Kennicott, and upwards of 40 collated by De Rossi. Jos 21:35

Joshua 21:36

jos 21:36

Bezer: Jos 20:8; Deu 4:43; Ch1 6:78, Ch1 6:79

Jahazah: Jos 13:18; Num 21:23; Ch1 6:78, Jahzah

Joshua 21:38

jos 21:38

Ramoth: Jos 20:8; Kg1 22:3; Ch1 6:80

Mahanaim: Gen 32:2; Sa2 17:24, Sa2 19:32

Joshua 21:39

jos 21:39

Heshbon: Jos 13:17, Jos 13:21; Num 21:26-30, Num 32:37; Ch1 6:81

Jazer: Num 32:1, Num 32:3, Num 32:35, Jaazer, Isa 16:8, Isa 16:9; Jer 48:32

Joshua 21:41

jos 21:41

within: Gen 49:7; Num 35:1-8; Deu 33:10

forty: At the last census, the tribe of Levi amounted only to 23,000 (Num 26:62); and it is thought by some that forty-eight cities was too great a proportion for this tribe. But it should be considered, that cities in ancient times were little more than villages.

Joshua 21:43

jos 21:43

Gen 12:7, Gen 13:15, Gen 15:13-21, Gen 26:3, Gen 26:4, Gen 28:4, Gen 28:13, Gen 28:14; Exo 3:8, Exo 23:27-31; Psa 44:3, Psa 106:42-45

Joshua 21:44

jos 21:44

Jos 1:15, Jos 11:23, Jos 22:4, Jos 22:9; Deu 7:22-24, Deu 31:3-5; Heb 4:9

Joshua 21:45

jos 21:45

Jos 23:14, Jos 23:15; Num 23:19; Kg1 8:56; Co1 1:9; Th1 5:24; Tit 1:2; Heb 6:18

Next: Joshua Chapter 22