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Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge, by R.A. Torrey, [ca. 1880], at

Joshua Chapter 20


jos 20:0


Jos 20:1, God commands, Jos 20:7, and the children of Israel appoint the six cities of refuge.

Joshua 20:1

jos 20:1

spake: Jos 5:14, Jos 6:2, Jos 7:10, Jos 13:1-7

Joshua 20:2

jos 20:2

Appoint: Exo 21:13, Exo 21:14; Num 35:6, Num 35:11-14; Deu 4:41-43, Deu 19:2-13; Rom 8:1, Rom 8:33, Rom 8:34; Heb 6:18, Heb 6:19

you refuge: Num 35:15-24

Joshua 20:4

jos 20:4

at the entering: Rut 4:1, Rut 4:2; Job 5:4, Job 29:7; Pro 31:23; Jer 38:7

take: Psa 26:9

that he may: Heb 6:18

Joshua 20:5

jos 20:5

Num 35:12, Num 35:25

Joshua 20:6

jos 20:6

until: Num 35:12, Num 35:24, Num 35:25; Heb 9:26

Joshua 20:7

jos 20:7

appointed: Heb. sanctified

Kedesh: Kedesh, called Cadesa, or Caidesa, by Josephus, was situated in Upper Galilee, twenty miles south-east from Tyre, according to Eusebius. The cities of refuge were distributed through the land at proper distances from each other, that they might be convenient to every part of the land; and it is said they were situated on eminences, that they might be easily seen at a distance; the roads leading to them being broad, even, and always kept in good repair. Kedesh and Hebron were at the two extremities of the land, the former being in Galilee, and the latter in Judah, both in mountainous districts, and Shechem was in mount Ephraim, nearly in the centre. Bezer was east of Jordan, in the eastern part of the plain opposite Jericho; Ramoth was about the midst of the country of the two tribes and a half, being about the middle of the mountains of Gilead; and Golan, the capital of Gaulonitis, was situated in the tribe of Manasseh, in the land of Bashan. As this institution is considered as a type of Christ, some expositors observe a significancy in the names of these cities with application to Him as Our Refuge. Kedesh signifies holy, and our refuge is the holy Jesus. Shechem, a shoulder, "and the government is upon his shoulder." Hebron, fellowship, and believers are called into the fellowship of Christ Jesus our Lord. Bezer, a fortification, for he is a strong hold to all them that trust in him. Ramoth, high, or exalted, for him hath God exalted with his own right hand. Golan, joy, or exultation, for in him all the saints are justified, and shall glory. Jos 21:32; Ch1 6:76

Shechem: Jos 21:21; Gen 33:18, Gen 33:19; Ch2 10:1

Kirjatharba: Jos 14:15, Jos 21:11, Jos 21:13

mountain: Luk 1:39

Joshua 20:8

jos 20:8

Bezer: Jos 21:36; Deu 4:43; Ch1 6:78

Ramoth: Jos 21:38; Kg1 22:3, Kg1 22:4, Kg1 22:6; Ch1 6:80

Golan: Jos 21:27

Joshua 20:9

jos 20:9

the cities: Num 35:15

until he stood: Jos 20:4, Jos 20:6

Next: Joshua Chapter 21